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.Mac. said:

JARUS5 said:

The only element from rogue one I would like in a new hope is the Scarif planet as well as a better sense of scale with the death star.

I agree those would be great to see. If possible, though, I also think it’d be nice if we can catch a glimpse of a K-2 droid walking in the hallways of the Death Star. Could be far in the background in the hallways (to help fill in the void in some areas) while Ben is sneaking around, and/or one could walk past our heroes while they are in disguise and waiting for the elevator. I’m positive Ady already considered all of this 😉

I love it! Either of those would work. If it’s too technical for Ady to do a close up at the elevator, I would be satisfied with one in the background during Obi Wans sneaking around.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


doubleofive said:

I do know a guy…

Dang dud, he did a great job on that! Give him a call to walk in a straight line at a green screen and send it to Ady! Hahah, that would be really cool … really cool in a background if possible…

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


littlev87 said:

I’ll just leave this here…


Unfortunately we’re not allowed to post mockups by Angel or he’ll sue us or something. Nice to see he can do things in motion now.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Not that I’m arguing but he can’t sue OT.com because I posted a link to a publicly uploaded file. Anyway I knew there were some tensions there, but felt this was very relevant to the discussion and needed to be seen. Mods do what you will, I have no skin in this game.

Its really a shame how this forum and others are littered with extremely talented people that apparently find it impossible to work together.


Part of me is teasing. But he has in the past been upset by people being inspired by his work and not giving him what he felt to be the proper amount of credit.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I don’t know who Angel is, but assuming it is the same person as AggeIw it seems completely fair to post a link like that. It would be another thing if it was a hotlink to the image, or a rehosted image.


doubleofive said:

Had a big thing written up, but I’m going to leave the link to his posts here and let people draw their own conclusions.


Yuck. Removing his “art” (copyright infringing images themselves) from your page is one thing. Removing his name? What a joke. That’s not the kind of person you want to work with anyway, so no big loss there.


His work is really good though.
It’s unfortunate that he’s such a jerk. He could be a very valuable member of the fanedit community.
I hadn’t looked at his stuff since he left this site. Just browsed his Deviantart page last night and… man. Some really good stuff there.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Sometimes you have to be really crazy to produce the best work. Look at me.


TV’s Frink said:

Sometimes you have to be really crazy to produce the best work. Look at me.

Reminds me of this comic, particularly panel 7.


Unless the real reason behind the rudeness is “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Because at that point it’s an actual picture of the station. They wouldn’t have the plans.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Because at that point it’s an actual picture of the station. They wouldn’t have the plans.

I know.
It’s just something to think about, when making a final decision.


There are so many good ideas from those earlier brainstorms which Angel was part of and looking at his website for the first time in years he still has some fresh new ideas. It’s just a crying shame that he ended up being so silly. With Ady deciding not to do certain things he could be on here offering alternatives. Greatly regrettable.


Bingowings said:

There are so many good ideas from those earlier brainstorms which Angel was part of and looking at his website for the first time in years he still has some fresh new ideas. It’s just a crying shame that he ended up being so silly. With Ady deciding not to do certain things he could be on here offering alternatives. Greatly regrettable.

I don’t think I was here when the fallout happened. I remember Angel’s mock-ups. They were brilliant!

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)



doubleofive said:

TV’s Frink said:

I’m almost certain adywan previously said that he would not be accepting suggestions for this update of ANH:R.

Absolutely. So far it’s going to be the same edits, except for the original DS plans and maybe no prequel music.

Although this is not so much a suggestion but Here is few things that I find interesting and I will leave it open for you as to weather or not you feel it worthwhile additions or putting in stuff that was planned and did not make the final cut…

Before the shot of the Landspeeder when Luke and 3P0 are searching for R2-D2 there was meant to be a shot of the Landspeeder dashboard scanner before Luke exclaims “there he is dead ahead” or something. There is a visual contained within “deleted magic” of the scanner in the Landspeeder dashboard. Would be a nice recreation of a cut special effect bolstering the performance a little bit and perhaps a nice addition?

This one is controversial and I don’t think you will agree with me but here goes. Personally I am convinced the whole krayat dragon call noise is rubbish. The original sound from theatrical which was used in your edit if played on the deleted shots of the sand people turning and looking would actually be an alert / warning sound from one of the sand people. It sounds really like a sound a Tuskan raider would make and I think this was just the video could have been cut different but the sound was not remixed. Basically what I am saying is, is that this sound for some kind of monster is not that at all, it was a Tuskan raider alerting his tribe of the Dangerous Wizard whom they knew. This is a much more plausible scenario… But I know people will backlash this as it ruins what people know or how they refer to something which is just plain wrong in my opinion. So I guess I just said this knowing full well you won’t put the deleted sand people shot in there on the sound that plays on Obi-Wan showing up.

Extra original shots of Mos Eisley Landspeeders and storm trooper search additions (without stilt man) slight expansion would be nice if available in good enough quality.

Re-do horrible shot of Landspeeder first shot going in to Mos Eisley. It’s a really horrible angle on that it’s just not cinematic at all. This one below.

^ Don’t mind the background (Foreground sand is better in the original) but the Landspeeder looks really bad in every version. Would be great to see it come in from the left and turn or delete the shot in favor of something in 3D or something totally new showing the scale of Mos Eisley.

Extra Cantina aliens… The praying Mantis?

Last one can we put the Massasi temple on Yavin IV as part of the Buildings in the Jungle similar to Rogue One?
It’s something missing due to budget constraints I feel nothing particularly mystical about this.

Aside from the missing Massasi Temple element most deleted footage appears to be from the start of the film… It would be good to expand the beginning a small bit if possible but I don’t mind if you don’t.

Thanks for Reading and Good Luck!


Is the 97 really that red right there?
Jeez. And here we thought the Blu Ray colors were bad. Even the sky is red!

So far I’d say the original version is best, even from a vfx standpoint because it goes by so fast you don’t notice what it looks like. In the SE sure the speeder looks better but the way it moves is awkward and it’s slower (at least it seems slower) so i notice how bad it looks more.


Possessed said:

Is the 97 really that red right there?
Jeez. And here we thought the Blu Ray colors were bad. Even the sky is red!

So far I’d say the original version is best, even from a vfx standpoint because it goes by so fast you don’t notice what it looks like. In the SE sure the speeder looks better but the way it moves is awkward and it’s slower (at least it seems slower) so i notice how bad it looks more.

I agree.


Possessed said:

Is the 97 really that red right there?
Jeez. And here we thought the Blu Ray colors were bad. Even the sky is red!

All the home video transfers of the 97 look like garbage color-wise, but supposedly the prints looked great.