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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 71


DominicCobb said:

ray_afraid said:

DominicCobb said:

joefavs said:

DominicCobb said:

Interested to hear an explanation as to why Vader’s spending his days on the planet where he lost his arm, legs, lungs, hair, perfect skin, and wife.

I figured he chose it because of all of his negative associations with the place, so that he can cultivate angst and hatred to fuel his power. I saw a blurb from Hidalgo’s visual dictionary that said his meditation chamber overlooks the location of his duel with Obi-Wan. I bet he often just stares out at that and stews in the bad vibes.

I guess the dark side is fueled by pain… but then why no trip to Tatooine?

Because he’s never been there and the guy who told you that story was a lying drunk.

But Owen thought he should have stayed there and not gotten involved?

I was talking about Obi-Wan! 😉

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


joefavs said:

EDIT: I misunderstood, I thought you were suggesting he should have built his digs on Tatooine. In the canon comics he actually does go back to Tatooine shortly after the events of ANH and slaughters another village of Tuskens just to kill time waiting for Boba Fett to meet him.

Wait… the fuck? Is this just like a hobby of his or something?

ray_afraid said:

DominicCobb said:

ray_afraid said:

DominicCobb said:

joefavs said:

DominicCobb said:

Interested to hear an explanation as to why Vader’s spending his days on the planet where he lost his arm, legs, lungs, hair, perfect skin, and wife.

I figured he chose it because of all of his negative associations with the place, so that he can cultivate angst and hatred to fuel his power. I saw a blurb from Hidalgo’s visual dictionary that said his meditation chamber overlooks the location of his duel with Obi-Wan. I bet he often just stares out at that and stews in the bad vibes.

I guess the dark side is fueled by pain… but then why no trip to Tatooine?

Because he’s never been there and the guy who told you that story was a lying drunk.

But Owen thought he should have stayed there and not gotten involved?

I was talking about Obi-Wan! 😉

Haha nice.


Just saw Rogue One for a second time. Found myself enjoying the first act a lot more since I knew the plot better this time around. But my theater experience was awful. I was right next to like four 11 year old girls, and they could not stop yapping. Each girl on the end was completely turned away from the screen, as they whispered and giggled. Finally a man in front of them told them to shut up. That was very nice indeed ahaha. But THEN, two other little kids pulled out lightup lightsabers in the god damn theater! It was very annyoing. Never going to the mall theater again.

Also wanted to add two more thoughts:

-I was pretty dissapointed with the score but the track titled “Your Father would be Proud” which accompanies Jyn and Cassians death is BEAUTIFUL!
-After seeing Darth Vader’s final scene a second time, it might just be in my top 3 Star Wars moments of all time. Takes my breath away every time. Easily the best scene of the entire movie for me.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


DominicCobb said:

joefavs said:

DominicCobb said:

Interested to hear an explanation as to why Vader’s spending his days on the planet where he lost his arm, legs, lungs, hair, perfect skin, and wife.

I figured he chose it because of all of his negative associations with the place, so that he can cultivate angst and hatred to fuel his power. I saw a blurb from Hidalgo’s visual dictionary that said his meditation chamber overlooks the location of his duel with Obi-Wan. I bet he often just stares out at that and stews in the bad vibes.

I guess the dark side is fueled by pain… but then why no trip to Tatooine?

I’m guessing that it’s because Tatooine reminds him that he was Anakin while Mustafar reminds him that Obi-Wan wronged him.


In this TV spot “Tonight”


Another Snippet of a deleted scene has been inserted…look at 20 second in.

Appears to be some sort of Skirmish on Jedha probably explaining the crashed x-wing fighters and alike. It’s a shot of Saw’s Rebels running into some sort of battle.

Man talk about Tease us…


Actually looking again the cliff is crumbling in the Back Ground don’t remember that shot though in the film…


darklordoftech said:

DominicCobb said:

joefavs said:

DominicCobb said:

Interested to hear an explanation as to why Vader’s spending his days on the planet where he lost his arm, legs, lungs, hair, perfect skin, and wife.

