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When did you realize the Prequels sucked?

RicOlie_2 said:

Bourbon said:

In my opinion, the prequels did not suck.  I enjoyed them as much as the OT and my favorite of the 6 is ROTS, but I love them all.  However, a number of people did not enjoy the PT for various reasons, so I accept that they are not for everybody.

 That's pretty much exactly what I thought until I was about 12. :P

 That's exactly the same for me, actually no... I always hated AOTC :P

Question about the 1997 special edition of ESB

hairy_hen said:

If the '97 wampa had been digital, it would have been '97 CGI Jabba level of bad.

Instead, it's merely 'meh'.  It doesn't need to be there, and it also looks nothing like the one from the original version, which creates an irritating visual discontinuity; but overall it's more of a nuisance than something that actually ruins the film.

Of greater concern is the fact that the sound editing done to accommodate the change was very sloppy, resulting in the sound effects going out of synch with the picture.  You can hear Luke cutting himself out of the ice before he is actually seen to do so, and his lightsaber is heard to deactivate even while it obviously remains lit onscreen.

 I completely agree, I grew up with only the 2004 dvds and always had problems with the visual difference and audio errors. Is it possible that only the theatrical re-release of the SE had this and not the laserdisc/vhs versions?

Question about the 1997 special edition of ESB

So for Christmas, my brother got me a huge book called "Star Wars in 100 scenes" and the book is okay, it pretty much just narrows the saga down to 100 memorable scenes (special edition changes included sadly) and gives some cool fun facts/behind the scenes information along the way. In the book I found a confusing quote at the wampa scene that reads: 

"1997's special edition (theatrical version) replaced the original wampa with a digital version of the beast."

Can anyone explain this to me? Was the added wampa that we know totay digital at some point? Is this just some mistake? Why does it say "(theatrical)" if it's in the special editions? I just though this was an odd quote and I'd bet that there is some screen-cap or reconstruction somewhere.

Smithers' Prequel Fanedits (a Work In Progress)

That's completely true. I've already been testing which cameras I have and what software I should use to get this to look good. Although I may be able to pull a george lucas and just slap his head on the original body for some scenes. Also a lot of the scenes with Anakin are close up shots so I may be able to pull it off a lot easier (note that I am only replacing the kid anakin). 

EDIT: nope, it will indeed not be working as planned, you called it ;-)

Smithers' Prequel Fanedits (a Work In Progress)

Alright, I've got my first draft of the script for the phantom menace. I am (so far) re-writing these characters:

  • KI-ADI
  • NEIMODIANS (all of them)

In this series I wish to:

  • remove Yoda (he looks terrible in the PT and barely contributes to the story)(P.S. I know the special effects will be anoying to pull off but it will be done)
  • make Ki-Adi-Mundi more of an actual character (add dialouge and make him sort of a replacement for yoda when you need him for certain dialouge)
  • Make Jar Jar Binks less annoying looking and acting and sounding (voice replacement, graphical changes, complete removal from tatooine as he serves no purpose being there)
  • completely replace Anakin's voice with another kid's voice
  • most of the things that the other edits wish to do
Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

SilverWook said:

m_s0 said:

CatBus said:

Maybe he's hoping George will bid on it so that he can burn it.

Nah, he's way too busy ensuring Disney gets Ep VII right to bother with this sort of stuff.

SilverWook said:

Well, someone paid an obscene amount of money for an obscure Kenner Droids prototype action figure last summer, so that kind of insanity tends to creep into related items.


Mother. Of. God.

 That's what the winning bidder's spouse probably said! :D

 I don't think that person has a spouse ;)

Smithers' Prequel Fanedits (a Work In Progress)

This project is a very radical re-edit of the PT, here are a few of the overall changes.

The Goal:

To not only make the prequels more watchable, but to make them feel somewhat fresh, new, and creative. I want my audience to watch my edits as new versions of the prequel trilogy, rather than as just simple edits that take out the annoying bits. In order to reach this goal, the movies have been drastically reordered, they have many new special effects, voices, all new color grading, and entire plot threads have been removed, repurposed, or tweaked to fit a new narrative. I want to create very different films while still maintaining a clear and concise narrative that still follows a three-act structure but has an alternate pace, tone, score, antagonist(s), new subplots, and misses many crucial moments from the PT. This is not only the minimalist version of the PT, this at some parts may feel like a completely different beast as compared to the other edits of these films that came beforehand.

Here are some of the general changes in the edit, I can’t create a normal cutlist since the entire thing is edited in literally every scene, and all rearranged but this should give you a general idea of what to expect or not to expect:


-100% remove Jar Jar and the Gungans
-100% remove Yoda
-no “decoy” subplot
-the clone wars start at the end of TPM, the clones are introduced as a solution to the invasion of naboo
-re-dub young Anakin
-re-dub Neimodians
-re-dub Darth Maul
-remove Darth Sidious, replace sidious holograms with count dooku
-C3PO lines replaced and deleted scenes reinstated
-Anakin doesn’t go to war
-no space battle at the end


-no forbidden love
-no kamino
-no jango fett
-no death star references
-no tatooine (no shmi, owem, beru, watto, etc.)
-darth maul is brought back as general grievous
-obi wan does not fight count dooku at all
-new anakin dream sequences
-no kashyyk
-no order 66
-no child slaughtering
-padme does not die
-again, no yoda

Here are some test videos I’ve uploaded over the course of the edit (in order of upload date):

This is not cancelled, just quietly, slowly, and meticulously worked on.

Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness

The idea is that you could mask the middle of the shot so the guards go flying before yoda comes in (change the timing for a third of it), then cut to palpatine getting thrown at his chair. Yoda then walks in and starts doing super acrobatic flips with his lightaber on for no reason. You could have fade-ins and fade-outs of palpaatine cackling like a madman while yoda acts like an idot