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The Frighteners (director's cut) (1996)

There isn't much I have to say in regards to this film; in some cases it's better than the theatrical version (more scenes with Cyrus and Stuart), in some cases it gives away too much information that was better left up to the imagination (the scenes delving into Dammer's undercover experiences), but for the most part it's the same, for better and worse (I love the first half of the film, but it loses it's edge once Death becomes Jake Busey).

Overall, I rate it the same as the theatrical version -- 9/10

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Darth Lucas said:

I mean I've noticed the site goes down often-ish but it never occurred to me that it might be happening when somebody was writing a response.

It's happened to me enough times to really get on my nerves. Now I try to remember to copy a post before I try to submit it so that if the site crashes, I won't have to type it out all over again.

Star Wars: Knight of the Empire (The Second Episode in DuracellEnergizer's New PT Re-Write) *CANCELLED*


Leaving the orbit of Ophuchi, the Victor-class star destroyer Lancer flies to join the other ships of the fleet amassing outside the planet's gravity well.


Obi-Wan and Anakin make their way down the corridor, their expressions unreadable. Having discarded their battlefield armour and robes, they are now dressed in the maroon uniforms of Imperial Jedi personnel.

As they near the door into the sick bay it slides open, allowing a Caamasi officer to step out. Once she is past, the two Jedi enter the sick bay.


Obi-Wan and Nik walk through the sick bay, passing a number of beds containing a number of patients, before they finally come to the bed of Kannen Doom. Stripped of her armour, we can now see that Kannen is a very handsome Human woman with thick, voluminous blond hair. Though visibly weary from her severe injury, she is conscious and alert.

KANNEN DOOM: (weary) Greetings, Jedi.

ANAKIN: (puts his hands on his belt, smiling) Hello, yourself. (beat) How are you doing?

KANNEN DOOM: The 'droid says I'll be in tip-top shape within two weeks. A few more immersions in a bacta tank and I'll be good as gold. (chuckles) Two more weeks like this. Gods, I'll grow stir crazy.

OBI-WAN: (grins) You never could stand to sit still in any one place for too long.

KANNEN DOOM: No more than you could resist my wiles, Kenobi. (winks)

ANAKIN: I'm sure the weeks'll just fly by, Kannen. Don't worry about it.

KANNEN DOOM: (sighs) I guess I'll have to try, won't I? (beat) Your leave's coming up, isn't it?

OBI-WAN: Yes. Five weeks for both of us.

KANNEN DOOM: Going home, spending time with friends and family, all that jizz?

OBI-WAN: Anakin'll be returning to Orron III and I'll be returning to Coruscant to see my wife.

KANNEN DOOM: Wife? You got married?

ANAKIN: (elbows Obi-Wan in the arm) Three months ago.

KANNEN DOOM: To that Coruscanti Jedi, Sara, right?

OBI-WAN: Siri, and yes.

KANNEN DOOM: (smiles) My belated congratulations, Kenobi. You should have invited me. I would have loved to have been at the wedding. (grins salaciously) Or the bachelor party.

OBI-WAN: (groans) Don't remind me.

KANNEN DOOM: (frowns) What?

ANAKIN: (smirks) The bachelor party wasn't exactly what you'd call the last great hurrah for single living.

OBI-WAN: It would've been the last great hurrah for living, period.

KANNEN DOOM: I'm intrigued. Tell me more.

OBI-WAN: (waves his hand) No, no more!

ANAKIN: (to Kannen, grinning) I'll tell you later.

KANNEN DOOM: You'd better not skip over any of the juicy details.

ANAKIN: Don't worry about that. I've got a holographic memory for juicy details -- especially these juicy details.

OBI-WAN: (facepalms) Lord, have mercy ...

KANNEN DOOM: (yawns) It's been nice catching up, gents, but I think it's about time we called it a night. The drugs are kicking in and I'm getting sleepy. See you in transit, okay?

OBI-WAN: Alright.

ANAKIN: See you later.

With that, Kannen closes her eyes to rest. Turning around, Anakin and Obi-Wan leave her and exit the sick bay.


Stepping out of the sick bay, the Jedi Knights make their way back along the corridor they first came through.

OBI-WAN: Well, that certainly was a robust conversation.

ANAKIN: (grins) You're not sore over me bringing up the party again, are you, Obi-Wan?

OBI-WAN: Yes, yes I am. I wish for the life of me that I could erase the memories of that party from my mind forever. Your bringing it up doesn't help me to do that.

ANAKIN: From what I recall, you enjoyed the party at first.

OBI-WAN: I did -- until the Felacatian had a panic attack, shifted into her animal form, and tried to kill us all.

ANAKIN: (puts up his hands) Hey, I hadn't even heard of Felacatians before that night. The catalogue listed Taigria's measurements, attributes, and one fine portfolio of sexy snapshots, but it didn't give any background details on her race. Blame them, not me.

OBI-WAN: (sighs) At least the ordeal taught you a valuable lesson.

ANAKIN: Yes, yes, yes. Always do background checks on individuals or groups you plan on hiring in advance of hiring them.

OBI-WAN: Right. Now never bring this matter up again -- ever.

ANAKIN: Of course, of course. (smirks) Right after I tell Kannen.

OBI-WAN: (rolls eyes) You're going to be the death of me.