I figured he chose it because of all of his negative associations with the place, so that he can cultivate angst and hatred to fuel his power. I saw a blurb from Hidalgo’s visual dictionary that said his meditation chamber overlooks the location of his duel with Obi-Wan. I bet he often just stares out at that and stews in the bad vibes.

I guess the dark side is fueled by pain… but then why no trip to Tatooine?

I’m guessing that it’s because Tatooine reminds him that he was Anakin while Mustafar reminds him that Obi-Wan wronged him.

Okay. So he’s stewing in anger thinking about dicky Obi. Wouldn’t he then want to find him?


darthrush said:

Just saw Rogue One for a second time. Found myself enjoying the first act a lot more since I knew the plot better this time around.

Yeah upon rewatch the planet hopping isn’t much of an issue (and you get why those scenes are there). Unfortunately for me, while I still really enjoyed the film second time around, it wasn’t any better (unlike say TFA which improves on subsequent viewings) so I think that might be it for me and the movie in the theater. See you on the BD flip flop RO.

-After seeing Darth Vader’s final scene a second time, it might just be in my top 3 Star Wars moments of all time. Takes my breath away every time. Easily the best scene of the entire movie for me.

Don’t know if I’d go that far but yeah the scene is just something to behold. I was enthralled the first time I saw but was immediately worried afterward that it was a case of too good to be true and that it was just something I really wanted and would diminish on repeat viewings. But damn it’s still holds.


A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.



MalàStrana said:

A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.


Couldn’t disagree more but I still respect your opinion and expect a wide variety of thoughts on the movie. It’s what makes film fun for me! 😃

I see where your coming from when it comes to the first 90 minutes. It does move a little slow and takes its time but I think that the formation of the Rogue One squadron, the hologram, Cassian’s decision to not murder Galen, Galens death, AND the ethically stimulating discussion AFTER Galen’s death are all things that can propel the movie along effectively to it’s incredible act. It also sets up what I consider to be the best charaacter arc in Rogue One. In that of Cassian. He begins as a person who is doing questionable things constantly and possibly losing sight of what truly drives him. Only at a certain point in the film (“I Couldn’t face myself If I turned back now”) does Cassian really rediscover what he means to fight for. And that my friend, is why I can appreciate the first 90 minutes.

Again, I see where your coming from, but that’s just how I perceived the first 90 minutes or so.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Dull surprise!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


darthrush said:

MalàStrana said:

A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.


Couldn’t disagree more but I still respect your opinion

I don’t! 0/10 is objectively stupid as shit.


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

MalàStrana said:

A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.


Couldn’t disagree more but I still respect your opinion

I don’t! 0/10 is objectively stupid as shit.

Subjectively 😉 LOL

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Ok, let’s play nice, kids.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I like the “Rebellions are built on hope” line. I just wish it wasn’t repeated but it makes sense that it was considering Jyn was trying to inspire people.


MalàStrana said:

A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.


Yet another troll asshole.


Much as I vehemently disagree with Mala’s often-repeated opinion on the post-Disney Star Wars films, I honestly don’t think he’s a troll asshole (he’s just wrong =P ). I just think he doesn’t like the movies. A shame, but definitely his right to do so.

It’s a shame you’ll probably be banned soon because you seem to be generally an okay guy, Bobo.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


After viewing the film here are my initial thoughts:

It’s better than all three of the prequels (and I liked parts of those movies!).

It’s better then TFA. That was a film I think that was trying to do what this film succeeded in doing. TFA was a new star wars that was desperately trying to be like the OT but the writing and characters were just not there.

This film feels like a real Star Wars film and a return to the universe that we saw in the OT. The scenes on Jedha had that grungy used universe feeling that Lucas got from the European comic artists of the 70s and its been translated so well here. This is also the first Star Wars film since Empire to not have any childish or cute characters. As much as I love ROTJ, the ewoks were the beginning of a trend of pandering to kids that lasted only until a few years ago. This was a straight forward sci fi fantasy film and a really good one at that.

And then there’s the Vader’s castle sequence which is just so beautifully done. I think there’s definitely fan service parts to the film but they are very quick and definitely nothing as offensive as any of the Phantom Menace gags or tentacle monsters in a cargo hold that we put up with in previous films. It was a film that finally said “Someone who isn’t Lucas can make a great Star Wars film”. The filmmakers of TFA were so sure of themselves that they forgot to make a good movie. But everything with Rogue One was just spot on from the characters to the pacing to the amazing visuals. Great film.


Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:
I wonder what you will really think of it in a few years when the hype is down, when you’re older…

TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. Rogue One
  5. Return of The Jedi
  6. Revenge of The Sith
  7. The Phantom Menace
  8. Attack of The Clones

I can’t believe I live in a world in which there are enough good Star Wars films that I can have ROTJ be 5TH on my list. That’s pretty mind blowing.

Swap ROTS with TPM and (maybe) SW with ESB and that’s my ranking and reaction exactly.

I saw a snippet of the whole “No, it’s because I’m so in love with you” scene and I’m starting to regret putting ROTS > TPM

darthrush said:
When it comes to comparing The Force Awakens and Rogue One, it comes down to the characters. Rogue One has superior action and a more original story but Force Awakens has such endearing characters. Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo Ren are just amazing characters who I fell in love with and learned a surprisingly amount about (Rey and Finn, specifically). In Rogue One, I found Cassian and K2SO to be the only characters who could even compete with what Force Awakens gave me. I know a lot of people disliked Cassian, but I really appreciated his arc. Overall, I am VERY satisfied with what Disney has done so far. I will be there opening night for episode 8 with much excitement 😃

Nicely said man! I think they should have cut out Magic Stick Man and the other two lesser characters and just focused on Cassian, Jyn and K2S0. Not only would their dynamic be stronger it would also give these characters more time to be fleshed out. We could have walked away with a Jyn and Cassian that are as layered as Rey and Kylo. This is a sad turn of events because I want to like Rogue One a lot more than I do but I mostly watch Star Wars for the characters and that isn’t on point there is a threshold of enjoyment I can’t cross.

I thought Baze and Churrit were really compelling characters because of the implication of what they were. I think the grey areas of the Force are some of the most interesting aspects of the universe, so seeing guys who were basically non-Jedi Force-users was really cool.

But again, it was a Black Hawk Down and not a Saving Private Ryan type film, so character development wasn’t really the point of the exercise (as I said before, the main saga is about characters and how they effect the galaxy, whereas Rogue One is about the galaxy and how it affects the characters).

What they did do a fantastic job of was expanding the galaxy without shrinking it or doing anything over the top or stupid or badly. Everything they added felt like it had always been there, and that’s the true triumph of Rogue One as a cinematic addition to the Star Wars Galaxy in my mind.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:
I wonder what you will really think of it in a few years when the hype is down, when you’re older…

TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. Rogue One
  5. Return of The Jedi
  6. Revenge of The Sith
  7. The Phantom Menace
  8. Attack of The Clones

I can’t believe I live in a world in which there are enough good Star Wars films that I can have ROTJ be 5TH on my list. That’s pretty mind blowing.

Swap ROTS with TPM and (maybe) SW with ESB and that’s my ranking and reaction exactly.

I saw a snippet of the whole “No, it’s because I’m so in love with you” scene and I’m starting to regret putting ROTS > TPM

darthrush said:
When it comes to comparing The Force Awakens and Rogue One, it comes down to the characters. Rogue One has superior action and a more original story but Force Awakens has such endearing characters. Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo Ren are just amazing characters who I fell in love with and learned a surprisingly amount about (Rey and Finn, specifically). In Rogue One, I found Cassian and K2SO to be the only characters who could even compete with what Force Awakens gave me. I know a lot of people disliked Cassian, but I really appreciated his arc. Overall, I am VERY satisfied with what Disney has done so far. I will be there opening night for episode 8 with much excitement 😃

Nicely said man! I think they should have cut out Magic Stick Man and the other two lesser characters and just focused on Cassian, Jyn and K2S0. Not only would their dynamic be stronger it would also give these characters more time to be fleshed out. We could have walked away with a Jyn and Cassian that are as layered as Rey and Kylo. This is a sad turn of events because I want to like Rogue One a lot more than I do but I mostly watch Star Wars for the characters and that isn’t on point there is a threshold of enjoyment I can’t cross.

