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What is wrong with Return of the Jedi?
To be fair... If I was 16 or whatever, I'd probably think AOTC is better....
Man...I'd probably hate the OT for looking dated an crap!!!

The reason half of us here think Jedi is better, or any of the OT for that matter, is because we grew up with it!

Well thats my reason..

For me any of the OT is far better than any of the PT, only reason being is that I grew up with the films..

Man, Star Wars was in all of my childhood....I couldn't imagine my childhood without SW.

So if Jimbo likes AOTC more than Jedi fair enough!!

Jimbo...It's you opinion though mate, not everybody agrees with you, just realise that and accept the fact that OT is better than the PT...J/K
Plot holes in the SW saga

Originally posted by: jimbo

Originally posted by: HotRod
But there still isn't any plot holes in Episodes 1 & 2.....

All movies have plot holes. Its inevidible.

True....Especially Back to the future 3.......

But, I can't seem to find any in Star wars...

Plot holes Jimbo me lad....Not continuity(sp?) mistakes, or just messy mistakes...Actual plot holes!?!?..
I don't think George is that stupid to have obvious plot holes in his babies!!!

Plot holes in the SW saga
Actually in Jimbos defense...

In 1980 when Empire cam out, you could by a folding poster thing. On the back was a load of info an shit!!
One had a piece about the Empire, and it stated there that the Stormtroopers were clones...

Also, Jimbo is correct in saying, if Goerge Lucas says they are Clones, then they are Clones.
They may not have been once, but they are now!

Plot holes in the SW saga
Does 3PO look the same after 20 years...No (Wath ANH again, and you'll see that 3PO never mentions his name to Owen)

Does 3PO and R2 get their memory wiped by the end of Ep3...Yes (George says so himself)

Coz Vader does'nt ever want to go back to Tatooine after his mother dying and all that shit!!! (Where better to hide someone that doesn't want to be found, than a place where the person looking will never go to)...Make sense...no