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Lucasfilm's movie plans post Ep. IX


As per usual these kinds of articles must be taken with a grain of salt, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway.


A lot of people have been worried that SW will from now on be treated similar to Marvel, with one film released pretty much every year without any breaks, but it’s suggested here that Lucasfilm might be taking a break after Ep. IX.

There seems to be a plan for a hiatus on Star Wars movies – a plan that will happen after a few years after the end of the Sequel Trilogy.

Lucasfilm will want to deliberately starve the market of Star Wars movies for a time.

In that waiting period there might be a few TV series to fill the gap.

Star Wars on television is going to become a big focus over the next few years.

It’s also possible that there won’t be any anthology films immediately after Ep. IX. Lucasfilm keeps saying that they want to make an Obi Wan film, as well as a Boba Fett film, but it’s possible that they will choose to save those for after the hiatus.

Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of Lucasfilm fully intend to make an Obi-Wan movie set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, with Ewan McGregor in tow.

If true, there’s also some hope for the Boba Fett movie;

As far as I can tell, the movie will most likely not be an origin story.

It’s not strictly a Boba Fett movie, but a film about an ensemble of bounty hunters on an adventure.

The article also suggest the possibility that Gareth Edwards might be offered to direct another SW film at some point.

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Well they are already doing the annual release thing now. Will they restrain themselves? I think it’s unlikely unless they have real concerns about the bubble bursting. Maybe they will not do the Marvel thing which has TWO annually now, but releasing less is another thing entirely. Unless they need that Christmas release window for another product line.


Mocata said:

Well they are already doing the annual release thing now. Will they restrain themselves? I think it’s unlikely unless they have real concerns about the bubble bursting. Maybe they will not do the Marvel thing which has TWO annually now, but releasing less is another thing entirely. Unless they need that Christmas release window for another product line.

I would prefer Disney release Star Wars films on a bi yearly basis with episodic films coming every 3 years with at least 5 years time separation (IRL) between trilogies. I can’t see them being even this reserved or passive.


Hah they didn’t pay all that money for it just to be passive


Mocata said:

Hah they didn’t pay all that money for it just to be passive

That is true and as long as they keep putting out quality films I won’t be complaining at the rate they’re released 😉


I wouldn’t exactly call five blockbusters for “passive”. I’d imagine they’ve made a ridiculous profit on it already, and I don’t see how a hiatus of a few years could damage them financially. After all SW, unlike Marvel, isn’t based off of comics so they have to treat the two differently. A film or two each year makes sense for comic book movies, but it would make sense to be a bit more cautious with SW. Plus I’m getting the impression that Lucasfilm has maintained a lot more creative control than what was initially assumed.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they just kept pumping out a new SW film every year, but I think they know their audience well enough to know that they have to thread more carefully with SW than with Marvel. Plus I imagine the merchandising alone would make SW plenty profitable even if they stopped making movies for a few years.

At the very least, they might have a relatively “long” hiatus on making saga films after E.p IX, and focus more on the anthologies. There’s still those rumours about a live action TV show, so that could replace the films for some years as well. (RO was after all originally pitched as a TV series.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


If the train continues I don’t see how they’d abandon a 5x production cost gross ticket sales model. Of course produce a stinker or two and you might see a regroup.

I think with the capital outlay that Disney is doing at WDW and DL for SWL, they’d want this train to chug along for as long as possible.

I’m sure they are banking on similar success with Pandora riding the wave of new Avatar flicks.


Here are Kathleen Kennedy’s latest statements on future films:

On when we’ll hear about the next spin-off:

I think we’re getting close. My hope would be sometime around the summer. I never want to predict the creative process because it is its own thing, so we’re in the midst of those discussions right now.

On what their plans are for the main saga films. Whether they’ll continue the adventures of Rey or take a break and start over in another era after IX:

It’s interesting you ask that, because I’m sure everybody would love for me to say, ’Oh yeah we’ve got this figured out for the next 20 years.’ No, we spend a lot of time talking, debating, watching, looking at what connects with ourselves, with the audience, all of that is a part of our decision-making. We’re asking those questions right now. We’ll make a decision soon.


Forum Moderator

The Old Republic. A film about how the Jedi almost destroyed the Sith. It could be very good.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


Daisy Ridley Says She’s Done Playing Rey After STAR WARS: EPISODE IX

Daisy Ridley said:
No, no, no. I am really, really excited to do the third thing and round it out, because ultimately, what I was signing on to was three films. So in my head, it’s three films. I think it will feel like the right time to round it out.

Well I didn’t see that coming!

Kathleen Kennedy’s latest statement seems about the same as her last:

Kathleen Kennedy said:
I certainly foresee movies past nine. Whether or not we carry on the Skywalker saga… you know, George always intended nine movies, and whether we continue that or not is something we’re talking about right now. If the story warrants it, we’ll absolutely do it. If it actually inspires new ideas, then we’ll probably head in that direction. We just don’t know yet.

Forum Moderator

DuracellEnergizer said:

Yeah, and Harrison said the same thing about Han once upon a time.

And George also said the same thing about the Sequels not too long ago either.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Or when he just wanted to make a Flash Gordon movie.


NeverarGreat said:

“George always intended nine movies.”

Except when he “always intended” twelve. Or three.

So true. At various times George has also “always intended”:

One; twelve; nine; three; nine; six and nine again.


Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.


RayRogers said:

Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.

Are you saying you haven’t bought any Star Wars video releases in the past decade? If you’ve been downloading projects sourced from those, you have some explaining to do.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Trust me nobody is holding their breath waiting to hear what you own and don’t own or why.


SilverWook said:

RayRogers said:

Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.

Are you saying you haven’t bought any Star Wars video releases in the past decade? If you’ve been downloading projects sourced from those, you have a problem.

Oh crikey I didn’t even notice that.


Shit, the only reason I own the 9-disc Blu-Ray set is to ease my conscience on that front (and have access to the deleted scenes so I can do my own personal edits…eventually…)

Same reason I own the TFA 3D Blu-Ray set when I don’t own a 3D TV.


SilverWook said:

RayRogers said:

Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.

Are you saying you haven’t bought any Star Wars video releases in the past decade? If you’ve been downloading projects sourced from those, you have some explaining to do.

I can’t wait to hear the non-explanation, or if you prefer, I can’t wait to not hear the explanation.


“I refuse to own a hypothetical, non-existent movie regardless of quality, even if it is given to me as a gift.” You’re right, no need to explain, you’ve told us all we need to know about your sanity.


RayRogers said:

Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.


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RayRogers said:

Maybe have the new trilogy take place thousands of years ago. Knights of the Old Republic slightly. Only worth it seeing in cinemas, not worth owning, even as a gift or a present. I’ve refused since 2006.
No, I don’t need to explain.

people offer you gifts of a not-existing-yet trilogy for the past 11 years?

or have you refused to own things since 2006? your entire post history on this site would beg to differ.