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SW Line Movies/Documentaries/Films/Shorts/Etc.

Apologies for resurrecting a 13 year old thread, but it’s probably more practical to address this here anyhow.

I’ve spent the better part of 20 years watching these fan documentaries on repeat and only recently it has dawned on me that they’ve started to become rather important markers of Star Wars and pop culture history of a bygone era, specifically those relating to news coverage and the ‘Lines.’ I’ve started to make a concentrated effort to get a hold of as many of these as possible because, as my searching quickly revealed, many of the projects in the OP are now long scrubbed from the internet with little trace of their existence remaining.

I have DVDs of most of what has been released on DVDs, and trawled through endless early 2000s SW fan site links on the Wayback Machine in some instances to retrieve horrendous lq .wmv line videos. Some of those listed in the OP I have absolutely no idea what they’re meant to be (“Jikes!” ???), and some are still floating around on YouTube. I’d say I’ve managed to track down about 80% of OP’s list, but there are a few that are still escaping me.


Beginning of the End - Originally a direct download or stream from Erik’s several websites, the files have not been archived on any of them by Wayback. Search engine results are lucky to return the occasional article around its release, but to my knowledge there is no way to watch this. I’ve managed to retrieve a trailer, a 4:30 preview clip and one deleted scene. There is another lost deleted scene I’m aware of, and a “mega-cut” referenced on MySpace that incorporates several deleted scenes. I have reached out to Erik to see if he’d be willing to share the film online again.

Millennium’s End: The Fandom Menace - This one had a VHS release and I believe a DVD release. I’ve had eBay alerts on it for about five years now and it never pops up. Plenty of old articles, but nobody has uploaded it. I managed to pull a trailer off of Wayback. I reached out to Jeff a couple of years ago and he expressed interest in uploading the film, but it never came to be.

Galaxy’s End: Revenge of the Myth - Also by Jeff, but I’m not convinced this one was ever actually released publicly. It had a few screenings but I cannot find a single other thing about it.

In the incredibly off chance anyone has the files or VHS/DVDs for the above sitting around please reach out. It would be great to pool resources and get some kind of preservation package of all these together.

"The series won't end until 2007"

FrankT said:

It also states that the whole thing will have been finished by 2007, although of course in reality it took a lot longer than that.

Did it? Pretty sure the Revenge of the Sith came out in 2005. George has made it very clear Disney’s movies have nothing to do with his vision, so they arguably shouldn’t even be part of this particular discussion.

Even without external considerations, I think by ROTS George was well and truly exhausted and never would have made another, regardless. Doing two more trilogies probably sounded really nice to him in the 70s/80s, not so much after getting much older and having dedicated another decade to Star Wars already.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

Fullmetaled said:

G&G-Fan said:

IMO the biggest problem with removing Padme’s death is how, if you watch it in chronological order, it doesn’t work. We’re left with Padme being alive and then she isn’t addressed for two whole films before it’s just unceremoniously said she died.

This lucas’s fault in the end leia having memories of padme is a plot hole that didn’t have to be.

One day people will stop throwing “plot hole” around for every movie-related complaint they have.

Adults claim to remember things from their childhood that they’re sure happened all the time, even if they provably didn’t. I’ve never heard any argument on why Leia should somehow be exempt from this phenomenon outside of fanboys wanting another reason to rag on Lucas.

Leia, as a grown woman, vaguely recalling non-specific memories she wouldn’t have is far from a “plot hole.”

Did G. Lucas ever intend to portray the Jedi as a flawed institution in the prequels? Or was it added later in the EU?

SparkySywer said:

So this guy’s fascinated enough by the fall of the Roman Republic to base a trilogy off of it, but not enough to know that Caesar actually did come at the head of a conquering army? The Senate gave him dictatorial powers after he conquered Rome, and it was an attempt to limit his power, not to give him power.

I don’t recall George ever saying the prequels were a Roman biopic. It’s possible to take some ideas and inspiration from an event without directly mirroring it.

