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Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

I also think how prominent the real life actors are might actually be a factor. Tarkin had a lot of people on screen to compare himself to, while the people surrounding Leia weren’t in focus.

I also felt the same way about the AT-ACTs watching the Blu-Ray. They look great from distance shots, but there was something uncanny about them walking alongside troopers on the ground.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Possessed said:

In theater I thought tarkin looked perfect and Leah looked terrible. But when watching the blu ray I felt the opposite. Strange. Tarkins eyes and mouth look very unnatural but Leah looked fine.

In theatre I always thought Tarkin had a bit of a “Polar Express” look to him (not enough to take me out of the movie, but enough to go, “Hey, that guy looks fake,”) while Leia was weirdly on the uncanny valley (something about her nose ticked me off; her nose looked fake for some reason).

At home I still thought Tarkin looked a bit fake (though they looked like they made Krennic look a little artificial to help in blend in, or I’m losing it), but Leia didn’t seem off at all.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Main reason I thought Home One was already en route to Tatooine was because that was how the story group tried to justify why the Tantive IV was docked in it at Scariff (when Bail requested Leia to go off to Tatooine before Rogue One went to Scariff), but it would make sense for them to be waiting and supplying when they decided to redirect.

Personally, if they had to have C-3PO do a speaking cameo (I agree with most of you that a visual cameo on the ship would’ve done better, them on Yavin seemed somewhat forced), I would’ve placed it around Eadu, or something.

“Eadu? Why are we sending ships there, of all places?”

Random Thoughts

Possessed said:

Sound bar? The 5.1 RCA receivers they sell at Wal-Mart for <$150 are great for movies, especially for the price. I don’t really recommend them for music but they are fantastic for movies. They can do dolby surround (matrix), dolby digital, and dts.

The only 5.1 speakers sets I see at walmart come with a BD player, and are about $300. Canadian dollars, mind, but still high enough that my bank declined the card when I tried to get it last time I was in the city.

I would assume that the guy at a specialist shop for sound systems (and some guitars, but mostly home sound systems) would be a decent first step for research. He might aim to deceive, but I suspect a small business in a small town would consider that risky at best.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Finally got to watch R1 on blu ray (and I finally got a Blu-ray player).

I still enjoyed it; it was a popcorn flick for me. Didn’t get as emotional over the cast’s deaths, but I still found it fun.

One question though: How did the droids get on the Tantive IV, if Raddus’s ship was already en route to Tatooine, and their cameo was when the fleet deployed to Scarif?

I was going to ask how Bodhi got to talk to the fleet through the shield but not the plans, but apparently I merely missed the exposition on how it worked.

Celebration 2017 Speculation

If you go to other Star Wars communities (Reddit specifically in my example), what I end up seeing are people who know the SE was changed, but want a cut that reverts the meme changes (Han Solo shooting first, NOOOOOOO!) but retains some of the more drastic changes (like the CGI fighters, Hayden as Anakin’s ghost, nevermind some people don’t seem to realize anything’s wrong with the colour grading)

I.E. the Star Wars community seems to want Revisted, not the OOT.

Celebration 2017 Speculation

Cthulhunicron said:

DrDre said:

Hopefully, Mike Verta’s pitch has happened, and has set things in motion. However, I very much doubt Disney and Lucasfilm will have their own plans. There’s a new 4K restoration for ANH for sure, conformed to the SE. So, a new 4K mastered SE release may be pending, with some additional material, such as the Tarkin footage shown at celebration, but an OOT release seems unlikely, unless Mike Verta can convince them of the merits of his restoration.

This may have been asked a lot already, but what exactly does it mean for the negatives to be conformed to the SE? We know that the original negatives have not been destroyed, like many have speculated, so how could they be conformed to the SE?

Quite simply, while the bits spliced out were not destroyed, they were still spliced out, so the negative is still of the SE.

Alternatively, they could’ve added SE material either during or after the scanning process.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

flametitan said:
It really feels like you’re stripping it of its teeth if somebody can control it, even if it takes far more training than not using it.

