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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)


...So there I was, in my local HMV shop and they had the blu ray of ESB playing on the wall television.

The assistant comes over and asks if he can help me. I say no, I'm just watching the film for a moment as I am a huge Star Wars fan. "In that case" he says "These blu rays are for you....yadda, yadda..."

I say that actually, I am not a fan of these particular versions but a fan of the original versions.


The original versions of the original trilogy before George altered them, says I.

"Wha ? You mean you want to see them with cardboard lightsabers and no effects"?

No,says me.The original theatrical versions of the films that were released in the 70s and 80s.


Then I had to walk away. WTF ??



What Brand Blu ray player should I get?


I too, am on the verge of changing over to blu ray.

I have looked at different brands and Sony does seem to be the most expensive.

I have seen some good looking Toshiba tv's that are 200htz picture refresh rate, and also a Toshiba multi region blu-ray[A,B,C] and dvd player[1,2,3,4,5,6]. I am looking at a 40+ size tv screen.

I think my main worry as well, is what my dvds are going to look like upscaled on a 40+ tv. What is the GOUT going to look like ??

I have the money to buy now, I just want to get what's right and not jump in too quick.

YouTube/Vimeo/etc... Star Wars video finds

SilverWook said:

lpd said:

I reckon this sums up how a lot of us feel on here.


Wow! That ought to be our theme song!

 That is awesome. Everything in the lyrics is true.

These lines by George stood out for me...

"But Star Wars will be done my way
I don’t care what you have to say
I think that they should let it go
And they’ll never get the Blu-Ray of the Star Wars that you used to know"..


Is the theater where you saw Star Wars still standing ?

greenpenguino said:

Wolfman said:

Odeon Guildford in Surrey, U.K.

Wow! That looks a lot nicer than the one they have now. Were the screens bigger or smaller than the ones in the current odeon? I saw Tintin and a bunch of other films there and they were pitifully small.

 There were three screens. Screen 1 was the biggest and had a balcony. I would say screen 1 was bigger than anything the new multiplex has to offer.

Check out this website. Although the pictures are more vintage, it gives a good idea of what the cinema was like on the inside. Guildford Odeon from pics #918-930. Awesome !