I thought Baze and Churrit were really compelling characters because of the implication of what they were. I think the grey areas of the Force are some of the most interesting aspects of the universe, so seeing guys who were basically non-Jedi Force-users was really cool.

I agree to a certain extent but I found them to be extremely one note and I found myself weary of them after only a short while. This could have been fixed however by giving them more distinguishable personality traits, motivations, inner strife etc. and we didn’t get that with these characters like we did with Jyn and Cassian.

But again, it was a Black Hawk Down and not a Saving Private Ryan type film, so character development wasn’t really the point of the exercise (as I said before, the main saga is about characters and how they effect the galaxy, whereas Rogue One is about the galaxy and how it affects the characters).

Just because it takes inspiration from these movies doesn’t mean it has to succumb to their weaknesses.

What they did do a fantastic job of was expanding the galaxy without shrinking it or doing anything over the top or stupid or badly. Everything they added felt like it had always been there, and that’s the true triumph of Rogue One as a cinematic addition to the Star Wars Galaxy in my mind.

I agree wholeheartedly. Best of all for me is that it renders the PT completely useless.


Tyrphanax said:

Much as I vehemently disagree with Mala’s often-repeated opinion on the post-Disney Star Wars films, I honestly don’t think he’s a troll asshole (he’s just wrong =P ). I just think he doesn’t like the movies. A shame, but definitely his right to do so.

It’s a shame you’ll probably be banned soon because you seem to be generally an okay guy, Bobo.

Well you have to admit that giving Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is just a little ridiculous. He goes on to say that Hacksaw Ridge is better. Two different movies, one is about fun with a little social commentary in it like how the good guys aren’t always saints without any blood on their hands and the other is a serious movie about a real-life war. His comparison of the two movies is laughable.


Bobo Jameson said:

Tyrphanax said:

Much as I vehemently disagree with Mala’s often-repeated opinion on the post-Disney Star Wars films, I honestly don’t think he’s a troll asshole (he’s just wrong =P ). I just think he doesn’t like the movies. A shame, but definitely his right to do so.

It’s a shame you’ll probably be banned soon because you seem to be generally an okay guy, Bobo.

Well you have to admit that giving Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is just a little ridiculous. He goes on to say that Hacksaw Ridge is better. Two different movies, one is about fun with a little social commentary in it like how the good guys aren’t always saints without any blood on their hands and the other is a serious movie about a real-life war. His comparison of the two movies is laughable.

No, this is more or less the same behavior he has exhibited throughout the duration of his time posting here. He has small pockets of times in which he posts and is tolerable but these don’t last too long.


My 1st impression of ROGUE ONE:

It is an entertaining movie. Solid, but nothing more. I wasn’t really emotionally invested in the characters and the story. TFA was much, much better. The Vader stuff was nice to see (especially his castle). CGI Tarkin looked interesting and almost convincing. CGI Leia looked awkward and stiff. The soundtrack was okay, but not memorable.


At least the movie is a nice gathering point for all Star Wars facets (OT, PT, Clone Wars, Rebels).

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


You know everyone I’m already thinking about the Blu-ray to this movie. I sure do hope that it’s chock-full of deleted scenes and the alternate ending with a concept art gallery, featurettes on Vader and the special/creature effects. That would be awesome. There’s about 20 minutes worth of deleted scenes from The Force Awakens that we never really got to see which is a shame. I just hope that we get to see more on the Rogue One Blu-ray and we probably will being as that it’s the first standalone Star Wars film.


I don’t get the argument that the characters didn’t get enough background, such as not knowing how Baze and Chrrut met. Who cares how they met? You never find out the backstory of Jules and Vincent in Pulp Fiction, and those characters are still terrific. Hell, you never find out the backstory for Han and Chewy, and those characters are loved by all.

Not enough people read the EU.


I’m actually kind of curious to see what the fan editors might end up doing with this film. Unlike TFA this film is a lot easier to reconcile with the more old school fans who prefer Legends material. (F.ex. since there was no caption identifying Vader’s castle as being on Mustafar, I imagine someone could easily just add “Vjun” or “Bast Castle” to it, etc.)

I’m still a bit confused over why Mustafar was never identified by a caption though. Did they think that too many people might not know the name? Or were they simply trying to keep the PT references to a minimum?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.