This kind of ties into something I wanted to post about TLJ in general. The Sith philosophy has a huge emphasis on the strength of the individual and that’s something I want Luke and Rey to teach their new students. It wouldn’t take anything away from the Dark Side as those who don’t control it will still “fall”. The allure of wanting to use the Dark Side exclusively will still be there but this will add an extra layer to the struggle future characters will face.

I’m not too big on that. I want them to focus less on bettering themselves and on bettering those who aren’t so attuned to the Force. They shouldn’t be monks seeking perfection of self, rather community leaders resolving conflict without violence (but detatched from the actual political ladder so that no force may have sway over them other than the Living Force around them).

From what I know that only counts for stuff like being able to duel instinctively while contemplating something or conjuring power to unleash a powerful Force Ability and for instinctively raising up a Force Shield within a fraction of a second before a Force Push/Wave.

Duelling instinctively it is indeed. However, to me it represents even less than instinct and just letting go of your surroundings. The Force knows what it’s doing, let it fight for you instead.

I thought Chirrut wasn’t Force Sensitive…

Which is my point.

I recall reading that he used a bunch of other things to help him achieve his feats. If he isn’t Force Sensitive he was just trusting the Force to make things fall into place just like with the plot contrivances.

I wouldn’t call it mere contrivance when an entire plot point is elite stormtroopers start missing because a dude was praying. It’s very clearly implied that the will of the Force was with him, and let him get to the Master Switch. Ergo, the Force appears to have some kind of will beyond that which the Jedi, Sith, Ren, and whatever Luke has in mind provide.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

flametitan said:

Lord Haseo said:

Other than the myriad of plot contrivances in Star Wars films the will of the Force doesn’t have any bearing on how one uses it.

Would it be safer not to dabble in Dark Side teachings and training? Sure, but the advantages one could be blessed with if they find balance is inconceivable. That alone should warrant someone like Luke to at least try. There are so many things that have been invented and events that have transpired because someone took a risk and didn’t give in to fear and apathy.

Perhaps worshiping Ashla alone doesn’t mean to abandon all emotions but the first line of the Jedi Code says this and it’s canon. This would be a good way to retcon that shit.

Either way you look at it when the Jedi intervene they are using The Force to reach a conclusion through Forceful means which means they controlling fate.

You don’t need to have people use their base emotional states (anger in this case) to not fall to the Dark Side. All that Luke needs to teach people is some self control, the possible fates for those who veer too much to either side and above all that one can’t become a whole person or even a person who is truly knowledgeable unless they truly embrace being open minded and adapting when need be. Of course this would be in addition to a great deal of standard Jedi teachings.

The quicker and easier aspects of The Dark Side would be quite advantageous for Luke to adopt into his new philosophy. Sure, it’s not inherently stronger but using it to gain power quicker is a definite advantage for those who are still training or trying to progress themselves extensively.

This all comes down to whether the dark side can be controlled. To me, a fundamental aspect of the nature of the Dark side is that it can’t. That’s why it’s so dangerous, and why the Jedi avoided going down the path in the first place (even if they went overboard).

It really feels like you’re stripping it of its teeth if somebody can control it, even if it takes far more training than not using it.

(As for the Force having its own will: There’s a lot of hints that it does. From Star Wars where Obi Wan says that the Force partially controls your actions, to Rogue One where Chirrut merely trusting of the Force lets him complete his objective)

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

Yes, if the current ways of handling these issues or even keeping your power are shown to be ineffectual. Also like I said all that matters is the intention of the individual as guns can be looked in the same light. They cause death no matter who’s using them but the reasons for the death and the results of said person dying completely change the nature of that action. You can use a gun to massacre a bunch of people or you can use it to save the life of an innocent. Your choice.

I’m not interested in discussing real politics, so I’m leaving guns out. However, there’s a fundamental difference between a gun and the Force: the Force has a goddamn will of its own. Trying to control the Dark Side is like trying to control the One Ring. Lots of people thought they could, but the only one who wasn’t tempted was the man who didn’t want its power in the first place, and so didn’t use it.

It would seem to me that encouraging the use of the Dark side would encourage those who can’t control themselves to fall, thus creating a neverending cycle of war and violence that would be defining to the galaxy.

