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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 424


Mocata said:

Jeez what a mess. Imagine being the EU writer trying to cover over all the cracks.

The EU consisted of about six novels, a few storybooks, and the Marvel comic at the time. 😉

This inexplicable need to give everyone who ever walked past a camera in a Star Wars film a backstory is the real issue.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Well it’s more weird of they’re the same actor on camera out of continuity. Or the same character with a different actor. Or when I notice a gaffe 35 years after it was released and probably watched more than once a year…


Like that’s never happened before. 😛

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Like that’s never happened before. 😛

Ah!! Fake Wedge!

You know, since I was a kid, in my brain the first guy is always what I think Wedge actually looks like. Even though Dennis Lawson spent way more screen time as the character, his face is always obscured and distorted by the helmet, chinstrap, and yellow visor. So when I think of Wedge, fake Wedge is my automatic go-to image of him, if that makes any sense.


I never noticed they weren’t the same guy when I was younger. They were both dubbed by the same fellow anyway.

Wedge did doff his helmet at the end of ROTJ though.

One of few the SE changes I did like was they added a bit more footage, where Wedge and Luke had a nice little moment. As one of the unsung heroes of the OT, he deserved it.

I still hope Wedge turns up in Episode IX somehow!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


As a kid, I had no idea they were supposed to be the same person. I don’t know how anyone would know that when the fake one isn’t named out loud.


As a kid, at first, I had no idea it wasn’t the same person.

Huh, so it was Lawson’s voice in ESB and ROTJ. But he was dubbed in ANH. Interesting.


ray_afraid said:

DominicCobb said:

As a kid, I had no idea they were supposed to be the same person. I don’t know how anyone would know that when the fake one isn’t named out loud.

Same. And I still don’t really understand what the problem is.
Two different people, two different pilots. Why does the first guy need to be Wedge anyway?

'Cause script or novelization or comic adaptation or mumblemumblemumblemumble. . . .


I never really put any though to it when basically everyone in the briefing vanishes except for Gold Leader.


Mocata said:

I never really put any though to it when basically everyone in the briefing vanishes except for Gold Leader.

There were people who were eager to replace “fake Wedge”, so might as well replace all the pilots then…

Or not.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I don’t like to cast aspersions on the fans because I know you mean well, but what I have found is that ninety-nine percent of the Jar Jar Binks haters are failures at life. In essence, these haters are taking out their frustrations on Jar Jar. I don’t mean to be cruel, but we need to examine the facts. The most popular Star Wars collectibles are all Jar Jar-related. Now, the failures at life who have no money, no women, and no future will spend all day on the Internet talking about how they hate Jar Jar Binks. This is very sad. The Phantom Menace is one of the top five films of all time.


snooker said:

I don’t like to cast aspersions on the fans because I know you mean well, but what I have found is that ninety-nine percent of the Jar Jar Binks haters are failures at life. In essence, these haters are taking out their frustrations on Jar Jar.

Well, yeah, but…


You do know Supershadow was a colossal fake?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Oofa doofa. Looks like Wikiquote needs to update their list lol.


I would say so!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Is there any audience recording of Phantom Menace? Or does anyone who saw it in theaters remember the experience? When were the big ‘ooh’ or ‘ahh’ moments? Any cheering?


That’s a good question! I think the audience went nuts when Darth Maul whips out his double saber and Duel Of The Fates was heard for the first time. Funny how I can recall audience reactions to the OT more vividly. But I did see those multiple times.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?