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The Random EU Thoughts Thread — Page 10


ZkinandBonez said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Meh, stranger things have happened in SW.

Dare I ask?

These two? Lovers.


Well, that’s what I get for asking.

I guess some EU writers were just really into inter-species relationships.

Somehow I think I just came across an even weirder one while reading the Lando series:

http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aleksin & http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pavol

Apparently these two cat-men aliens are both clones and lovers. I’m not sure what to think about this one.

Their template must have been one narcissistic fellow.


DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Meh, stranger things have happened in SW.

Dare I ask?

These two? Lovers.


Well, that’s what I get for asking.

I guess some EU writers were just really into inter-species relationships.

Somehow I think I just came across an even weirder one while reading the Lando series:

http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aleksin & http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pavol

Apparently these two cat-men aliens are both clones and lovers. I’m not sure what to think about this one.

Their template must have been one narcissistic fellow.

Pretty much. A sub-plot in the comic is actually that they want a clone “child”. I guess two of him just wasn’t enough.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.


I’m still waiting for someone to convince me that finishing the Thrawn trilogy is worth it even though I didn’t care for Heir to the Empire.


DominicCobb said:

I’m still waiting for someone to convince me that finishing the Thrawn trilogy is worth it even though I didn’t care for Heir to the Empire.

If you didn’t, than it isn’t.


Darth Sidious and Darth Plaugies are Darth Vader’s fathers as was hinted at/confirmed in the novel Darth Plaugies.


ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.


DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.

Well that goes without saying (the Snoke novel part, that is). However, I was more referring to the politics of the SW galaxy. I figure at some point the new EU have to invent some new factions and some lesser conflicts/wars that doesn’t follow the OT formula. I find it hard to believe that they can just do “rebels” vs “empire” for the whole thirty year time span. Maybe for now, but at some point they really do have to think up something else.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.

Well that goes without saying (the Snoke novel part, that is). However, I was more referring to the politics of the SW galaxy. I figure at some point the new EU have to invent some new factions and some lesser conflicts/wars that doesn’t follow the OT formula. I find it hard to believe that they can just do “rebels” vs “empire” for the whole thirty year time span. Maybe for now, but at some point they really do have to think up something else.

They practically can’t for most of those thirty years. They’ve established that the Empire was defeated a year after Endor. On the other side, the First Order didn’t come to be known until at most around six years before TFA, and even then it wasn’t until basically TFA that there was actually an out and out war with them.


DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.

Well that goes without saying (the Snoke novel part, that is). However, I was more referring to the politics of the SW galaxy. I figure at some point the new EU have to invent some new factions and some lesser conflicts/wars that doesn’t follow the OT formula. I find it hard to believe that they can just do “rebels” vs “empire” for the whole thirty year time span. Maybe for now, but at some point they really do have to think up something else.

They practically can’t for most of those thirty years. They’ve established that the Empire was defeated a year after Endor. On the other side, the First Order didn’t come to be known until at most around six years before TFA, and even then it wasn’t until basically TFA that there was actually an out and out war with them.

Shouldn’t that make it easier for them? That means they have 24 years without the First Order. At least 15-20 of those years should be available for the EU in the coming years. After all, the ST is done in 2019, so even the remaining few years should be up for EU exploration in not too long a time.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.

Well that goes without saying (the Snoke novel part, that is). However, I was more referring to the politics of the SW galaxy. I figure at some point the new EU have to invent some new factions and some lesser conflicts/wars that doesn’t follow the OT formula. I find it hard to believe that they can just do “rebels” vs “empire” for the whole thirty year time span. Maybe for now, but at some point they really do have to think up something else.

They practically can’t for most of those thirty years. They’ve established that the Empire was defeated a year after Endor. On the other side, the First Order didn’t come to be known until at most around six years before TFA, and even then it wasn’t until basically TFA that there was actually an out and out war with them.

Shouldn’t that make it easier for them? That means they have 24 years without the First Order. At least 15-20 of those years should be available for the EU in the coming years. After all, the ST is done in 2019, so even the remaining few years should be up for EU exploration in not too long a time.

When I said “can’t” I meant they can’t do rebels vs empire. It’s an extremely open slate. If I’m not mistaken, besides a few isolated flashbacks in the Phasma novel, we’ve had no content at all yet in the 23 year gap between the final Aftermath book (where the Empire is defeated) and the novel Bloodline (where the First Order makes their “first” appearance). So pretty much anything can happen in there.


DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ElectroDroid said:

So I was on the whole kind of disappointed with the ST after TLJ, and I realized its mostly because the ST is just a rebootquel, not the continuation I wanted. So I’m going to check out the Thrawn Trilogy and see how I like it compared to the ST.

Just keep in mind (if you didn’t already know) that the Thrawn trilogy takes place only five years after ROTJ, so there’s still Imperials, etc. Though at this point they’re the underdogs, and the Rebellion has became the New Republic. All the new factions start showing up in the later novels.

I’m really curious to see what the new EU novels will do in the future to cover the gap in between ROTJ and TFA. Either very little will happen, or a lot will happen until everything returns back to “empire” vs “rebels.”