I’m actually a bit confused at the amount of people who don’t think the portrayal of the Jedi was intentional in the PT. Probably could’ve been articulated a bit more concisely, but there’s still entire lines of dialogue dedicated to the idea that have already been touched upon in this thread. One of my favorite lesser talked about ones is Yoda’s in Episode II:

OBI-WAN: “…he still has much to learn, Master. His abilities have made him… well arrogant.”

YODA: “Yes. Yes. A flaw more and more common among Jedi. Too sure of themselves they are. Even the older, more experienced ones.”

In defense of Rey Palpatine in <em>The Rise of Skywalker</em>, and why I do not think it undermines her arc in <em>The Last Jedi</em>.

sade1212 said:

stealing the Skywalker name

What’s up with this idea? The ending scene of TROS clearly indicates she has chosen that name with Luke and Leia’s blessing. She hesitates and looks at their ghosts, who are smiling at her, before she says it. It’s not “without their say in the matter”. It’s essentially a post-mortem adoption, if you have to label it. Did Leia “steal” the name Organa? Sure, it’s silly fan service, but it’s not le evil Palpatine woman stealing God Emperor Luke’s holy surname.

Characterising Rey’s behaviour in TLJ in the way you did is also twisting it to the point of parody - you’d have to be completely closed off to what the movie is doing with Rey and Luke’s dynamic for you to think Rey is the one at fault on Ahch-To. “Stole his books”? You mean the ones he was planning to burn? And yes, Rey finding inner peace and acceptance is the main thrust of her journey. Internal emotional development is just as valid as like, levelling up her force powers to throw bigger rocks and pull Star Destroyers out of the sky!!!, or whatever.

TROS is a rough enough movie without people reading these weirdly malicious ideas into it.


You’re taking what I said far too seriously. Yes I’m aware she gets ‘approval’ and yes I’m aware there is more to their ‘dynamic,’ I was being facetious.

You’re also missing the point. I didn’t say it wasn’t valid, I said it wasn’t executed in a way that’s compelling. And considering the reception to the trilogy it’s not exactly a controversial opinion.

Internal emotional development is just as valid as like, levelling up her force powers to throw bigger rocks and pull Star Destroyers out of the sky!!!, or whatever.

And both Luke and Anakin manage to have a journey that covers both, which is considerably more compelling. That was my point.

If the absolute worst the protagonist has to endure is crying sometimes over her creepy space lunatic boyfriend and the director of the minute not being able to decide if she’s over her parents yet or not, and she gets rewarded with a Legacy name and untold abilities we’ve never seen before, with all her limbs intact and her friends (who she actually knew for more than two days) alive, I can’t say her journey was all too difficult in comparison to the protagonists of the previous two trilogies.

Yes you can read more into it and come up with your own theories, but most of these hot takes put more thought into the story than the filmmakers did.

The on paper concept for Rey in hindisght is actually pretty neat and had the stories been executed in a more cohesive manner with a bit more care involved it could’ve been really interesting. So I understand the desire to draw more from interpretation, but I’m yet to see any arguments that show Disney’s story didn’t undermine or pale in comparison to what was shown in I - VI, which is a massive issue considering these movies claimed to be the “conclusion to the saga.”

In defense of Rey Palpatine in <em>The Rise of Skywalker</em>, and why I do not think it undermines her arc in <em>The Last Jedi</em>.

SparkySywer said:

If we’ve already come to this point, why is she all the sudden starting to care about her family again?

Because Rey has no arc. Or at least, not a compelling one. Her ‘journey’ is some weird emotional tangent the movies sometimes decide to touch upon, and repeat in literally every single movie in some weird 360 tailspin.

TROS’ entire message is basically that self worth is found from within and you are who you make of yourself, as deducted by the OP. The issue with this is that her stealing the Skywalker name totally contradicts this and is nonsensical within the confines of the story, being done for nothing other than fan service.

If heritage doesn’t matter, why change your name? Why not keep the name Palpatine? Why have a last name at all? To honour someone you looked up to? Well you didn’t look up to Luke, you screamed at him a bunch for three days, beat him down and then stole his books. Then talked to him once after he died. You didn’t know him. Why not take Solo’s last name? That actually has narrative significance, however slim and also nonsensical considering you didn’t know the man for more than a couple days and his son was a genocidal lunatic who tortured you and killed everyone. But you did kiss him so I guess that’s all forgiven.

