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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 370


Collipso said:

TV’s Frink said:

Collipso said:

TV’s Frink said:

Collipso said:

chyron8472 said:

Collipso said:

SilverWook said:

joefavs said:

I’m of two minds on the Maul thing. I think bringing him back was a dumb idea and I’d never have done it if I was a showrunner, but once they’d done it they did go on to do some genuinely interesting things with him.

Wasn’t it Geroge’s idea?

Most of that show came from George’s ideas.

But that’s the key: they’re just his ideas. Not his writing or direction.

And? It was asked if it was his idea and the answer is “yes, most of that show came from George’s ideas”. Let’s not bash someone for the sake of bashing. And I don’t even think he’s a bad director.


Working with actors is one of the most (if not the most) important jobs for a director, and he can’t do it. He hates doing it and it shows on screen. He can’t make bad actors better, he makes marginal actors bad, and he makes great actors average.

I don’t think he makes actors’ performances worse. He just allows the actors to have their own interpretations. Naturally that works sometimes and doesn’t work lots of times.

I don’t know why you think Jake’s and Natalie’s performances in TPM, just to pick two, are their faults due to their interpretations, rather than his failings as a director. He doesn’t like actors. He likes computers. And he’s spent most of his career trying to work less with the actors and more with the computers.

Lloyd was 8 or 7 and Portman was like 16. If you leave them acting by themselves with little to no guidance with an awful script you’ll most certainly get bad acting in response. Lucas’ script didn’t suit Lucas’ style as director.

In short, yes, it’s his fault that they acted poorly, but that’s always been his style, his way of directing. It definitely doesn’t suit child actors. Fisher was pretty far from good in ANH, to be honest, to show that it’s always been like this.

So his “style” is bad acting? You still don’t think that means he’s a bad director? It’s a deliberate choice and that makes it ok?

I give up.


Mocata said:

Okay, real talk.

When did TIE Fighters become ships with air inside? Is this just a TFA thing or is the old pilot dependency thing non-movie level canon? If so why do the FO pilots still have the mask with a hose attached?

I always thought it was just an extra level of protection for the pilot in case of a hull breach. (And make them as faceless and emotionless as stormtroopers.) They did design oxygen masks for the rebel pilots in the original film, but were nixed so the good guys’ faces could be seen.
On a side note, I think the old Marvel comic drew Vader with a life support hose while flying his fighter at least once. No evidence he ever had one in the film, AFAIK.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I dunno, I just always remember reading somewhere that they have no life support, no shields and no landing gear, no long distance power supply or hyperdrive engine; to make them totally dependant on the capital ships (and therefore the Empire itself) which was a creepy extra detail. The windows on the top hatch didn’t have any glass, just two exposed holes.


Holes in the hatch would probably let in debris in the heat of a battle. How many open air cockpit jet fighters have you ever seen? 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Holes in the hatch would probably let in debris in the heat of a battle. How many open air cockpit jet fighters have you ever seen? 😉

It’s a space superiority fighter XD

I swear this isn’t made up. Maybe it is.


Posting here since I want to respond, but I’m not gonna bump a long-dead Clone Wars thread.

Collipso said:

About the 2008 Clone Wars cartoon: I like some of it, but I think most of its content conflicts with the actual movies way too much. Am I supposed to believe that “it’s unfair!” Anakin from Episode III or “he’s jealous! He’s holding me back!” Anakin from Episode II wasn’t granted the rank of master for whatever reason, even though he was a good teacher and a great general? I mean, it would suit Darth Vader, for sure, but not RotS Anakin, and even less AotC Anakin.

I suppose Anakin being too likable is a bit of a problem 😉

IMO, TCW Anakin is the “true” Anakin, he’s everything that Obi-Wan described him as in ANH. I remember seeing someone say that the reason he’s so different in TCW is because war is when he’s in his element. The idea was that during AotC, he was in the awkward Padawan stage. He was older and more mature than his peers, but at the same time he felt that he was being treated with kid gloves. When the war came around, he enjoyed a lot more freedom, he was a leader, and he had an enemy to focus his anger towards. By RotS, the loss of his Padawan had changed him. I’m sure that if the show wasn’t cancelled, the transition from TCW Anakin to RotS Anakin would be a lot more noticeable and believable.

Personally, I think it’s just easier to ignore the prequels. That’ll get rid of any character discrepancies right quick.

Also the whole chip idea is stupid, but apparently it was necessary due to their approach to the clone troopers. I loved the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) campaign and the idea that the clones knew what they had to do from the start, and that is still canon in my heart.

I have a ton of great memories with Battlefront 2, and I do like how they portrayed the clones (this particular entry of the 501st journal sprung to mind); but I also loved the clones in TCW. They’re very different interpretations, and I don’t think either is objectively wrong. I love both portrayals equally.