One of these days they’ll make a trilogy of novels about Snoke and how he acquired all his money and finally fanboys will stop complaining…

…well, at least the part about making novels about Snoke is plausible.

Well that goes without saying (the Snoke novel part, that is). However, I was more referring to the politics of the SW galaxy. I figure at some point the new EU have to invent some new factions and some lesser conflicts/wars that doesn’t follow the OT formula. I find it hard to believe that they can just do “rebels” vs “empire” for the whole thirty year time span. Maybe for now, but at some point they really do have to think up something else.

They practically can’t for most of those thirty years. They’ve established that the Empire was defeated a year after Endor. On the other side, the First Order didn’t come to be known until at most around six years before TFA, and even then it wasn’t until basically TFA that there was actually an out and out war with them.

Shouldn’t that make it easier for them? That means they have 24 years without the First Order. At least 15-20 of those years should be available for the EU in the coming years. After all, the ST is done in 2019, so even the remaining few years should be up for EU exploration in not too long a time.

When I said “can’t” I meant they can’t do rebels vs empire. It’s an extremely open slate. If I’m not mistaken, besides a few isolated flashbacks in the Phasma novel, we’ve had no content at all yet in the 23 year gap between the final Aftermath book (where the Empire is defeated) and the novel Bloodline (where the First Order makes their “first” appearance). So pretty much anything can happen in there.

Ah, I see.

Well in that case it’ll be pretty interesting to see what the new canon can come up with for those years in the future.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I just can’t believe how badly they’ve handcuffed themselves when it comes to room for more stories.

Why in the world would you end the conflict with the Empire just a year after ROTJ? That doesn’t even sound plausible.

The only conflict they’ve made room for is the wiping out of Hutt cartels as was referenced in Bloodlines. Something else that book establishes is that the Republic has been at peace for decades. So no real room for stories.

Fast forward to TFA and it’s revealed the attack with the Starkiller is the first time the First Order has committed an act of war. So no room for stories leading up to TFA.

TLJ starts immediately after the last film, so no room for stories there again.

The only chance they’ve got is if there’s a time jump between VIII and IX.

It’s just bizarre to me how they didn’t worked this out ahead of time and have instead written themselves into a very tight corner.

Forum Moderator

No room for rebels vs Empire kind of stories. Plenty of room for whatever else. Not every story has to be a massive galactic conflict.


DominicCobb said:

No room for rebels vs Empire kind of stories. Plenty of room for whatever else. Not every story has to be a massive galactic conflict.

They can do small character stories which is a lot of what they’ve been doing but that’s not sustainable.

Forum Moderator

So I just finished reading the book Dark Tide II: Ruin and I’m very confused by the space-station pictured on the cover (both the American and the Japanese version).

What is it? As far as I could tell it never appeared in the story. When I first bought the book I figured it was a reference to TPM which had just been released a year before the book, because it kinda looks like one of the Trade Federation command ships, but none of those were ever mentioned.

Link to American cover


Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

So I just finished reading the book Dark Tide II: Ruin and I’m very confused by the space-station pictured on the cover (both the American and the Japanese version).

What is it? As far as I could tell it never appeared in the story. When I first bought the book I figured it was a reference to TPM which had just been released a year before the book, because it kinda looks like one of the Trade Federation command ships, but none of those were ever mentioned.

Link to American cover


It was gonna be in the unreleased middle book of the Dark Tide trilogy that was cut down to two books. I guess they were too lazy to remove it from the cover.

Not enough people read the EU.


God I hated Dark Tide. If you want to talk Mary Sues in Star Wars (and I absolutely don’t), Corran Horn is in a league all his own.


joefavs said:

God I hated Dark Tide. If you want to talk Mary Sues in Star Wars (and I absolutely don’t), Corran Horn is in a league all his own.

Really? I loved the Dark Tide books, especially compared to what came before and after (Vector Prime and Agents of Chaos). I found Corran to be an interesting character.

Not enough people read the EU.


joefavs said:

God I hated Dark Tide. If you want to talk Mary Sues in Star Wars (and I absolutely don’t), Corran Horn is in a league all his own.

“Mary Sue”? I haven’t read any other books with Corran Horn, but in Dark Tide he fails pretty spectacularly. In the first book he nearly gets killed at the end and has to be saved, and in the second book he has to leave both the New Republic army and the Jedi Order after he is blamed for the destruction of an entire planet.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Corran is a bit of a “Mary Sue” in the X-wing books and I, Jedi. But I never read anything with him in it later in the timeline so I can’t speak to later developments.


All right, Mary Sue may not be the right designation given the fact that he ultimately does biff it pretty hard. But I found it pretty obnoxious that Stackpole’s original character, who up to that point didn’t show up anywhere outside his own books except for a pretty minor role in Zahn’s Hand of Thrawn, is painted as this all-around cool guy who rules the school on Yavin, is best friends with Luke Skywalker (seemingly out of nowhere if you haven’t read Stackpole’s other stuff), has comebacks and zingers snappier than Han’s, and is the one who takes on the high stakes single combat at the end. These were my first Stackpole books, and not being terribly familiar with the character, my constant thought was “who the hell is this guy that this book clearly thinks I care deeply about already for some reason?”. It felt like Stackpole derailed the whole thing just to make it about his guy.