The trilogy is a mess of contradicting viewpoints and themes and Rey’s entire ‘journey’ takes her from being a family-less power-God who doesn’t need to earn anything on a desert planet, to a family-less power-God who doesn’t need to earn anything on a desert planet. Except now she’s got inner peace and acceptance, as clearly shown by assuming another family’s identity she doesn’t really know without their say in the matter.

Rey’s “journey” in comparison to Luke and Anakin is what I’d politely call baffling and undermining.

<strong>Star Wars: Ewoks</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

LexX said:

Ryan-SWI said:

LexX said:

Anyone here watched this? If so, what’s the verdict preservation-wise? Is there anything edited, is the quality good (colors, DNR etc.)?

It looks to be an SD upscale.

Cool, but I meant preservation-wise. Is the whole show now preserved in its original format faithfully or has it been tinkered? Ie. is it safe now to hold this as the standard or is there any need for VHS or DVD efforts?

I haven’t gone through it myself as I’m not interested in streaming services, I’ve just taken a peek using a friend’s. Reports seem to be that all the episodes are intact, but it’d take someone extremely knowledgeable about the show to comb through it. It hasn’t had a “proper” release (butchered DVD notwithstanding) since VHS so 99.9% of people aren’t going to notice anything.

Hopefully someone on this forum or a similar one undertakes it soon so we can get an answer. I’m actually a bit surprised we don’t have one yet, as far as I know anyway.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

oojason said:

^ Good to see a real set being used for the Kenobi series 👍 - I wonder if any flashback scenes in the show will be done in 90’s style green screen (just for the conformity to match the Prequel ‘style’) 😉

I’ve actually been wondering about this, specifically in regards to potential flashbacks and their inclusion of Clone Troopers. Obviously they were all CGI in AOTC and ROTS, so in theory it’d make the most sense aesthetically to match that, but I could also see them not caring and just putting actors in suits.

It’s not a massive deal either way but it will be interesting to see if they try and match the PT aesthetic at all. I think I’d prefer it for the sake of uniformity as it could end up jarring if not done right, but whatever works, works.

<strong>Shadows Of The Empire</strong> | Lucasfilm's mid-to-late 1990's EU multimedia project

ZkinandBonez said:

I read the Steve Perry novel many years later and I feel that it doesn’t get quite the attention it deserves.

I concur. It’s a bit strange because it was more-or-less the centerpiece of the whole multimedia project next to the video game. But the comics, figures, soundtrack, etc. were tied directly to the novel if I’m remembering correctly.

I could also be a bit biased because SOTE was my first proper experience with the EU back in the '90s, but I gladly recommend it to anyone wanting to delve into the EU as a kick-start point.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

fmalover said:

I’ve noticed that many of the flaws in the ST were set up by Abrams, yet I hardly ever see any criticism directed at him.

I mean, maybe if you live on Mars or just… Don’t interact with any Star Wars forums?

Abrams gets plenty of heat for TFA and TROS.

As far as I’m concerned Rian simply made a pretentious crappy film, but it was after the utter mess JJ started with TFA, and then JJ pushed the whole garbage pile into the trash compactor with TROS.

I don’t really level any of the “blame” squarely on the directors; it’s obvious the trilogy was corporate focus-grouped to death by the higher ups, so it’s whatever. Easier to just ignore them than spend any energy trying to rationalize them.

But hey, that’s just, like, my opinion man.

If I were to give some credit to Rian it’d be that he at least made a movie that resembles a movie, which was more than I could say for whatever that last thing was.

Help: Looking for... VCD Preservations

alexp120 said:

Perhaps the best that can come from the Star Wars Saga on VCD is that it is one of the few formats that carries the theatrical cut of the ‘The Phantom Menace’, outside off VHS tape and Laserdisc. It would be nice if one were to get a rip of any of the foreign language tracks from these VCDs-even if the audio track from the disc is 44.1kbps/MP3 quality. I’m sure ZigZig would welcome it in his theatrical cut preservation.