It can go both ways as someone who is fully committed to the Light could see anyone who even thinks using Dark Side elements in your fights or philosophy as dangerous. Also war is always going to be abundant and this wouldn’t fix that but it would make it so that this New Order didn’t have a philosophy that is full of holes and is based on wishful thinking and suppressing natural emotions. Also it could give this Order a more varied arsenal to combat would be conquerers who are fully committed to the Dark Side.

The Light Side isn’t about repressing emotions. Seriously, if I had to pin down the worst thing about the Prequels, it wouldn’t be the dialogue, or the idiot balls tossed around, or Jar-Jar. It would be how poorly it represented what it was trying to convey. The Jedi Order of the Clone Wars was a corrupt, dogmatic order of zealots so afraid of the Dark Side that couldn’t even embrace the compassion the Light tried to offer them. You don’t need to repress your emotions to avoid going down the Dark Path. You just needed to trust the Force.

The Dark Side was about manipulating the Force to control fate, the Light was about letting the Force guide their destiny. If they needed to intervene and use the force themselves, then it would be to serve as the white blood cells of the Galaxy, fighting the infection of strife and darkness.

To me it would seem better to teach apprentices outlets for fear and anger that would avoid tapping into the dark side, to trust that the will of the Force is what’s best, rather than to try to control that which can easily corrupt those who try.

I’m not exactly one for half measures and surely relying ob such a thing would only give the Force Wielder a hallow shell of the power (and understanding) they would receive if they fully embraced that tenant or power that is associated with the Dark Side.

The force isn’t a tool. Not using the Dark Side isn’t saying “I won’t use Force Lightning,” it’s saying “I won’t let my anger and fear control my life for me.”

Nevermind what Yoda said in Empire:

“Is the dark side stronger?”
“No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.” You are not limiting yourself by not using the Dark Side.

@Yotsuya: I don’t think we’re entirely opposed. I still think there’s supposed to be a clear “Dark Side”, but at the same time, I would like to see Luke train a new generation of Force Sensitives who trusted their compassion, rather than cut themselves off from it.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

flametitan said:

Lord Haseo said:

flametitan said:

Lord Haseo said:
You don’t think he can adopt a philosophy of “Use your inner darkness to best your enemies but don’t let it envelope you for too long”? Also what’s to say that Luke didn’t take bits and pieces of philosophy that Dark Siders hold dear and use them to bolster his new philosophy?

To me? No. Again, I still see the Dark Side as the malignant tumour on the energy field that life creates. It is not a difference in philosophy; it is the manifestation of the emotions behind bigotry and oppression. Being “A little dark” is akin to being “a little evil.”

We all harbor some amount of taint inside us. Luke would no doubt accept that and try to use his for the betterment of the Galaxy. The nature of these base feelings doesn’t matter so long as the outcome is good.

The Force is not a tool; it is not just a means to an end. It is the very thing that brings life together. Using the corruption of the energy created by life to protect life is hypocritical at best.

Sometimes extraordinary and/or unpleasant measures have to be taken to ensure peace in the long run. Does this fact conflict with emotional whatevertheshits? Of course it does but feelings don’t matter in situations of this magnitude.

And what you call hypocritical is what I call being able to see patterns or new ways thinking and adapting to your philosophy. And to pit it in even simpler terms it’s just being realistic.

But does a hypothetical “peace” justify using the very power that when used, brings the chaos and war that plagues the Galaxy? It would seem to me that encouraging the use of the Dark side would encourage those who can’t control themselves to fall, thus creating a neverending cycle of war and violence that would be defining to the galaxy.

To me it would seem better to teach apprentices outlets for fear and anger that would avoid tapping into the dark side, to trust that the will of the Force is what’s best, rather than to try to control that which can easily corrupt those who try.

This will quickly get into deep epistemological distinctions about good and evil, but to me, since the Force is an energy field created by life, all the processes of life forms feed into this energy field. This includes both the ‘nice’ emotions such as happiness and serenity, but also the ‘ugly’ emotions like fear and anger and apathy. As someone who has dealt with apathy in the past (‘what’s the point, nothing can get better’), often in order to rise out of apathy one must become aware of fear (‘I actually can affect this situation, and the situation is scary’), accepting it in order to rise through that through anger (‘I hate that I’ve let things get so bad’) and into happier emotions. This is what I imagine Luke going through in ROTJ.

