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Okay, what did we LIKE about the Special Editions?
And, how can anyone who claims to love Star Wars not own the 1 & 2 on DVD?!!!!!!!!!!

And also, not want to own the SE on DVD.
I watched ANH this morning in bed, much to the annoyance of the girlfriend, to find that VHS is shit.
Bad quality, bad sound, bad all round really.
I couldn't give a flying fuck if the SE are the only versions to be released.
I just can't wait to have the DVD, just for the picture and sound alone!!!

You lot are mad I'm tellin' ya!!! MAD!!!!!!!!!
What was your first experience with Star Wars?
My fisrt experiance was watching Star Wars in 77 at the Odeon Leicester square, London, with my Uncle when I was 6 or 7 and falling asleep, coz I thought it was "boring"

Then It came to my local cinema, and for some reason I watched it about 7 times , coz I thought it was "Brilliant"

Then the figures came out....Well put it this way, I can't imagine my life without having Star Wars in it!!

SE Trilogy on DVD coming this Fall
So let me ask you something then?

If the only way to own the OT is to buy a £70 box set(don't know what that'll be in $) so we have the OT, PT and then the AE all in one box set. Would you buy it!

Coz like whatshisface said up there, and me too somewhere else on here, thats gonna happen I tell ya!!

In 2007 or whenever, Mr Lucas will release a super fuck off box set, with the OT on there!!

Just wait, and if it does happen will you buy it?!
Coz you'll own an even more fucked up version of the OT than the SE ever were!!!
It's official! the 2004 OT DVD release will be the Special Editions :(
Do you know what I think may happen...

Once all the films are released on DVD, we will get a super box set like the Alien box set. The Archival Edition.....Right!!!!
I know we are all going on about the SE sucking(not me though..I don't mind them), but I thin Mr Lucas might just do what they did with Alien.
Come 2007 or whatever, we will gat either a 14 disc box set. With the super special editions of all 6 movies. All the shit with extra footage etc, and also the Thearical relaese.
Now, depending on the thechnoloy in 2006-7 it will be a 14 disc set or, if they can fit 2 movies on 1 disc, a 8 or 9 disc set.
I'm telling ya all, thats whats gonna happen.
It will be the biggest and best box set in history.
The way the films were origainally, and the way the films he wants now, all in one beautiful set.

This will be Star Wars for everybody.

Just to keep everybody happy..

Just wait and see....

You will finally get the OT on DVD.
Discussion: Vintage line to be reissued?
But the point I'm making is that they are already releasing the OT figures.
I don't know what the line is called, but I have the new Luke Bespin figure with the hand that comes off, and the new Vader that goes with it.
They have a Han from Star Wars,Chewie, 3PO, so on and so on.
Now they are releasing them again with new packaging and calling them vintage or whatever!!

I thought they were going to be the very first figures. The ORIGINALS!!

All they are doing is releasing Luke in Tatooine gear, Again. With a hat, without a hat. With a cloak, without a cloak, but with a different weapon, or a helmet........

Han in flight gear, Again.

Leai in her white outfit, Again.

Oh and...

That Luke in Tatooine gear is just shit...

There are so many better versions of that figure available.
Why do they have to use cloth for the cloaks and shit...
It just doesn't work.
Who fucking designs these things??
Someone needs to give 'em a smack round the haed and tell them "no, no no no no"

How many more versions of the same character do they have to release!!

role of C3PO in new Ep I & II
All this "look at Owens face" and "Look at Lukes reaction to whatever" is all bullshit man.
Why does everybody try and make the OT with the PT.
We all know it should be the other way around.

Just face it!
George Lucas made the whole fucking thing up (OT) as he went along!!

I dunno man. Star Wars is changing before my eyes, and I'm talking about the greatest trilogy ever. It's all changing, the story, the effects. Everything.
All these new reasons why the charactes we've watched for years, well some of us anyway, all these characters now seem to have other reasons for the way they acted.

And whoever said up there the thing about 3PO being a diplomat for Padme, or whatever it was, is right.
IMO I think we should have seen R2 and 3PO walking along a corridor for the fisrt time. Just like the first time we saw them in ANH. Doing there thing. This Anakin making 3PO is bollocks. The Galaxy all of a sudden got a lot smaller!!

It's starting to get to me!!!

Just face it!
George Lucas made the whole fucking thing up as he went along!!


Got that off my chest!!!
SE Trilogy on DVD coming this Fall
That sounds great...apart from the same thing I keep harping on about.
This box set will not match 1 & 2.
Why are they releasing a box set???

I'm a fool!

I've just looked at my Indy box set, and have just realised that they are all in seperate cases.
I think I must of got it confused with the Back to the future box.

I need to stop smoking so much shit man, my brain's turning to mush man!?