Unfortunately not. I just checked the Hong Kong and Malaysian TPM VCD’s and both only have stereo English with Left/Right isolation options. The Hong Kong release has burned in subtitles, but that’s about it.

Unless there’s another official release I’m unaware of or my VCD player is acting up, which I doubt.

It seems they’re now mostly relegated to the category of weird nerd junk that looks cool.

Unpopular opinion: I'm glad Palpatine's return wasn't set up in TLJ.

Fang Zei said:

Ryan-SWI said:

JJ himself admitted Palpatine was not the intended outcome of the Disney trilogy and they just kinda winged it.

He did? Then why was Kennedy saying at the convention that they “always intended Palpatine to return?”

Apologies, Trevorrow made the comment before the release of ROS, not JJ, my bad: “Bringing back the Emperor was an idea JJ brought to the table when he came on board. It’s honestly something I never considered. I commend him for it. This was a tough story to unlock, and he found the key.”

As for Kennedy’s contradictory comments, PR. You’re not exactly going to get up on stage and admit you winged a 4 billion dollar property. And NuLucasfilm isn’t exactly known for their great track record when it comes to being on the same page as each other.

Help: Looking for... VCD Preservations

JadedSkywalker said:

The Super VCD of Clones was preserved i think by someone years ago. Was it on the Spleen, i’ve kind of forgotten to be honest.

It was the most common version. I think None talked about it in a thread somewhere. I think it was called the Centropy version. My copy is dead as i assume most physical copies are. CDR were never meant to have shelf life of 19 years. I wish i had the foresight to archive it to a Taiyo Yuden or even an archival gold disc.

The Centropy AOTC VCD was in fact preserved into a DVD-R if I recall correctly. I think it was given a color balancing do-over and re-framing of the image itself.

I’ve still got a working Centropy AOTC VCD from back in the day though so they’re not all quite dead yet!

Help: Looking for... VCD Preservations

I’ve got many physical copies of all 6 Star Wars movies on VCD, from 2-3 different countries each.
Both retail and bootleg.

I’d attach a photo but I’m at work - I can do so when I get home if there’s interest.

As mentioned above you can get a few of them on the 'Spleen, but they’re missing quite a lot and don’t have ROTS at all. I’ve already made a a full digital archive of my VCD collection and have been meaning to try and get them up there, but it never seems to work for me.

I’m admittedly not up to date with the rules regarding digital sharing of the unedited films through this site when it comes to long dead formats like this, but I’d be happy to if oojason allows it.

Unpopular opinion: I'm glad Palpatine's return wasn't set up in TLJ.

TestingOutTheTest said:

In other words, his return is meant to come out of nowhere in TRoS.

Nothing was meant to happen because they had no idea what they were doing. JJ himself admitted Palpatine was not the intended outcome of the Disney trilogy and they just kinda winged it.

I’m not knocking your opinion at all; if that’s what you personally want to take from it then more power to you, but you’re kind of framing your argument like it’s an actual fact when we’ve got the filmmakers themselves contradicting that.

Even then, his return was already set up in the opera scene in RotS, Anakin asks him as to whether it is possible to “learn this power” (referring to Plagueis wanting to keep himself alive), and Palpatine responds, “Not from a Jedi,” intentionally grinning at us, the audience.

And I won’t even touch that.

Info &amp; Help: looking for... W/O/C Prequel Trilogy TV Broadcasts Preservations

none said:

Good idea for a thread, an area not investigated. By this time the movies were premiering on pay tv so the WOC versions were not recorded and shared as often.

This is what I figured as well. I’ve got a ROTS recording from Action Max, I believe the channel is? From around 2006 or '07, but that’s definitely a pay-per-view rip with the channel bug in the corner of the screen, no bumpers or adverts.

Definitely a good idea to start making an archive of info/releases as you mentioned, especially as free to air TV starts to fall by the wayside.

Info &amp; Help: looking for... W/O/C Prequel Trilogy TV Broadcasts Preservations

Already asked a similar question a while back on the spleen forums without much avail, but has anyone made any proper archives of early Prequel TV broadcasts W/O/C? Obviously there are a thousand and one OT broadcasts recordings, and there are the HDTV rips of I - VI, but those are obviously lacking adverts and bumpers.