My point is that these ‘ugly’ emotions exist in the real world for a reason. They’re not aberrant or unnatural, and to turn them into the equivalent of sin is a very religious, very Jedi, thing to do. The natural state of someone in command of the light and dark sides of the Force would, I expect, be a very serene and happy person on the whole, but it doesn’t mean they couldn’t get mad or fearful. It’s a gradient, not a black and white distinction, and I don’t think that a grey Jedi or the equivalent would use both sides equally. To dip into Eastern religion, someone using the Dark Side would be rather unenlightened, whereas someone using the light would be more enlightened. A good Jedi teaching in an Eastern mold might be that anyone who uses the Force is a Jedi, but the use of the Dark Side momentarily masks this Truth. That is how I choose to interpret Luke’s assertion after he throws aside his lightsaber.

I think you and I might be talking past what I mean by the Dark Side representing dark emotions. The Dark Side is anything but coping with fear and apathy. If anything, it is letting those emotions define you, and dominate your life. A straightforward example is death. Everyone fears death. Those of the Dark Side will do everything they can to avoid death, to make themselves immortal. Those who follow the light, however, will acknowledge that while death is scary, it is a part of life and try to find ways to find comfort in the fact they will die one day.

Anakin’s fall is another good example. The Jedi teach to avoid connections entirely to avoid fear. Anakin did not get to learn to trust that the Force will do the right thing. Anakin’s fear dominated him. He tried to avoid fate as hard as he could, rather than trying to accept it was a possibility. His fears led him to look into ways of altering reality, and it consumed him into a monster.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

flametitan said:

Lord Haseo said:
You don’t think he can adopt a philosophy of “Use your inner darkness to best your enemies but don’t let it envelope you for too long”? Also what’s to say that Luke didn’t take bits and pieces of philosophy that Dark Siders hold dear and use them to bolster his new philosophy?

To me? No. Again, I still see the Dark Side as the malignant tumour on the energy field that life creates. It is not a difference in philosophy; it is the manifestation of the emotions behind bigotry and oppression. Being “A little dark” is akin to being “a little evil.”

We all harbor some amount of taint inside us. Luke would no doubt accept that and try to use his for the betterment of the Galaxy. The nature of these base feelings doesn’t matter so long as the outcome is good.

The Force is not a tool; it is not just a means to an end. It is the very thing that brings life together. Using the corruption of the energy created by life to protect life is hypocritical at best.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

yotsuya said:

flametitan said:

NeverarGreat said:
Again, that’s just my opinion of the scene. It’s certainly possible to read this as Luke conforming entirely to Jedi doctrine, but since he had already started down the dark path and was able to return, one of Yoda’s teachings at least was proven to be false.

That was already proven false with Vader himself. The big thing you see throughout RotJ is that Luke has a different outlook on things from his former masters and his peers. He’s shown to believe that you can come back from the darkness. His masters believe that Luke is the only thing that can defeat the Empire, but Luke trusts the rebellion to be able to succeed without him. That’s why he went with Vader instead of staying. He thought he did more damage to be with them than he could prevent by being an actual superhero. If he didn’t believe his friends could do it, he wouldn’t have gone.

Overall, he’s much more trusting of the Force to work in its mysterious ways. When he’s shown attacking the Emperor or Vader, it’s shown as him having doubts that his friends would succeed, fear that he’ll lose someone. Luke’s Light is different from the Prequel Jedi (who are again supposed to be corrupt Zealots). He’s not without emotion; he’s quite passionate even without it looking like he’s using the Dark Side.

Lord Haseo said:
You don’t think he can adopt a philosophy of “Use your inner darkness to best your enemies but don’t let it envelope you for too long”? Also what’s to say that Luke didn’t take bits and pieces of philosophy that Dark Siders hold dear and use them to bolster his new philosophy?

To me? No. Again, I still see the Dark Side as the malignant tumour on the energy field that life creates. It is not a difference in philosophy; it is the manifestation of the emotions behind bigotry and oppression. Being “A little dark” is akin to being “a little evil.”

