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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

I first saw this movie a couple of years ago, and I really liked it then. This time, though, it just fell kind of flat for me. It's not bad by any means - the cast is good, and I didn't mind most of the CG (being someone who is pretty much against large amounts of CGI in non-animated films, that's saying something). I suppose a number of elements of the storyline itself just don't work for me anymore.

For example, I just can't get emotionally invested in Aslan's sacrifice to save Edmund's life, since - as He is literally just Christ in another form - I already know He's gone through death once before, and it was a helluva lot more demeaning and brutal the first time around, so there's nothing really at stake here. Also, I just can't buy into the idea that a bunch of average kids could take up arms and fight like professional soldiers in hand-to-hand combat and actually hold their own in such a short period of time without any real training. I know that both examples are faithful to the book itself - which I enjoyed - but it just doesn't translate well to screen for me.

Stay (2005)

A good, well-made movie, and it only gets more interesting as it goes along. The only real bad thing I have to say about this film is Ryan Gosling's performance; he's supposed to be playing a character who is intelligent and artistic, but he just comes off as a slow-witted douchebag.

The Hidden (1987)

I didn't know whether or not I was going to like this movie going into it, and I initially got the impression that Kyle MacLaughlin's character was going to turn out to be a pretty flat and lifeless personality. As I got further into the movie, though, the story clicked for me, and MacLaughlin's character proved to have a lot more gravitas than I was initially led to believe. The ending was a bit perplexing, I'll admit, but it's no big deal in the greater scheme of things.

All-in-all, I really liked this movie, and its going on my "must-own" list.

Planet Earth (1974)

If this is typical of all of the non-Trek pilots Roddenberry's made, I'm not surprised in the least that none of them were ever picked up.

The expositional voiceover at the beginning is not an adequate means of introducing the audience to the characters or the world they live in, and the overwhelming goofiness of the storyline - the white Indian character, "dinks", the bizarre characterization of the pseudo-Klingons - is off-putting and gives you no clear picture of what type of show the creators were going for here.

I'll admit, this was fun to watch (albeit due to the excessive corniness more than anything else), I liked John Saxon and the short-haired brunette (I don't know the name of the actress, sorry), and I do think this would have been a fine episode in an already established and running TV series. As the pilot episode for a proposed new series, though, it just doesn't work to any degree.

Novels to bridge the gap between Episode VI and Episode VII

Akwat Kbrana said:

Tatooine Ghost [<-- Oh dear Lord, this one was awful; worst Star Wars book I've ever read]

Ah, Tatooine Ghost. I liked it when I originally read it, but that was back before I saw ROTS and came to hate the PT, so I probably wouldn't be able to stomach it today.

In retrospect, it probably could have been a decent if unnoteworthy yarn if it weren't for all those stupid connections with TPM & AOTC.

The Jedi Academy Trilogy are sort of in a category all their own. On the one hand, they are quite important insofar as the EU metanarrative is concerned. On the other hand, even though the overall storyline is pretty solid, they're remarkably poorly-written (though not as infuriatingly bad as the four afore-mentioned shite-biscuits). Maybe give them a try, but don't feel bad if you give up halfway through.

The trilogy's overall importance to the EU in general is the only reason I accept it as quasi-canon within my own SW Universe. But Lord, is there so much bullshit running through it, especially in the final two books, that to accept anything more than the bare-bones plot is completely unacceptable. The Imperials have the ability to create the Sun Crusher, an indestructible fighter-sized ship that is capable of destroying stars? Give me a break! If the Sun Crusher was some piece of advanced hardware built by an unknown alien civilization, though, that the Imperials just happened to find floating abandoned in the Maw? Now that can work.

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

Ryan McAvoy said:

You should give JJ's 2 new Treks a go, they're alot of fun.

Sorry, but my mind's made up. Aside from the idea that the act of travelling through time creates parallel universes, everything - and I mean every single, solitary thing - I've heard, read, or seen about either movie is goddamn awful. I'd rather watch all the worst episodes of TNG along with Insurrection and Nemesis in one, long sitting than see anything from Abrams' tripe.

Besides, if you have to sacrifice intelligence for "fun", then I'd rather have the gods strike me down for apostasy.

Plus you can be safe in the knowledge that since it takes place in an alternate time stream our old friends are still safe.

I tell that to myself all the time in regards to the original Stargate film and Stargate SG-1 - it's still just a cold comfort at best, and means absolutely nothing in the end.

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

My own personal ranking

1. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (bet no one excepted this, eh?)

3. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

4. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (this ranking is tenous, though, as I really need to rewatch the film)

6. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

7. Star Trek: First Contact

8: Star Trek: Generations

9 Star Trek: Insurrection

10. Star Trek: Nemesis

Haven't seen either of the Bizarro Trek films - and never will - but I would probably rate them far beneath Nemesis if I ever were to.