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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Brooks said:

Williarob said:

Yeah, Raiders doesn't need us to restore it, ...

Perhaps not, but it would be a lot of fun!  That's a great looking print too.

So it's ok to sell these things on ebay now?  I thought it was "illegal" to own them.

As I understand it, you can possibly know its "stolen" because such prints were typically not sold commercially. Therefore it's illegal in the sense that you are knowingly buying stolen goods. (At least in the Netherlands that's illegal)

It's typically tolerated because going after private print collectors is kinda silly as they don't really hurt anyone by owning a 30 year old movie on print. Notable exceptions would probably be stuff like Star Wars prints because George Lucas probably doesn't want people to scan them :P.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Williarob said:

Our next project?




Don't really see the point in scanning it though. The blu-ray seems to have been really well done. The yellow tint thing seems a little overexagerated (I just got the bluray yesterday :P) and looking at those scans in the ebay auction, its actually more accurate to theatrical prints than the dvd.

Indy Blu-rays announced


Yes I realise that they're not a good reference, which is why I didn't want to to draw a definite conclusion. Hell even 16mm isn't a good indicator of what the 35mm mightve looked like imo. (Altough if it matches say, the blu-ray chances are the blu-ray is pretty correct).

Anyone have a 16mm raiders of the lost ark (trailer?) that he/she wouldn't mind scanning in (just a few frames)?

Indy Blu-rays announced

I think they're gonna take a nice well deserved indefinite break after they're done (LOTS of work) Also they'd have to hunt down/buy prints etc, not really worth it since the movies are mostly ok even if the colortiming didnt match theathrical presentations.

Stil some reference shots would be nice, were they ever released on 16mm? (on the other hand 16mm might stil not be a good indicator)


edit: found this http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingpowercinema/61371299/

But I don't really feel we can tell anything conclusive from that photo. (it does seem rather yellow though)


edit2: MOAR! http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingpowercinema/61371296/in/photostream/ definitely seems a little yellow tinted, but stil don't wanna draw conclusions.

Indy Blu-rays announced

Well as I mentioned before, it could be that either they A.) didn't care (somewhat likely) B.) by that time they had moved on to more neutral color palettes in movies (only for the teal/yellow to return years later) This is sort of backed up by the fact that the shots dont look nearly as blue and grimy as raiders on dvd does.


edit: another thing I noticed, note how the temple of doom seems to use backround elements to create color shades more so than say Raiders. For example the shot with the heart pulling ritual has a lot of backround red, and the shot behind the opening title also has some red actually in the backround. They might have relied less on photochemical mood colors and used backround objects instead (Which is my favourite method of doing colors in scenes)


edit2: even more evidence of this in empire strikes back, it had a lot of orange and blue lighting in the carbonite freezing room. This seemed to me to be actual lighting vs photochemical enhancement.

Indy Blu-rays announced

Are you reffering to indie or the other project?
(btw sorry yes I did miss it)

Well tbh for the other project I haven't seen enough footage to make a definitive conclusive answer to that. (however based on screenshots, I'd say its just the desert probably)

As far as indie goes, without owning the blu-ray (stil gonna buy it) It does seem the whole movie is more yellow tinted, but that could be because its mostly set in a desert.

Indy Blu-rays announced

How do you KNOW that they wouldn't have made the water tealish? From what I gather a lot of the shots on raiders were shot hastily, so they wouldve turned out either dark or overexposed. (see the quote about not using a light meter) The water stil looks kind of an unnatural shade of blue in the dvd. So if we assume the blu-ray isn't correct, the dvd isn't either. (and the hdtv was made from the same master right?)

Indy Blu-rays announced

It should be noted that the color timing of the oot seems to be MUCH more yellow than any of the laserdisk rips I've seen, so even then laserdisks might not be a good comparison for color reference. (if the same applies to indie)

A reason tod and last crusade might lack a yellow tint? Perhaps they used different film stock? Or they simply didn't care as much about restoring their original colors. (However looking at the timing of empire vs star wars film stock/time period might have A LOT to do with it.)

Indy Blu-rays announced

Sorry for bumping this, but I had an interesting observation.

I've been watching a film project that I'm sure some of you are familair with.

Some scenes of that project DO seem to have a bit of a yellow tint to them, in fact one might even say it resembles some of these rotla screenshots.

I figured I'd mention it cause it does suggest that maybe rotla did look like this.