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The Phantom Star Wars Fan — Page 2


Erikstormtrooper said:

  • I have a coworker who loves the movies, but struggles to remember what order they go in, or some details and names. He’s a Star Wars fan.

Reminds me of when I was little and the OT ran together in my head, and I could never remember what happened in which movie. It didn’t help that the only way I could watch them was renting them from Movie Gallery and they were usually out to someone else; unlike my most common rental, Tron, which my brother and I were the only ones to ever rent, and we eventually knew that movie like the backs of out hands.

Okay okay, I’ll stop reminiscing on defunct video stores.



generalfrevious said:

Lucas should have written into his will that no one could make any more films, not even himself.

To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together…


I’m a huge fan of the OT because it defined much of my childhood. I had many of the action figures. I watched the films in the theater, and had VHS copies after that. So my intense fandom is really centered around the films, not the universe it created. I rebel against EU-like things where people try to come up with more explanation of things. I consider Star Wars more space fantasy and less science fiction. As soon as people start treating it like science fiction I get uncomfortable.

Example: The Millennium Falcon is Han’s ship. I’m good with that. But as soon as you start saying it’s a YT-model whatever Corellian blah blah, I’m done with you.



stealthboy said:

So my intense fandom is really centered around the films, not the universe it created. I rebel against EU-like things where people try to come up with more explanation of things. I consider Star Wars more space fantasy and less science fiction. As soon as people start treating it like science fiction I get uncomfortable.

Example: The Millennium Falcon is Han’s ship. I’m good with that. But as soon as you start saying it’s a YT-model whatever Corellian blah blah, I’m done with you.


I too get really annoyed when people try to explain the science behind things in SW. I personally never had issues with the ships having serial numbers, that makes sense to me (also isn’t YT freighter actually mentioned at some point in the films?). What really bugs me is when someone tries to explain scientifically how Han made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs by adding some convoluted story of how he flew close to a black hole, and things like that.

I appreciate world-building, but not when it gets so picky and excessively detailed that they forget that SW is mostly fantasy.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:
(also isn’t YT freighter actually mentioned at some point in the films?).

I think maybe it is referenced in TFA.

JEDIT: Yep: “It escaped capture aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter.”


stealthboy said:

ZkinandBonez said:
(also isn’t YT freighter actually mentioned at some point in the films?).

I think maybe it is referenced in TFA.

JEDIT: Yep: “It escaped capture aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter.”


For some reason I thought it was mentioned in the OT.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Recently I’ve really gotten into the old EU, after knowing basically nothing about it prior to late last year.

Not enough people read the EU.


One of the things that I personally love about the old EU is that it, like the OT, didn’t overthink itself. It avoided unnecessary explanations and simply focused on telling fun and interesting stories.

(I still really enjoy the 90’s EU, but it really did start an annoy trend if over-explaining things.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

One of the things that I personally love about the old old EU (OOEU for short) is that it, like the OT, didn’t overthink itself. It avoided unnecessary explanations and simply focused on telling fun and interesting stories.



Interesting notes and thanks for sharing.

I do consider myself a fan of Star Wars but not in the way people generally think. I love what Star Wars was in the beginning and what it was supposed to be. I think ANH and ESB are the best movies of all of them and that Gary Kurtz dropping out and Lucas taking a more toy-selling, business-oriented approach subsequently has really hurt his work and the SWU as a whole. The prequels were …eh. They were ok but so many things have gone wrong in them. The prophecy of the chosen one, medichlorians and last but not least Jar Jar. Skewing what the force is and the Jedi are is what hurt me the most though. Because as crazy as this sounds, I believe in the Force. I do think it’s based on a real thing and that, even if it’s different in real life, it does exist.

The Chinese call it Chi, a Japanese subculture calls it Ki, it is there and it does surround every living thing, including the trees and rocks. Of course we can’t use it in any way portrayed in the movies but we can use it to some extent, intuition, feeling when someone is staring at us without us actually seeing, etc etc. ‘Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter’ is what I believe in. I believe in the spirit, in the soul and that the bodies and even identities we have are just a vessel to learn simple karmic lessons. And that knowledge is the most important thing to gain in life, knowledge of as many things as possible. In order to evolve, to advance, to even approach enlightenment, we simply cannot discard the force. Call it the Universe or nature itself or the Divine Cosmic Mind but the Force is real. And it’s up to us to choose whether we ignore it and become selfish beings on the path to the dark side or if we actually heed its calling and work towards bettering ourselves and helping others.

May The Force Be With Us All


Katarnan said:

Interesting notes and thanks for sharing.

The Chinese call it Chi, a Japanese subculture calls it Ki, it is there and it does surround every living thing, including the trees and rocks. Of course we can’t use it in any way portrayed in the movies

Though, wouldn’t it be cool if we could use Chi/Ki like in the Dragon Ball Universe?


suspiciouscoffee said:

*obligatory comment about my disdain for anime*


I grew up with Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, and many other 1980’s movies. Used to own Star Wars on multiple formats but sold it all. Including a lot of the merchandise. Only kept KotOR I & II for PC along with the whichever Widescreen OOT/OUT LDs in storage. Thought TFA was fun and Rogue One was very fitting to have a movie set as though it had the same production design or look as the OOT. Only going to buy the movie tickets from now on and keep those instead. Never willing to own anything Star Wars again. Not the books, comics, video games, figures, and because it was too cost prohibitive.
Have been finished with it but I’ll still DVR STAR WARS REBELS and rent the Star Wars stuff on DVD or BD from Netflix Disc.
Hey, I have kept the vast majority of my Indiana Jones collection. Except all the posters I had got lost in a flood a few years ago. As mentioned in another thread, I’d rather own TUCKER: The Man and His Dream on Blu-ray disc compared to the UOT/OOT on the format. Not even streaming since I don’t care for it or Digital Copy, especially since I sell them.


ray_afraid said:

There’s nothing cool about the Dragon Ball Universe.

…People transform into giant fucking apes in DB. If that’s not cool then I don’t know what is.


Lord Haseo said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s nothing cool about the Dragon Ball Universe.

…People transform into giant fucking apes in DB. If that’s not cool then I don’t know what is.

Shit is boring.


RayRogers said:

Lord Haseo said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s nothing cool about the Dragon Ball Universe.

…People transform into giant fucking apes in DB. If that’s not cool then I don’t know what is.

Shit is boring.

I agree, that Dragon Ball is also boring, especially with their Filler episodes.
Anyways, I just brought up Dragon Ball because of the Chi/Ki aspect, which would be a cool power to have and use.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Star Wars discussion.


RayRogers said:

Lord Haseo said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s nothing cool about the Dragon Ball Universe.

…People transform into giant fucking apes in DB. If that’s not cool then I don’t know what is.

Shit is boring.

In general the show is boring but the giant apes thing is awesome. Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn’t like giant apes as much as they should.


Exactly, what’s not to like about giant apes, from space?


Their influence on the current discussion, for one.


TV’s Frink said:

Their influence on the current discussion, for one.


I’m a fan of Star Wars. Even if I haven’t read/watched/played everything that has been created in the past 40 years.
Will I check out everything Star Wars has to offer? Probably not, but that you don’t have to like everything to be considered a Star Wars fan.


Lord Haseo said:

RayRogers said:

Lord Haseo said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s nothing cool about the Dragon Ball Universe.

…People transform into giant fucking apes in DB. If that’s not cool then I don’t know what is.

Shit is boring.

In general the show is boring but the giant apes thing is awesome. Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn’t like giant apes as much as they should.

Giant apes are fine, it’s the “people transforming into them” that’s stupid.