Lucas pulled a lot from Eastern philosophy for Star Wars and the Jedi. Yin and yang. They are two halves of the whole. The dark side is not a cancer on the force. The Sith may be, but not the dark side. To achieve balance a force user must be able to draw on both sides without letting either consume them. The middle way is the path to enlightenment in Buddhism. Even in ANH and TESB, we see Lucas painting the Jedi as stodgy - unable to see the path to redemption because they see Anakin’s fall as permanent. Luke does not see it that way. I see in that moment in Jedi when the Emperor is talking and Luke looks at his mechanical hand and Vader’s stump with wires coming out and he found the middle path at that moment. Yin and yang in balance. How that pertains to the future of the Jedi and what Luke says in the new trailer will have to wait until we see these next two films.

He borrowed terminology, but he explicitly did not borrow Yin and Yang for the force, if you read his interviews. Balance was supposed to be the removal of evil, not an equal amount of light and dark.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

NeverarGreat said:
Again, that’s just my opinion of the scene. It’s certainly possible to read this as Luke conforming entirely to Jedi doctrine, but since he had already started down the dark path and was able to return, one of Yoda’s teachings at least was proven to be false.

That was already proven false with Vader himself. The big thing you see throughout RotJ is that Luke has a different outlook on things from his former masters and his peers. He’s shown to believe that you can come back from the darkness. His masters believe that Luke is the only thing that can defeat the Empire, but Luke trusts the rebellion to be able to succeed without him. That’s why he went with Vader instead of staying. He thought he did more damage to be with them than he could prevent by being an actual superhero. If he didn’t believe his friends could do it, he wouldn’t have gone.

Overall, he’s much more trusting of the Force to work in its mysterious ways. When he’s shown attacking the Emperor or Vader, it’s shown as him having doubts that his friends would succeed, fear that he’ll lose someone. Luke’s Light is different from the Prequel Jedi (who are again supposed to be corrupt Zealots). He’s not without emotion; he’s quite passionate even without it looking like he’s using the Dark Side.

Lord Haseo said:
You don’t think he can adopt a philosophy of “Use your inner darkness to best your enemies but don’t let it envelope you for too long”? Also what’s to say that Luke didn’t take bits and pieces of philosophy that Dark Siders hold dear and use them to bolster his new philosophy?

To me? No. Again, I still see the Dark Side as the malignant tumour on the energy field that life creates. It is not a difference in philosophy; it is the manifestation of the emotions behind bigotry and oppression. Being “A little dark” is akin to being “a little evil.”

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

NeverarGreat said:

flametitan said:

NeverarGreat said:

Loved the trailer, basically confirms that Luke is abandoning the Jedi for a balance.

Not sure how I feel about that. I actually really disliked how Legends started to take “balance” literally, and that the Jedi and Sith were merely philosophical differences, rather than how the Dark side was a tumour on the Force originally.

There’s no denying that the ‘Light’ side of the Force has issues as well, which is why it was only by recognizing the Dark Side that Luke was able to prevail in Jedi. The Jedi’s prohibition against some emotions and the dogma that they are impossible to overcome once indulged in was shown absolutely to be false. I for one appreciate the new direction this is taking.

But the Jedi Dogmatism was supposed to represent corruption in the Jedi (If we are to believe Lucas, who has had issues representing what he actually meant in the Prequels). The default state of the Jedi was supposed to be much more benevolent, but at some point they literally forgot their connection to the Force to use it as little more than a tool. Using the RotS novelization as a reference, Obi-Wan points out how the Jedi council in ages past didn’t bicker, but rather let the Force guide them to an answer, hinting that the Jedi lost their way.

In Jedi, that sequence was anything but Luke prevailing by channelling the darkness. If you look beyond Luke kicking Vader’s ass, the set up is that Luke lost control of himself because of Vader’s words getting to him; the music turns ominous, representing Luke going against what he stood for; and finally, when the fight ends, Luke is absolutely horrified at what he did. It wasn’t a triumph by finding “balance” between light and dark, it’s despair as our hero verges on becoming the monster he fought.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

NeverarGreat said:

Loved the trailer, basically confirms that Luke is abandoning the Jedi for a balance.

Not sure how I feel about that. I actually really disliked how Legends started to take “balance” literally, and that the Jedi and Sith were merely philosophical differences, rather than how the Dark side was a tumour on the Force originally.