I’ve got 2/3rds of a W/O/C ROTS broadcast from 2019 and a very poor-quality TPM W/O/C broadcast from the early 00s somewhere I believe. If anyone could point me in the right direction of any PT W/O/C recordings it’d be greatly appreciated. I’ve already combed the usual places.

Similarly I’ve got some oddity “Part I and Part II” (movie split in half, separated by a large ad block and both halves of the film given different classification ratings) W/O/C broadcasts of Rogue One, TFA and TLJ if anyone is interested. I don’t care for the Disney stuff, I just grabbed them when they were shown on TV because I thought it was a bit weird.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Knight of Kalee said:

I believe Ahsoka is done for this season but she’ll eventually appear later as a guest star. Or feature her in any of the spin-off live action shows that have been rumored.

Of course she will, she apparently needs to be shoehorned into everything.

I like the character as much as the next person but I’m getting pretty tired of her needing to be part of literally every possible Star Wars show going forward. People criticised Lucas for making the universe feel smaller by connecting 3PO and Anakin, and now we have Miss Omnipresent Being floating around the galaxy interacting with every storyline we see. It gets to a point where the character needs to be given an actual ending because she’s just starting to feel like Filoni’s embodied ego.

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

Chase Adams said:

Z6PO said:

Is the 2020 version stretched, or the 2011 version squished?

Judging by what Ady has provided, I would probably say that 2020 is stretched… Who knows? I’m welcome for anyone to correct me if I’m wrong!

I’m fairly certain the 2020 version is stretched. I haven’t given it the most thorough comparison by any means, but I chucked on a couple different releases and the image dynamics of the 2011 set seem consistent with earlier releases in terms of “stretching” (or lack-thereof), compared to the 2020 4K disc I put on which definitely seems to have a slight pull to the objects in the frame.

I also could be wrong and am happy to be corrected, but judging by some of the other poor presentations with this release a stretched image doesn’t seem too far fetched to consider.

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

adywan said:

Yes, i can confirm that the 2020 version of ESB is not only more cropped than the 2011 version, but also stretched horizontally, causing very heavy cropping to the sides of the frame. These screenshots are taken directly from the blu-rays:


What possible reason could there be to justify not only increased cropping of the image, but stretching?

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

oojason said:

No… who said jokes are not allowed? Of course they are - yet we both know that is not what you were saying in your post.

but this is a bit of an over-reaction to being told to simply knock it off over ‘a joke’ (as you now claim), yes?

I was reacting to the tone of your comment, which came off as hostile - if I was wrong to perceive it in that way then sure, that’s on me. But in regards to “we both know that is not what you were saying in your post,” I’d argue you swearing and being passive aggressive is far from “told to simply knock it off over a ‘joke,’” in which case I’d call my response apt. Unless you’re implying I completely misread the intended tone of your post, but you didn’t misread the intended tone of mine? Either way I’ll be sure to chuck an emoji in next time to clear it up.

And for the record yes, it was a joke.

But I won’t say anything more on the matter as it’s not the subject of the thread.

I’m sorry if my comments seemed serious and offended anyone, they were not intended to do so.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

oojason said:

Knock it off mate (the bold part). People who want to ‘defend’ the film - or just talk about what they enjoyed etc about it certainly can on here - so enough of the _“without being drunk of their mind” shite.

I was being flippant and not directing it towards anybody specific. Somewhat strange that light jabs at most Star Wars content in other threads goes unnoticed and unstopped but gets immidiately smacked down in a ST thread over a silly exaggerated remark. If I had a dollar for every snarky comment directed my way on here for liking the prequels I’d be rich. I believe this is the opinions thread, not the “praise TROS thread,” unless I’m mistaken?

People like different things - you don’t have to be uncivil about people who enjoy stuff… that you seemingly can’t comprehend.

Again, I was being flippant and it wasn’t meant as an attack. I don’t care if someone likes the movie, I just find it so atrocious that I cannot believe there’s any merit to be found within it. Is that better?

If jokes aren’t allowed I’ll be happy to refrain from making one again and apologise if it was taken to be overly aggressive, as that was not my intention.