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<em>Kenobi: Trials Of The Master</em> - Fanedit by PixelJoker95

Dazman said:

This seems like straight out of Lucasfilm if they put in the proper effort in the effects. Amazing!

Since PixelJoker was participating in the Kenobi Redux thread I really hope that he is incorporating the great idea from Phase3/Broom kid of Vader getting his helmet sliced by Obi before he buries Obi with the rocks.


It would fix the stupid ending of Obi-Wan just walking away from the fight and letting Vader live. This would explain why Obi is not so uneasy in the end scenes because Vader assumes he is now dead. His effects skills would really be needed here to replace the intact helmet with the broken one for those fight ending shots.

Maybe he wants to keep the ending details under wraps until release, but just wanted to remind about the idea. Fingers crossed…

I have posted about this idea I saw from Phase3 in many Kenobi edits and even linked a concept test video of the idea. With some vfx work, it is completely do-able. We just need several shots of Vader to be edited so that his helmet is sliced instead of intact.

I actually ended up private messaging PixelJoxer95 on reddit about this exact idea and although he said he doesn’t plan on including it in the edit, he did mention that he might produce those necessary vfx shots so that others can use them in their own edit for achieving this concept.

This is the number one change I would LOVE to see done for a Kenobi edit because the final duel between Kenobi and Vader in the series is AWESOME! I love the conversation after the split mask and seeing them face off again during the pre-ANH/post-ROTS era is great. If we could just get the ending of it to make more sense thematically, then it would be beautiful.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

I’ll try to render out a final version of my AotC edit with this scene edited in. I used Snooker’s rescore and sfx as a base, upon which I remixed the sound levels, added missing sfx, and then added in custom wipe transitions between the deleted scene of Padme in the Senate and then the scene in Palpatine’s office.

The rest of the edit is a hybrid of L8wtr’s and Hal9000’s with a few of my own cuts in there. I think it might be best to just create a thread for this “hybrid/mashup” edit with all the changes listed there in case anyone is interested in downloading. This started as just a personal edit for private viewing but I feel some might like it with the Kenobi series scene in there and the rescored transition of Padme and Anakin kissing to Kamino that originally was a little too abrupt for my taste in the Hal9000 edit.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I think Obi-Wan being harsh to Anakin is good set up for Anakin’s whiny behavior about him throughout the movie, actually. But that is mostly edited out in an edit such as Hal’s. So your version would work best in an edit that follows his approach, for sure.

Does anybody have any plans on incorporating this in an edit? I know Bobson expressed interest in creating an AOTC ultra-extended edition (can’t wait for that!).

I have incorporated it into my own personal edit of the film which is essentially just a fanedit mashup of Hal9000’s and L8wtr’s with some of my own touches here and there, like adding in the training scene best I could and rescoring the transition from Anakin and Padme kissing to Kamino which I found to be originally a bit harsh in Hal9000’s edit.

I am quite happy with how my own personal edit turned out in regards to adding in the training scene.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I think Obi-Wan being harsh to Anakin is good set up for Anakin’s whiny behavior about him throughout the movie, actually. But that is mostly edited out in an edit such as Hal’s. So your version would work best in an edit that follows his approach, for sure.

Does anybody have any plans on incorporating this in an edit? I know Bobson expressed interest in creating an AOTC ultra-extended edition (can’t wait for that!).

I have incorporated it into my own personal edit of the film which is essentially just a fanedit mashup of Hal9000’s and L8wtr’s with some of my own touches here and there, like adding in the training scene best I could and rescoring the transition from Anakin and Padme kissing to Kamino which I found to be originally a bit harsh in Hal9000’s edit.

I am quite happy with how my own personal edit turned out in regards to adding in the training scene.


I agree they look slightly cooler in red but unless it’s possible to change the plans to red in Rogue One, I think it’s best to keep them white in A New Hope to stay consistent with Rogue One, which is in my eyes more worth keeping consistency with than Attack of the Clones, given the higher quality of the film itself and the fact that it immediately segues into A New Hope.


Hey, I looked through V1 and LOVED it. I’ll be using this as the main base of my private custom SE edit, it’s wonderful work 😃

Just a few technical notes for the upcoming V2:

  • the Greedo subtitle at 49:47 has the word “sign” misspelled to “sighn”

  • the shot of Luke running down the prisoner hallway at 1:13:27 is frozen on one frame


timdiggerm said:

DZ-330 said:

Quoting from the other thread:

NeverarGreat said:

In all seriousness, I think what’s missing from the Yub Nub ending is a bit more of the underlying instrumentality that appears near the end of the scene.

100% agree. I’m not a fan of Victory Celebration, but I think the orchestrations give it that slight edge over Yub Nub, even if it is a ripoff. If some orchestra can be added to Yub Nub a little earlier in the track, I think it would be a happy medium. Up to Ady though! It’s his edit after all 😃

No, the other problem with Yub Nub is the chorus singing cheesy lines like “Celebrate the love!”. It’s just too much, particularly on top of that goofy grinning group photo.

Goofiness and all, I love that group photo shot. It hits me in the heart strings seeing the whole gang smiling in victory at the end of the whole saga.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

Hey NFBisms!

The scene that was moved from being after Anakin’s assault on the temple to before, with him talking to Padme, had a small issue with the newly added dialogue (“I’m fine, I’m fine, I came to see if you and the baby were alright” not being synced to Anakin’s lack of mouth movements.

Outside of having movements added to his mouth through talented VFX work that is beyond my skill, the next best option is cutting around the moments that lack sync, so I tried doing just that.

Let me know what you think of the rough concept shown below. This reordering of scenes is one of the strongest points of your fanedit’s narrative so getting it as technically sound as possible is of much interest to me. I think if the idea show below doesn’t work that there are easily some other approaches to take in removing Padme’s lines about the Jedi temple attack.


Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Excellent work Bobson! That looks really awesome, with a little more polishing it would be perfect.

Here is ending transition with no visual issues. I’m pretty satisfied with both audio transitions so now it’s just getting the visual integration with AotC perfected.


Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

I tried touching up the smoothness of the ending transition for the added training scene between anakin and obi-wan.


I might try decreasing sharpness to match the look of the footage to AoTC. Or any other tinkering that could link this clip more closely to AoTC in a visual sense.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

Using Snooker’s amazing work as a base, I have finished incorporating this training sequence into my own personal edit of AotC. One piece of added saber sfx, a borrowed establishing shot of the Jedi Temple from TPM (considering I don’t watch the film in any of my star Wars marathons hence machete order) were used.

I decided to place the added scene between Padme addressing the Senate and the meeting between the Jedi and Palpatine in his office. I believe it is 100 percent necessary to give one scene of breather time in between the training scene and elevator scene due to the visual differences in how Ewan and Hayden look.

I am pretty satisfied with the execution of the transitions and assimilation of the footage into Attack of the Clones, but am still wary that the de-aged Anakin and older Obi-Wan are too noticeably different from their younger counterparts.

Please do weigh in!


The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

After watching this through in full, I was THOROUGHLY impressed. Episode 1 of smudger9’s Mando is on its own one of my favorite Star Wars movies, period.

The cuts are seamless. Not at any point in the edit did it feel like I was watching an edit.

The pacing is excellent, certain scenes are removed in the final act of the film to up the tension and also increase the emotional payoff. Having the audience wonder what happened to Grogru after seeing Kuill dead and then getting the reveal of IG 88 riding with Grogru is extremely satisfying.

Smudger9 knocked this fanedit out of the park.