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Startale: A New Star Wars Fanedit Concept

This could be the single funniest thing made in the history of fanedits.
Please, continue.

Honestly though, if you can actually pull something like this off convincingly then kudos to you.

EDIT: Just watched the vid. For once Frink and I agree on something.
I don’t want to be a jerk about it, so please take this as constructive criticism, but it really just plays out as random scenes mashed together with random music thrown on top.
The word “mind-numbing” would probably be relevant here.

In saying that though, fanedits are usually made for the intent of either A) experimentation or B) making their preferred version of the film that they can enjoy watching.
So if this is exactly what you want, go for it.

"Normal" people trying to sound like they are SW experts

I’d say the most I get made fun of is when my co-workers start talking abut my “Star Trek tattoo” (I have a Star Wars tattoo).
I like Star Trek though and it’s only playful fun so I couldn’t care less.

Lord Haseo said:

I’ve actually heard someone say that if you didn’t watch Star Wars as a kid you probably got molested. Suffice to say I no longer associate myself with such a person.

What a charmer…

Tack said:

Now, I’ve got the people in some film classes who say that midi-chlorians (I think that’s the first time I’ve ever actually said or typed that out…) were always an intended part of the mythos. Although he actually came around after I cited some sources…

A Star Wars fan, admitting they’re wrong?
Now I know you’re full of it.

Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers **

imperialscum said:

This film was inherently a failure. The very basic rule is that you do not meddle with OT main characters. On top of that, you simply cannot do a Han Solo film without Harrison Ford. And even if they used a time machine to make Ford young again, the film would still suck as the very basic rule is broken.

Look, I don’t have any interest in this film, but that’s just a silly thing to say.
Most of the people I talk to, even those who loathe the prequels, say Ewan McGregor did an excellent job as Obi-Wan, so why can’t this guy give a younger Han the same treatment?
Last time I checked, Obi-Wan was “an OT main character”.

Now if he is playing Han at roughly the same age he was meant to be in ANH, then I’d be very skeptical, but as for now we don’t know a whole lot about the project.
If it bothers you so greatly just skip it like me, nobody is forcing you to watch it.

Last movie seen

Lord Haseo said:

Ryan I’m still waiting for you to cite a reputable source that can attest to the validity of the Episode VIII leaks…

Sorry, I didn’t even see your original post.
The leaks I was referring to were set photos that show some ships, creatures, aliens, locations, etc.
I know some are on MSW and it wouldn’t be too hard to find the others, but I’m on my mobile right now so I’m not even going to attempt it, I can have a look when I get home if you’d like.

Last movie seen

Lord Haseo said:

We’ll have to wait for that until the films come out cause I doubt they’ll make an official statement saying “VIII and IX will not be a soft remake of V and VI” but I wish they’d say that though. Implying VIII and IX are at least mostly original of course.

Some of the leaks I’ve seen for 8 (verified ones, not weird fanficiton ‘script leaks’) have given me high hopes for it, so I’m actually eagerly awaiting the film.

Part of my disdain for TFA is definitely due to my expectations. They weren’t fulfilled and I felt a bit cheated waiting 10 years for something that I felt was way too similar for my liking.
I have plenty of friends who love TFA and I don’t mind at all; I’m honestly glad so many people like it, I just personally can’t do it myself.

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joefavs said:

Will I be pissed if VIII and IX follow suit and hew this close to the OT? Of course, I don’t think they can or should get away with this kind of thing more than once. But as far as the series up to TFA is concerned, I needed a course correction before a Great Leap Forward, and I’m happy to have got one.

That’s why I said I’ll be more forgiving of TFA if Disney/Lucasfilm can prove this won’t be an ongoing trend.

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TV’s Frink said:

Yeah, I don’t know how you can think ROTS is great and TFA doesn’t feel like a Star Wars film.

People complain that TFA is too much like ANH but somehow not a SW movie at the same time.

ROTS is barely a movie. It’s half video game and half George checking off the to-do list he has in his head to awkwardly connect 3 to 4.

For all its flaws, ROTS at least attempts to tell a story.
TFA just felt like Disney saying “see, we hate the prequels too, we’ll prove it by showing you cool X-Wings and Stormtroopers again!” and putting their quest to ‘regain trust’ over making an actual piece of art; basically it felt like a money maker and nothing more.

I know a lot of people would say the same about the prequels, but at least George did try to tell a story, even if the execution was pretty off at times.

It’s worth noting too that I’m not here to defend George from all criticism, I’m not as bad as The Force 😉

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My issue with TFA is that it could have felt like the OT without ripping every single story beat from the OT.
A story about Luke building the new temple and training Kylo would have at least been more interesting than a string of interchangeable events we’ve seen before tied together by “coincidences”.

Finn’s story was the only original part of the whole film, everything else is exactly the same or a very slight variation of what’s come before.

There’s actually a lot I like about TFA, but I can’t look past how obvious a safe-player it was.

Last movie seen

If I were going off nothing but technical aspects I’d probably rate TFA above TPM and AOTC.
However I can’t even view TFA as a Star Wars film anymore, so I dump it at the bottom quite often. That’s not necessarily a problem with the film, but perhaps with me. Maybe I’ll change my mind one day but that’s just the conclusion I’ve come to for now.

If Episode 8 impresses me I’ll be more likely to re-embrace TFA

Also ROTS is better than any other movie ever made.

EDIT: I’m kidding, please don’t hang me.

Last movie seen

Possessed said:

I must admit, in fanedit form, I legitimately enjoy the prequels. Not as much as the originals, but still very enjoyable.

In unedited form they aren’t great but I still don’t think they’re terrible per se.

