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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

Here I’ve set it at 75% in the first scene and 35% in the scene that follows, so that it appears that dawn is breaking: https://vimeo.com/239303723
Password: Finn

I also mocked up a terminator line on the planet during the TIE escape to continue with the continuity, and found a place where the Apocalypse TIE shot actually makes sense.

This version of events requires Rey and BB-8 at Niima outpost to happen after this section, but I’ve got a version of events that works fairly well, and is more realistic in some ways than the original film:

-Poe arrives on the Finalizer, Finn is accosted by Phasma
-Poe is interrogated
-Rey’s day and finding of BB-8
-The Rescue
-Hux sends the squad to the wreckage
-Apocalypse TIEs
-Hux and Kylo bicker (work in progress)
-Finn awakens/sees Niima outpost
-Rey arrives at Niima with BB-8/Plutt bargains for the droid
-Finn arrives at Niima.

This solves the strange editing in the original where Plutt calls for some goons to beat up Rey and then we have to wait for Finn to rescue Poe, get knocked out, come to, run 20 minutes to the TIE, and walk for hours to Niima before the goons find Rey.

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

DigMod said:

Do all questions have to or need to be answered?

Of course not.

My whole problem with Poe’s escape is that the movie tries to provide a single, pedestrian explanation for events when it should remain open to imaginative embellishment. It implies that Poe was unconscious for the rescue of BB-8, then found a way back to the Resistance in time to save the day at Maz’s Castle. It’s fine from his point of view, but it’s not particularly interesting and makes the First Order look like a bunch of incompetents for not finding him.

To make the scene happen at dawn it would allow for more interpretations, including many acts of derring-do which cast himself and the First Order in a far more impressive light. The film can suggest, but it’s a very Star Wars thing for the viewer to build the action in their imagination.

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

But why wouldn’t they keep looking for the Best Pilot in the Resistance and the traitor that knows about their entirely secret Starkiller Base? I think a squad of 8-14 soldiers in TIEs and perhaps a shuttle would find both people quite handily, especially since life detection equipment was in use in ANH and ESB by the Rebellion and Empire.

Since Poe says he was thrown from the crash, it makes it sound like he didn’t eject.

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

That’s the original implication, but it doesn’t make much sense either way.

If he was thrown from the crash (didn’t eject), then he probably couldn’t have flown far without suffering major injuries or death on impact. In that case, Finn or more importantly the First Order would have found him. And if both Finn and Poe were lying unconscious in broad daylight fairly near to the TIE, then the First Order would have been completely blind to have missed them in their search, especially knowing exactly who they were looking for and where. I assume in all of this that the First Order has already searched the TIE by the time Finn awakens, since if they arrived after that they would have quickly tracked him down anyway.

So in an attempt to make the First Order something other than completely incompetent, I thought that his statement ‘I woke up at night, no you, no ship, nothing’ could refer to him being without Finn or a working ship and having to steal the Stormtrooper squad’s transportation. It’s a stretch, but it is no less illogical than the other implication.

Perhaps if I add the sound of two TIE fighters taking off (perhaps gunfire), and this is what awakens Finn…

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

There’s some confusion for me about Poe’s escape from Jakku. Poe only says that he woke up at night thrown from the TIE wreckage, unable to find Finn. This could mean that he woke up before Finn or after Finn and Rey left Jakku. An attempt at clarification, by changing the mid-day sun to dawn:

Password: finn

(It might work better to give Finn’s investigation of the TIE a 50% correction as well to make the transition from dawn to day more gradual)

My imagined sequence of events is this: Poe has awoken in the predawn darkeness to the sound of the First Order searching the TIE, and he makes his escape as the First Order chase him. The First Order assumes that Finn is with him or was killed. Finn then awakens at dawn and finds the empty TIE.