ANAKIN: Not in this life. (beat) It's funny, you know, about Kannen. I like her -- I wouldn't change a thing about her -- but I still find it weird to think of her as a Mandalorian. She's nothing like the Death Watchmen.

OBI-WAN: Not all Mandalorians are like Vizsla and his group, Anakin, you have to remember that. There is as much diversity among them as there is among the Jedi.

ANAKIN: I know. Still, it's hard to forget what they put us through.

OBI-WAN: Don't forget it, Anakin, just remember to keep it in perspective.

Reaching the end of the corridor, the two Jedi make a turn to the left and enter another.

ANAKIN: Nashira would like to see you and Siri again, you know. It's been two years since the last visit.

OBI-WAN: I know, and she and I'd both like to take a trip to Orron III ...

ANAKIN: It's the baby, isn't it?

OBI-WAN: (nods) After starting the stem cell treatments, this is the first successful pregnancy we've had, but the doctors have said that there's still a danger she could miscarry. Neither of us want to take the chance of a long-distance trip right now.

ANAKIN: I understand. (beat) Maybe we could visit you.

OBI-WAN: I thought the DuQuesnes didn't have enough money to charter a flight to Coruscant.

ANAKIN: I'm sure I could pull a few strings. (grins) I am a Jedi sergeant major, after all.

OBI-WAN: An enlisted rank. Jedi or not, I don't think it carries much weight among the top brass.

ANAKIN: It wouldn't hurt to try.


With all ships lined up together, the Imperial fleet makes the jump into hyperspace.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

generalfrevious said:

Does anyone realize that the Simpsons will never be cancelled? There will still be new episodes airing long after the heat death of the universe.

Zombie Simpsons is in the stages of becoming a complete non-entity, so it won't have to be cancelled; in a decade or so, it will become a shade, a phantasm -- something that exists, but only as an echo, easily ignored and even more easily forgotten.

The problem, however, is the danger of true Simpsons being conflated with Zombie Simpsons and allowed to fade away along with it. That has to be combated.

What do you HATE about the EU?

LexX said:

Kevin J. Anderson.

I started to read my old SW books that I've only read once as a teenager and forgetting pretty much everything. So it was a good time to start over beginning with SW, Splinter, TESB, ROTJ, Thrawn... and now I'm reading KJA's pieces of work.

After Thrawn trilogy this guy's work feels like they were written by a 14-year-old. Everything happens so fast (for a book, anyways) and the things people do in the story feel completely ridicilous. Daala being like a second Thrawn and making battle plans like a random person from the streets, ugh. I'm now in his second book and in the first 100 pages Ackbar destroys thousands of aliens and retires from being an admiral, Han loses Falcon and Ackbar's best technician friend is an Imperial spy with a cyborg brain. I laughed out loud at the last one when reading.

I didn't remember these were that bad. I remember Crystal Star being the worst book ever and it was also the last one published here. Not sure if I'll give it another read... Almost considering dropping KJA's books but it's good to have something to read. I guess?

You forgot to mention how bad KJA's dialogue is -- especially the dialogue given to the Jedi characters. It's like reading a soap opera -- the lines he has come out of Luke & co.'s mouths sound incredibly stilted and completely unnatural.  

What do you LIKE about the EU?

Tyrphanax said:

I really think it's a shame on the level of a tragedy that DKM's Boba Fett stories have been so diminished thanks to the number of lame retcons and especially Lucas' butchering of the character in AOTC, because to me, it's one of the best pieces of Star Wars writing out there.

Indeed. Of course, PT fanboys'll just say that AOTC made Fett more "human" and "relatable". *rollseyes*

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Leonardo said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I thought putting tinfoil on windows was supposed to cut the heat down, but it doesn't seem to do jack shit -- I'm still miserably hot, just in darkness instead of sunlight.

 I had never heard of this solution before.

I don't know.... tinfoil + heat... isn't that how you cook potatoes??

I don't claim to understand the kooky science behind it all, but apparently tinfoil on windows is supposed to act as a reflector, bouncing the light and heat that'd otherwise pour right on in back. As I've said, though, I haven't noticed any real heat reduction; perhaps I didn't apply the tinfoil right, or it's just too hot out for it to work well. 

Quotes Thread

"This vessel could do at least Warp 5." - Leonard Nimoy

"A solar eclipse. The cosmic ballet goes on." - Leonard Nimoy

"The world needs laughter." - Leonard Nimoy

"I cannot listen to any of your instructions, for you are my sworn enemy and are about to meet your demise." Chip Douglas AKA The Cable Guy

"Come back here, so that I may brain thee!" - Chip Douglas AKA The Cable Guy

"You wanna play rough? Daddy can play rough!" -- Chip Douglas AKA The Cable Guy

"I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter." Chip Douglas AKA The Cable Guy

What do you LIKE about the EU?

After having now read both of the Boba Fett stories by Daniel Keys Moran AKA J.D. Montgomery, I have to say I really like his take on the character; his Boba is kind of like Rorschach from the Watchmen comics -- a pessimistic antisexual with an unorthodox sense of justice all his own.

I'm sure its a take on the character that not everyone likes (PT fanboys especially), but for me, I find it makes Fett a more complex and interesting character than -- say -- being a Maori clone who flirts with dancing girls.