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The Empire Strikes Back: Restoring the lightsaber cores project

Rafeski said:

Possessed said:

Have you guys seen telecine7s version? It completely rerotoscopes all the sabers but in a conservative way. It’s seamless and they look great.

Yeah, they do. Puts mine to shame.

But he also didn’t do any color correction at all and redid the sabers on top of what was there in the correct color so if you wanted to do any color correction on out all lasers and sabers would become the wrong color. Luckily I like the blu ray colors, I just think they needed a contrast boost.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

CatBus said:

Possessed said:

I think the 1997 mix is the best for the original star wars though. It sounds really good.

Agreed. SE changes aside, the 97 mixes were very good. They didn’t start really mucking things up in general until 2004. Same with the colors.

Indeed. For my personal a new hope I used the 97 mix and just used the pcm 93 mix to patch over se nonsense.

But empire strikes backs theatrical audio mix doesn’t have the sound quality problems that anh’s does so that’ll make it easier.

Actually I prefer dolby surround over dolby digital as a format anyway. More versatile. Want surround effects? Got it. Don’t have surround? No problem still sounds good in stereo. Less bitrate required to sound good, or you can have the same bit rate and have very little compression artifacts.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Really? Very interesting. I guess I’ll use that mix then I prefer punch and impact over clarity and noise especially since the 1980 mix sounds good anyway not like it’s fuzzy or indirect sounding anyway) and just patch in the se audio to fix some of the bad music cuts I’m the original version.

I think the 1997 mix is the best for the original star wars though. It sounds really good. Doesn’t suffer from the muffled and worn out sound of the original (listen to the music cues where the music gets loud over scene transitions… Some of those sound just awful) yet it also doesn’t have the problem of every line of dialogue sounding like a different take and quality and sounding blared and clipped that every version 2004 and onward has, so it’s the best of both worlds.

Random Thoughts

I need to make a thread for the custom star wars saga set that I’m making, but I’m not entirely sure where to put it, in fanedit or preservation. Probably fan edit as most of it is, but some of it isn’t. The set goes as follows:
Ep1-3: Fan edits to be made by me
EPIV-5: Custom hybrid of special edition and theatrical using telecine7s version with re rotoscoped sabers and blasters and TN1s (for iv) as sources with the Tn1 footage filtered to match the blu ray, but with a few small custom fixes by me. (Easy fixes, nothing major mostly a few shots in esb have small amounts of motion blur added to stop motion shots) Esb will mostly be the theatrical cut but with SE visuals so it will mostly be bd (with new lasers) footage with theatrical laserdisc audio patched in side places.
EpVi will be my own already-in-progress wait using telecines version as a source.

My music

Sounds good! I put a lot of work into making good cohesive albums with a consistent tone and vibe without being repetitive.

They have good sound quality too, even on larger systems… Only thing is on the first three you might wanna back off the treble a bit. I went a little crazy on the high end back then. I’d remaster/possibly remix them with the set up I have now but that would be alot of work to send out all those cds to everybody especially since most people are probably happy with how they sound already except me. Lol

My music

Was having problems with my new printer so couldn’t get new copies of my latest CD (Not yet on soundcloud save for a few preview tracks) made until today. With that said, RicOlie_2’s is finally on it’s way. (Hope you haven’t moved since our last conversation!!)

Anybody else want one?

[fill in the blank] Just Died!

Jetrell Fo said:

Jay said:

Jetrell Fo said:

FanFiltration said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Dear Jay,

The last three posts were lighthearted jokes. Please don’t ban anyone when you come back from your vacation.

The guy at the computer using the TVs Frink account

Tyrphanax said:

Also at least 35 people at a nightclub in Istanbul.

Hey, how about we all stop being dicks to each other next year eh?

I applaud your intentions with the post and I will do my part even if it takes never responding to any post directed towards me again on this website. I am sad to see that some never cease in finding a way to skirt such positive sentiments as yours instead of not saying anything at all. The fact that it never stops tells me that your wish will be fought at every turn because that kind of positive environment here is neither appreciated or wanted by some without boundaries.

I’ll refrain from anymore levity.

This was not directed at you FF. I totally understood your levity and appreciated it greatly.

Jay said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Dear Jay,

The last three posts were lighthearted jokes. Please don’t ban anyone when you come back from your vacation.

The guy at the computer using the TVs Frink account

Tyrphanax said:

Also at least 35 people at a nightclub in Istanbul.

Hey, how about we all stop being dicks to each other next year eh?

I applaud your intentions with the post and I will do my part even if it takes never responding to any post directed towards me again on this website. I am sad to see that some never cease in finding a way to skirt such positive sentiments as yours instead of not saying anything at all. The fact that it never stops tells me that your wish will be fought at every turn because that kind of positive environment here is neither appreciated or wanted by some without boundaries.

Lighten up, dude. Tyrphanax got the joke and responded in kind. No need to stir the pot.

I am unsure who reported it as such or how you figured I was trying to “stir the pot” but that was not what I was doing. I was being polite but honest. I was not aware such sentiment is not allowed.

Nobody reported it. I consider it “stirring the pot”. You expressed concern and disdain over what was obviously a sarcastic joke between two friends that didn’t seem to offend anyone besides you. Your constant lecturing of both old and new members for their behavior (baiting) followed by your subsequent personal offense to resulting negative reactions toward you (playing the victim) borders on troll-like behavior. I don’t think you’re doing it on purpose, but at some point, I have to ask myself if it matters when the end result is the same.

I’m sad to see you feel it would be positive to single out someone publicly and that it would be in the best interest of the site while trying to close divides among members. You’ve now made it clear that Frink’s behavior, even if worded politely, is far more acceptable and welcome, than a member being honest and polite. I’m glad that you found the sarcasm obvious because I did not.

You make the rules, some people don’t follow them, and that’s okay. Per your direct contact with me, I cannot call Frink a troll anymore, yet he can politely disguise his jab about being a troll (which could only be directed my way) and bring the hammer down on me in public.

If some people can have it both ways and others cannot you should state as much when you make the rules. It is your site anyways. This way we all know that certain members are allowed extra latitude while others must not wander outside the parameters laid out. Though I’m not surprised by this blind-side I am disappointed you felt I had to be done like this.

Frink, I hope you’re happy now. You can now show you’re better than me and be proud, exactly the way you like it, public humiliation in defense of you.

This sucks.


Oh. My. God.

Due to the new rules I’ll only leave it implied what I meant by this.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Jetrell Fo said:

Frink and Dom show

MAN that is some nasty porn!!

Can’t we just call a truce? Warb mistakenly thought FFs post was meant to rib him, FF may have not taken into account that warb might not be thinking 100% rationally right now due to his recent loss when he complained about it. Small amounts of wrong on both sides. Shake hands and compliment each other’s hair and neckties.