All Things Star Trek

Warbler said:

NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the exact exchange from Star Trek '09:

KIRK: There won’t be a next engagement. By the time we’ve gathered, it’ll be too late. But you say he’s from the future, knows what’s going to happen, then the logical thing is to be unpredictable.
SPOCK: You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. To the contrary, Nero’s very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the USS Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party.
UHURA: An alternate reality?
SPOCK: Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed. Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system warp factor three.

“altered the flow of history” in other words: changed history, not create a whole other universe.

UHURA: An alternate reality?
SPOCK: Precisely

From Wikipedia(empahsis mine):

A parallel universe is a hypothetical self-contained reality co-existing with one’s own.

the terms “parallel universe” and “alternative reality” are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases

All Things Star Trek

Here’s the exact exchange from Star Trek '09:

KIRK: There won’t be a next engagement. By the time we’ve gathered, it’ll be too late. But you say he’s from the future, knows what’s going to happen, then the logical thing is to be unpredictable.
SPOCK: You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. To the contrary, Nero’s very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the USS Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party.
UHURA: An alternate reality?
SPOCK: Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed. Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system warp factor three.


DominicCobb said:

I’ve found, in color grading AOTC, it’s pretty easy to get rid of the green spill by just reducing green saturation. The bigger issue with the shots, I think, is clunky compositing.

That’s part of it, but you can see in both images that there’s a bright outline around much of the actors, which saturation alone won’t fix.


The first image uses a very specific chroma key and a hue shift, so it shouldn’t be too hard to apply to a video.

I had to use a custom feathered matte in the second image, so that the desert would be brighter than the actors and realistically brighten the edges of their figures. For a video this would have to be keyframe animated, but it’s doable.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Possessed said:

I don’t quite get how high definition is an alteration but okay. What, do they think the original films were shot on vhs or something? That’s a common misconception that bugs the crap out of me with ignorant people, that hi def is a new thing. Sure it’s new for HOME MEDIA but films have always been made at a high resolution, or whatever the analog term for that would be.

I have never seen this misconception except in the case of Star Wars. It’s baffling that it keeps being repeated.


HerekittykittyX said:

This is not an idea for return of the Jedi I have an idea for revenge of the sith and attack of the clones I was going to do it for my edit but you can go right away you should add darth mual into attack of the clones and revenge of the sith use after effects and take out count dooku and then replace with darth mual use a green screen and add him in. Another idea add Anakin in the Darth Vader costume for revenge of the sith when Order 66 goes down and the battle with Obi-Wan
I was listening to Darth Vader audio I would recommend using audio from Star Wars rebels when Vader fights Ashoka
And it would take out most of the clunky audio for the final battle

Please use the proper thread.
Please use some punctuation.
Please use any formatting.

All Things Star Trek

doubleofive said:

Almost every time travel episode uses a different method and follows a different theory about how time travel works.

All you need to do is slingshot around the sun, which does not create a new timeline (According to Scotty and Kirk).
Or use some Chronometric particles, which may or may not create a new timeline (Depending on if the Borg actually assimilated the Earth in an alternate universe where the Enterprise didn’t intervene).
Or get sucked into a black hole, which explicitly does create a new timeline (According to New Spock).

The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse.

I dreamed that Disney was remaking A New Hope, and a guerrilla crew of faneditors had sneaked onto the set during filming of the Tantive IV attack. In this remake there were green lightsabers and lasers, and the fanediting crew was trying to film alternate angles of the action in order to ‘improve’ some of the less than fantastic shots of the original film.

Then the dream shifted and I was watching The Phantom Menace, except that it was made during the 50’s with the old Lucas story sensibility and style. Because of this, the old, grainy film began on a desolate Tatooine that had recently undergone some sort of environmental collapse. The air was full of dust and 12 year old Anakin wandered a wasteland littered with nuclear-age debris. He wandered into an old-west style town with adobe buildings, and the ragged humanity peered out of darkened windows as he passed. I noticed that the live action was poorly composited into matte paintings which extended the vista of the destroyed city. Then I woke up.