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Different chronology for the prequels
Goddamn that was awesome just flying through my mind. I really like how the whole Anakin story starts amidst the Clone Wars. The love theme would have been less of a main subject (like the OT, but still important), the overall tone would be darker (like the OT because it starts with the war and everyone is grown-up), and not everything would fit together so damn neatly (C-3PO being really old is a good idea)

Yeah, I just wish these had ben the movies made.....(sigh). The potential is just so much more.

Oh well, at least I have my thoughts, and those can't be messed up by GL.
STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga
Why so many cuts. The first CD is only 56 minutes long. I'm sure you culd hav added more music in there, seriously. Does it not flow well or something. The second CD is more filed out. I would recomment editing the Prequel one's again unless you can explain this good.

EDIT on a side note tho, they are very well done IMO. They flow just fine, my above cooment was oly a gripe about length

You should consider doing this for the LOTR soundtracks. That would be orgasmic to me. I love those soundtracks but if someone that's good at editing music can make a good flowing one disc version of the best music from those, I would most likely die. Unless you know someone that has.
I have to write a Letter to George Lucas...
OK, for my American Lterature and Composition class (sucks balls) we had to pick a celebrity we were interested in to write a letter to.

It must be in block letter format (wtf....i'll understand soon), i must leave room to introduce myself, it can only be one page in length, and in order to strengthen a chance for a reply I have to ask a question. But not any question, a unique one. I have to provide sources with info on him and then ask a unique question. The rest of the letter can be praise or whatnot you'd expect any SW fan to write to GL about.

My question is, does anyone here have an extremely unique question would like me to ask and why? Nothing stupid, and nothing bashing (teacher has to edit letters). Just something GL would feel compelled to answer to.

Thnx. Please reply quicky. It is due April 28th.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
For Balance of the force DVD, there are two sets of subtitles, one are MagFans and the other are ADigitalMan's. I don't think he did any for The Clone War.

Also, there is no confirmation. The PM system on this site sort of sucks. You can't see sent PM's and I don't know if you can save PM's or not.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
I'm not gonna e-mail you cuz i don't feel like it but if you private message our fellow member bwlag (look higher in the thread for his posts) you can request that he send you copies of Balance of the Force and The Clone Wars (MagnoliaFan edits of both Ep. I and II) on DVD. He'll reply to it and ask some other stuff and in less than a week they are your. Thats it. I don't know how to get the Pantom Edit but I here magnoliafan's far out do those so i'll ust skip them.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
That post afew above was very.....long.....and repetative. I wasted a few minutes of my life trying to find something new and....nothing. That post coulda been 1 third its length. But, on an extremely more positive note, that info kicked ass. Thanks. I thought I had noticed way more things than I thought had changed but I really actually missed a lot of things too. Can some detail the changes like the above for the Clone Wars edit.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
If you got the DVD free from bwlag like I did, than the alternate subtitles to MagFans should be stream 2 like it says when it starts. Just press the Subtitle button on your DVD remote. If you don't have the DVD's than I must ask why since they are 100% free.

I have only watch BotF so far and plan to watch TCW this weekend. I oly watched it with MagFans subs though but i'll watch it again too. I really loved the edits. Althought the aliens languages sounded a lot like scrambled speaking (which they were but what else can oyu do) they really made everything more.......realistic. Well, more Star Wars like. Chewy, Greedo, Jaba, and most other important aliens didn't talk english in the OT so why would they in the PT? Also, the crystal story was pretty cool just because it gave some cool little background that some EU short story or even novel could have gone into (but never will because GL fucked up). The pod race was better both because it is my favorite part of the movie and now it is longer and less silly (no jabba, or two headed announcer). Granted I really loved these silly things as a 12 year old but now they just seem stupid. Other small things worked well two. And the opening crawl was better than I expected but looks a little....off.

Does anyone know if the BotF edit was done using the VHS WS version. It looks quite a bit worse (tho not bad by any means) than when I skimmed through of TCW. TCW looks like a DVD, and BotF looks like a VHS capture IMO. If I'm wrong here, can anyone explain this to me. If I'm right, we should ask MagFan to do a DVD version.
ROTS - Novels etc!!
I can't link this but I know I read somwhere that Stover's deadline for the novel was before Lucas completely finished the script. Lucas prolly decised to show the wookie battle after stovers deadline. It could happen. Alos, i doubt any of the inconsistencies will be fixed in the movie. Lucas is the kind of guy that just wouldn't worry about them, then give some half-assed explanationon a commentary later that, although it seems to work, could have just been done right in the first place. He'll also go wohth the "They are just movies, settle the hell down and just enjoy them for that" In that respect I kind of agree with Lucas. Some people just try too hard to make sense of SW things. Others expect his storytelling to be author-like. Lucas isn't even close to the status of a high-prfile author. and because he won't let anyone else tell his story, editing out rather unimportant but still confusing inconsistancies and problems just doens't happen.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
OK, seriously, I think everyone that has the Balance of the Force and The Clone Wars XviD's should start seeding. From MySpleen I'm only getting about 5 seeds for each and it's downloading at about 20 Kb/s.

I really want to see these and show them to my friends because like most people I expected something a little more from Lucas and these might be the answer. Granted I still really like the prequels I just want to see them in a more serious/different lite. ROTS looks to be more serious and that is how I like my SW movies.

So please, if you still have these (I know they've been around for quite some time) please start seeding them.
The Wal-Mart $6.88 Bin: What Bargains Have You Found?
I've gotten Blade Runner out of the bin. It was the directors Cut i hadn't seen so I just bought it. I loved the original and this one was just plain better. Harrison Ford is awesome in it.

Of course with a good purchase comes a bad. That one being Hercules In New York. Now i was expecting nothing (to a negative degree)from this movie, just a lame Arnold move (his first) but what I got was THE single worst movie ever. The scenes on mount olympus were shot in Central Park and you can hear cars and horns and things. And Pretzy......fuck Pretzy....stay away from this movie.
Am I the only one who prefers the old ewok music?
I have that Anthology, got it for Christmas after the SE came out. I love the old music becuase it was the first i heard but i think i'm in the minority here when i say i love new music too. I like the sad to solemn transition, plus the music alone is very well done. I think its just really Star Wars like, and it fit well. But that's just my own opinion.
Prequel Music
Honestl, I think the PT soundtrack is better being urther from the OT soundtrack, especially for TPM. That movie was so unlike the other star wars movies that the different music seemd more comfortable than if they put old themes in something really diffeent.

The five best peices from the whole SW trilogy soundtracks (so far) for me have been Duel of the Fates, Vader Theme, Battle in the Snow, The Trade Federation theme, and funeral pyre music.

I like the Trade Federation theme SO much because it brings me back to when i was in middle school and first bought that ST, i loved it. Also, Duel of the Fates was my first real introduction to cool epic orchestral/choir music like that. It makes everything seem so damn awesome. Now i notice it in every movie its in and realize that it is very effective at making things dramatic.

In AotC, i was basically filled with some sort of awesome emotion when the Imperial March played right at the end when it showed the ships and clones and Palpatine. It was like at that moment the calm before the storm ended. Cool.