I think ROTS is a legitimately great film and often try to defend it.
I don’t defend TPM and AOTC so much. While I like them both quite a lot, I know there are lots of problems with them.

I think the great Star Wars movies are III - V.
I, II and VI have a lot of problems but I still enjoy them more than most other movies.
VII… I’m hoping for a decent fanedit in the future.

Which version/release of the Star Wars movies do you watch and why?

Density said:

Ryan-SWI said:

Depends on the mood but these are the ones I usually go to.
I have many, many different versions of each film but these are the ones I watch most:

The Phantom Menace:
VHS or BD.

Attack of the Clones:
VHS, ADigitalMan’s Extended Version or BD

Revenge of the Sith:
VHS (yes, really) or BD

A New Hope:
'92 VHS release (OOT), '97 Laserdisc or '06 Limited Edition release

The Empire Strikes Back:
'92 VHS release (OOT) or '11 BD

Return of the Jedi:
'92 VHS release (OOT) or '06 Limited Edition release

The Force Awakens:
BD, if I have to…

I very rarely meddle in fan edits or preservations, the only ones I regularly go to in that regard are the ADM Extended versions, but that’s it. Part of being a massive SW home video collector also includes an annoying tendency to not want to watch any of the films in a format other than official releases, for reasons that make very little sense.

Nothing about this post makes sense…

And to me making fan edits that chop out half a movie make no sense, but I pay no notice because everyone has their own preferences.
My preferences are weird and aren’t supposed to make sense, I just watch those ones because that’s what I like.

I love the feel of VHS which is why I use it so often, but I also sometimes want to sit down and watch a film in the best quality possible on my home theater set-up, which is why I then go for the BD or highest quality OOT I have available at the time.

In regards to TFA, I’m just not a huge fan.
I initially liked it but became more and more sour about it after every viewing; instead of getting a new Star Wars movie we got something that was both lazy and unoriginal with nothing going for it but nostalgia beats and the odd glimmer of something that could have been much better. That’s just my opinion anyway, I know a lot of people like TFA and that’s cool, not gonna lose sleep over it 😉

The imperialscum "Furiously Doing His Taxes" Thread

moviefreakedmind said:

I would like to make a public apology to RyanSWI, as well as to the originaltrilogy.com community, for my general sourness in pretty much all of the Star Wars related threads and sometimes (although I hope to a lesser degree) in Off Topic.

Accepted, and no hard feelings towards both you and Frink.
I think a lot of us acted like idiots to varying extents, hopefully we can put it behind us and move on, if only to stop the site falling further; I think we can all agree how amazing and unique this place is, petty complaints and rivalries aside.

Last movie seen

Lord Haseo said:

Unfortunately. I watched the Mummy every week when I was a kid and I watched The Mummy Returns on a monthly basis. In retrospect Returns was trash and the 3rd one was even worse. No retrospect needed for that one.

Returns is the kind of trash I can happily sit and watch with a decent amount of alcohol, though I don’t really think I could ever attempt it again sober.
I’m happy to not talk about Mummy 3, ever.

For some reason I can’t rate any film 10/10 but I can do it for videogames

I understand that. If I were to go all “professional critic” on it I’d probably give it an 8.5 in reality, but in casual conversation I tend to just give my favorite movies top marks so people just assume I love it when I couldn’t be bothered explaining myself.
Though in saying that, considering the name of the site, liking Star Wars should probably be a given.

The imperialscum "Furiously Doing His Taxes" Thread

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

Eh, it was going to be locked as soon as Silverwook logged in anyway. I played a part in that more than anyone other than Ryan.

Maybe you can offer some insight on this. Why would someone who has only posted about 100 comments since apparently 2010 (if we count lurking) suddenly decide to post fifty comments in less than two days almost exclusively revolving around how everyone on this sight is so “hypocritical”? That time could be better spent doing something less obnoxious, like taxes perhaps.

I can offer some insight.
I started posting comments relating to various topics I wanted to discuss and just about every one of them was shut down by someone going off topic, whether it be a troll or just someone being a dick for the sake of it.
Each time I tried again it would happen again. I’d gotten sick of watching it happen to other people mid-reading (while lurking) and when it started happening to me over and over again I eventually snapped and had a mini-meltdown.
I stick by a lot of what I said but I also wish I hadn’t said about 70% of it because most of it was garbage coming from a stressed out state, trying to unwind after 12 hours of work and immediately having my patience tested can get to you 😉

Any who I’m sorry for being, for lack of a better word, a wanker.

On another note, I can’t be sure if ImperialScum is trolling, or if he really does think he’s an amazing individual.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan-SWI said:

Seriously, I hate them just as much as you do. I don’t care if someone wants to call the PT the best thing ever, but I take issue when they start attacking the OT or members for preferring the OT, or intentionally making vicious remarks to rile people up.
I legitimately regret making the comment that aggravated you, and making it in the first place was stupid and immature, but I’ve admittedly become very stressed and tired of seeing nothing but negativity and bitterness from everyone here so I snapped.

Not making excuses, just explaining myself.

If this is an apology, I accept, and I will apologize in turn for dragging things out and calling you names. As has been pointed out, I have a few hot button issues and you happened to have pushed one, intentionally or not.

It is and I am, sorry for being a dick.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Seriously, I hate them just as much as you do. I don’t care if someone wants to call the PT the best thing ever, but I take issue when they start attacking the OT or members for preferring the OT, or intentionally making vicious remarks to rile people up.
I legitimately regret making the comment that aggravated you, and making it in the first place was stupid and immature, but I’ve admittedly become very stressed and tired of seeing nothing but negativity and bitterness from everyone here so I snapped.

Not making excuses, just explaining myself.