I used to adore the 2003 Clone Wars miniseries, book and comic series’ and find them far superior to the 2008 TV show, but the more I think about it the more I feel I prefer the newer series. In the earlier comics and books, which were made between the release of AOTC and ROTS, it seems that every time Anakin is used he has to use the dark side to solve every problem, and overall is portrayed as a depressed, repressed, angry and aggressive character, like his character in AOTC turned up to eleven, which I guess is how the writers thought he would be in the third movie, in which he seemed to have mellowed out a bit. It wasn’t until the very end of those series’ that he was actually portrayed anything like he was in ROTS, because of course by then the movie was basically completed. It also suffers from a disjointed overarching ploy, which I guess the 2008 series has as well, but to a far lesser extent. I feel that the 2008 series feels more like Star Wars whereas the older books and comics felt like highly stylised edgier versions of the films. Also one series has the novel Jedi Trial which is garbage, and the other did not.

Not enough people read the EU.


Well, another forum I was on just said the ROTS novel says that Emperor wasn’t disfigured by his lighting but the lighting made him drop the illusion and his real look came out. So it looks like I might have been right about Emporer being a different species after all, also there is this:

Possibly more members of his species.


Oh I always talk about those guys when watching ROTJ. I never thought about it that way, but it makes some sense. Usually I figure that they just represent politicians haha.


MathUser said:

Well, another forum I was on just said the ROTS novel says that Emperor wasn’t disfigured by his lighting but the lighting made him drop the illusion and his real look came out. So it looks like I might have been right about Emporer being a different species after all, also there is this:

Possibly more members of his species.

Though I do prefer the idea that the Force lightning revealed his true self instead of scarring him, I’m not too sure about Palpatine being an alien. That doesn’t really fit in with his, and the Empire’s, poor treatment of non-humans. I do seem to remember the ROTJ novelization saying that Palpatine’s appearance was due to him being corrupted by the Dark Side. So it makes sense that his “old” look is his true Dark-side corrupted self and that he made himself look younger to tric the Jedi and the senate, but him being alien seems a bit weird and inconsistent to me. Also his advisers just look old to me, not melted like Palpatine does, and it’s not impossible that they too are Dark-side users to some degree.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


It would have made more sense to show him getting greyer as time went on, since it would then line up with Vader’s face too as they were both dark side users. Didn’t he look worse in AOTC than ROTS? It’s a redundant rebate I suppose.


MathUser said:

Well, another forum I was on just said the ROTS novel says that Emperor wasn’t disfigured by his lighting but the lighting made him drop the illusion and his real look came out. So it looks like I might have been right about Emporer being a different species after all, also there is this:

Possibly more members of his species.

Yep. Humans. 😉

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Mocata said:

It would have made more sense to show him getting greyer as time went on, since it would then line up with Vader’s face too as they were both dark side users. Didn’t he look worse in AOTC than ROTS? It’s a redundant rebate I suppose.

He totally did.



I guess they were originally going for him to look more and more corrupted over time.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


Is there a rundown somewhere of all the different audio changes in the various OT releases (SW especially)?


There’s probably a thread there somewhere about it, whether it’s theatrical sound channel differences or later SE changes.


Thought I would dig out the Star Wars Holiday Special as I had not seen it through in years.
Blimey! That was a real test of endurance. Even worse than I remembered.
The best thing about this recent viewing was the Cantina scene. I forgot all about the Mos Eisley creatures from the film appearing. It was good to see the costumes and masks of background aliens in more detail than the film.


Which one do you guys consider to be Luke’s theme more:

  • The one that plays when we first see him and Aunt Beru calls his name (the main theme, or a variation)


  • Binary Sunset (aka force theme)?

Main theme. It was written to be his motif, and it’s used a lot in Star Wars to represent him.


Collipso said:

Which one do you guys consider to be Luke’s theme more:

  • The one that plays when we first see him and Aunt Beru calls his name (the main theme, or a variation)


  • Binary Sunset (aka force theme)?

Neither, and both. In the OT, for the most part, the former is definitely his, while the latter is more generally for the Force itself. But with the PT and the ST, the former has become a much more general “hero” theme, while the latter has cemented its status as belonging to the Force and Force users (rather than simply Obi-wan, who it was originally written for). So in the context of the whole saga, neither are “Luke’s theme” entirely, while both still are tied directly to him (being a primary hero and Force user in the series).


Binary sunset was originally Old Ben’s theme that George decided to put with the sunset, however the theme became associated with Luke and became his theme in my mind.

But the scores of both the prequels and the sequels throw this theme around so often that it has become the generic “Force Theme”.

JEDIT: Wowie sorry for having the same post as Dom.


“You can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny”.

The way JEJ delivers this line still gives me chills every single time. There’s some sort of musicality to his voice in this line. Amazing.


lovelikewinter said:

Mocata said:

It would have made more sense to show him getting greyer as time went on, since it would then line up with Vader’s face too as they were both dark side users. Didn’t he look worse in AOTC than ROTS? It’s a redundant rebate I suppose.

He totally did.



I guess they were originally going for him to look more and more corrupted over time.




Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook