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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

rpvee said:

adywan said:

Something i forgot to mention a few weeks ago was that when i went to Memorabilia in November there was a seller with my Revisited ANH for sale as a 2 disc set. Now strangely enough the second disc was supposed to be the bonus disc and was called "Deleted Magic: Revisited" and my Adywan logo had been taken out from the cover and replaced with "Orange Cow Productions" instead. Gotta say i was pissed off and reported the guy for selling bootlegs but they didn't seem to bothered about doing anything and i didn't want to kick up a fuss because i had my daughter and her 10 year old sister with us. Now i wasn't going to bother mentioning this but then i noticed that there is now a new version of Deleted magic with "Revisited" added in the title.  This got me wondering, especially with a certain ex-member of these forums being know for selling other peoples edits. Seems strange to me that it would now contain "revisited" in the title and i saw my edit being sold with this as the bonus disc. The only thing i can't figure out is why was my Adywan logo removed and replaced with "orange cow productions"? Or is that just the name of the dick-head group who are making these bootlegs to sell?

Dude, the guy is making profit off of YOUR creation, the one YOU envisioned, bought things for, etc., and he even had the audacity to remove your NAME from it.

No matter who was with you, if I was in that position, I would've said something for sure!  Imagine how shocked he'd be to have the actual Adywan himself approach him.

 Im sure Adywan didnt kick up a fuss because at the end of the day it might be his vision and someone might be making a profit of it but at least its Ady's vision and Adywan knows in his heart that its his creation and his hard work that will capture ppls attention, since the revisited saga is growing in popularity im sure ppl will catch on who the real editor is and maybe orange cow productions may get into a few legal issues, maybe a Adywan fan who so happens to be a copper too? :D

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

shanerjedi said:

I still favour a small American Graffiti-style montage closeout with music and a small description of what happened next in SW history.

I'm talking about after the credits btw.


Its a cool idea but i feel its not Star Warsish. Though if it was to happen it would be good to kind of book end the saga. Kinda opposite end of 'A long time ago in a galaxy, far, far away...'

Maybe something like

'...and so that was the end of the Empire, return of freedom, peace and return of the jedi.'

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Bingowings said:

I can imagine Luke marching up the steps of a ruined Jedi temple with rebel soldiers (mirroring how his father stormed the place) and entering the empty and abandoned council chamber to be joined by the ghosts of his mentors and his father as the celebrations take place in the streets would make for a touching scene.

I'm not sure how it could be achieved though.

 Maybe if there was footage of luke walking upstairs in one of the films, would suggest New Hope but ROTJ already too like New Hope, Maybe Luke walking up the stairs in ROTJ?

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

mrbenja0618 said:

darthmunky said:

My friend suggested this, says it goes well as a saga:

The First Hope
The Republic Strikes Back
Return of the Sith

A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi

I ran this test once.


 Love the green lightsaber looks alot better, love the editing so we dont see force lightening too. Didnt u also do a test where we never see yoda but see dooku escape as Padme and co. fire at his ship.

I really like the titles lol. My list and reasons why:

Keep Phantom Menace, edit out sidious' face like other editors have. Then the title makes perfect sense. Sidious is pulling the strings from the shadows, the audience knows this regardless of being a fan or not, it wouldnt be a change just for the sake of it either.

The Clone Wars because i think it would of been so much better haha

Rise of the Empire was the first rumoured name i heard before Revenge was officially titled and loved it.

A New Hope

Empire Strikes Back

Return of the Jedi

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Josh said:

Well, I tried editing the Duel between Mace and Palpatine, and there are alot of sound problems, as well as crossfade issues. But:


I re-edited the sequence of events to when anakin arrives 

The conversation between mace and palps in as follows-Mace: In the name of the Galactic senete of the republic, (blah blah blah)

Palpatine: I am the Senete!

Mace: We'll decide your fate (then)

Palpatine: Are you threatning me master jedi- (he stands up)

Mace: Not yet

Palpatine: It's treason then.

Well, I think it works. The rest of the changes you may or may not notice. Little stuff like making palpatine less whiney at then end. I tried to recolor Agen's saber, but I gave up. My editing skills are no match for some of you out there but, hey, I tried.

 Over all i think was a definite improvement. All the good points:

The pace was better, more exciting and took out the CGI Palpatine flipping from a metal thing to flip back in the same place which ive always hated (so wish the CGI Palpatine that smashes the glass would look better). I like the new dialogue.

Few minor things that i would personally would of changed:

Didnt like the recolouring of Agen Kolars saber since i like the saber colours the way they are. Thought the line of ''We'll decide you fate (then)'' came a little too soon and had to rewatch that little bit a few times to try and make out what he said, turned my speakers up and still cant hear it exactly so i think without being told what he said i wouldnt have a clue, maybe you could change that so the line comes maybe a second/half a second later. Dont know if it was just me watching that scene over and over but didnt feel anakin was in two minds about the situation. I know why i feel this was due to you cutting a few silly lines of dialogue which i totally understand.

Overall i loved it and a inspiration to other editors who wish to improve ROTS. Well done! :D

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

brash_stryker said:

Oh, I'm going to be redubbing threepio with an alien voice so that he's a different droid. Will also be redubbing the analysis droids in the deleted scene (possibly in my own modulated voice - Star Wars needs some Welsh accents! :p)

 Haha its hard enough understanding my friend who attends newport uni and he started off with posh english accent, now he sounds welsh lmao. My area manager is welsh too lol

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

EyeShotFirst said:

Kenny Baker has stated many times that Anthony Daniels goes to every Star Wars convention as long as he isn't there. I read an interview about 10 years ago, he said he went to an award ceremony and saw Anthony Daniels there. As soon as Anthony saw him he left.

Anthony Daniels has never stated why he didn't like Kenny Baker. It was solidified as truth in Bring Back Star Wars when he wouldn't go if Kenny Baker was going to be there. Even Peter Mayhew and Dave Prowse has said they don't get along.

Aren't they a little too old to be fighting like kids? Maybe youthfulness stays with some people for ever.

 Not exactly, Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels both appeared at NEC Birmingham in England one year, Kenny usually sits next to Warwick Davis though. Felt sorry for Kenny because he had no queue and Anthony had a queue mile and a half long. Mick Foley was there too, was such a great day.........

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Ive just had the most weird thought, instead on Anakin blowing up the droid control and shutting down the droids, how about Anakin continues to blow it up but Sidious tells the Viceroy to shut down the droids like in Episode III. Would explain how the Viceroy was 'betrayed' by the dark lord, validating what Dooku says in Episode II. Just sudden thought lol.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

rpvee said:

adywan said:

rpvee said:

mrbenja0618 said:

But is that really a fix? Or is it Ady pleasing the fans? I think Ady's right in this case... It's not needed.

 If there should logically be a reflection there when there isn't one, no matter how small, then yes, it would indeed be a fix.

So should i add just the smallest tip of Vaders lightsaber to just 1 frame? Because thats the sum total of frames where you may even see it

 If you want your edit to be complete and definitive in terms of fixes (something that I believe you started Revisted to do in the first place), then absolutely, you should add that tip to that one frame, and anywhere else it might be needed.


I like that idea about reflecting light in those tubes behind Luke, too, but I'm just starting to become a frequent poster here and I don't want Adywan to hate me, lol.

 well considering that on average i think cameras work at 25 frames per second its worthless doing, it would literally be that quick you probably wouldnt see it.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

 Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

The only thing that i did like about the reflections of the lightsabers was to make the window actually look more window like than just a frame, i know the glass smashes later on in the scene lol, maybe someone might add a slight shine or reflection of the interior where they are fighting to make the window look more realistic?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

adywan said:

satanika said:

Well, I am not one to go on endlessly about a topic, but I'm not talking about reflections, or light or whatever. Simply that ice is blue.

Actually I believe the blue would be even more pronounced in a cave. Look up ice cave on google images to see tons of blue caves. ;)

Actually a lot of this depends on who is taking the photograph. Was the white balance set before taking the picture or was the camera set to automatic white balance?.  Look at these examples of ice caves:

Just a hint of blue where the white balance looks to be set correctly. Now look at these:

Looks like whoever did the colour correction for the 2004 set was using pictures like these as reference. lol

Hopefully this video will help settle things and you can see just how different the colouring looks on the video compared to the screenshots. (and no, you don't get to see the new wampa. lol)


 I really do prefer the whites rather than the blue, thanks alot for the upload ady. just wondering about something. Ady are you keeping the wampa sections in there? or was that scene just simple colour correction?

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)

C3PX said:

Well, actually I think the idea was that since this was a rough cut, that TM doesn't want it widely distributed. This release was to satisfy people who had been anxiously waiting for this for so long, but with the understanding that you are watching an incomplete product. The moment this gets on RS or torrents, you'd have all sorts of people who have no idea what the heck it is downloading it, then commenting negatively on it because they don't understand the purpose, or because they think it is of poor quality. Every person who recieved a copy, did so with the understanding that they were not to post it online.

 I totally understand just that i would like to see few scenes, as an extended mock up as it were.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Ghost said:

Couldn't it be possible to move Jabba's Palace somewhere else (another planet)?  Change a few backgrounds and change a few lines and it could easily be pulled off. 


I agree that Tatooine is overused. 

 Jabba's Palace is fine in my eyes, I would like to see the barges outside somewhere, just so it reminded me of from tusk till dawn. Anyone seen that? well who hasnt seen it? lol. I liked how we saw just few cars outside, walk in and its all busy and music and dancing then boom all the crap happens. We need something silent on the outside and noisy inside.

Changing Jabba's home would totally throw the whole Han owes money to jabba thing out to a completely new planet. Sorry i just dont see it working. Changing the planet wouldn't do anything to make the film better. People already have problems with the prequels jumpin from one place to another. We know the dangers of Tatooine already because of the cantina being a rough place so when we approach the palace we must think as an audience. Oh my god the cantina was rough, now we really going into the belly of the beast.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Hey guys i know Bingowings has always desired to have Geonosis and Tatooine as one planet so i thought of a different scene.

ANAKIN: I'm Anakin Skywalker.

OWEN: Owen Lars. This is my girlfriend, Beru.

BERU: Hello.

PADMÉ: I'm Padmé.

OWEN: I guess I'm your stepbrother. I had a feeling you
might show up some day.

ANAKIN: Is my mother here?

CLIEGG: No, she's not.

CLIEGG LARS swings from the house on a small floating
chair. One of his legs is heavily bandaged; the other is
missing. He balances awkwardly and puts out a hand.

CLIEGG: Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife... Come on inside. We
have a lot to talk about...


BERU puts several steaming cups of ardees on a tray and
exits the kitchen...

CLIEGG: (O.S.) It was just before dawn. They came out of


CLIEGG, OWEN, PADMÉ and ANAKIN sit around the table, BERU
brings the drinks in from the kitchen.

CLIEGG: Your mother had gone out early, like she always
did, to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. From
the tracks, she was about halfway home when they took her.
They're vicious, mindless
monsters. Thirty of us went out after her. Four of us came
back. I'd be with them, only... after I lost my leg I just
couldn't ride any more... until I heal.

CLIEGG grimaces, easing his throbbing leg.

CLIEGG: I don't want to
give up on her, but she's been gone a ....there's little
hope she's lasted this long.

Silence. Then ANAKIN stands up.

OWEN: Where are you going?

ANAKIN: To find my mother.

PADMÉ: No, Annie!

CLIEGG: Your mother's dead, son. Accept it.



A shaft of moonlight from a hole in the roof pierces the
gloom of the hut. By its light, ANAKIN sees SHMI hanging
from a wooden frame in the middle of the cave/pit.

He cuts her free, takes her into his arms, and lowers her
gently to the ground. Her eyes are closed. Her face is
bloodied. She had been terribly beaten. ANAKIN cradles her

ANAKIN: Mom... Mom... Mom...

SHMI'S eyelids flutter - and barely open. They are caked
with blood.

SHMI: Annie...? Is it you...?

SHMI'S eyes focus slowly. ANAKIN gives a little choking

ANAKIN: I'm here, Mom. You're safe. Hang on. I'm going to
get you out of here...

SHMI: Annie? Annie? You look so handsome. My son... my
grown-up son. I'm so proud of you, Annie... so proud... I
missed you so much... Now... I am complete.

ANAKIN: Just stay with me, Mom. I'm going to make you well
again. Everything's... going to be fine.

SHMI: I love...

SHMI dies. ANAKIN draws her to his breast. There is silence
for a moment. ANAKIN lifts his head, listening for a
moment, then he sits on the floor of the Tusken hut,
cradling his dead mother in his arms.



PADMÉ comes in with a tray of food. ANAKIN is standing at a
workbench, repairing a part of the speeder bike.

PADMÉ: I brought you something. Are you hungry?

PADMÉ puts the tray down.

ANAKIN: The shifter broke. Life seems so much simpler when
you're fixing things. I'm good at fixing things... always
was. But I couldn't... (stops working, tears in his eyes)
Why did she have to die? Why couldn't I save her? I know I
could have!

PADMÉ: Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're
not all-powerful, Annie.

ANAKIN turns and walks away from the bench.

ANAKIN: (angry) I should be! Someday I will be... I will be
the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you, I will even
learn to stop people from dying.

PADMÉ: Anakin...

ANAKIN hurls the wrench across the garage. It CLATTERS to
the floor. He looks at his trembling hands. PADMÉ stares at
him, shocked.

ANAKIN focuses on her like someone returning from far away.

PADMÉ: To be angry is to be human.

ANAKIN: No, I'm a Jedi. I know I'm better than this.

PADMÉ rocks him, and ANAKIN weeps.


standing around Shmi's grave. Two other headstones, one
smaller than the other, stand in the blazing suns.

CLIEGG: I know wherever you are it's become a better place.
You were the most loving partner a man could ever have.
Goodbye, my dearest wife. And thank you.

Brief pause. ANAKIN steps forward and kneels at his
mother's grave. He picks up a handful of sand.

Silence. Then BEEPS and WHISTLES are heard. They turn as
ARTOO rolls up.

PADMÉ: Artoo, what are you doing here?


Protocol Droid: It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-
Wan Kenobi. Master Annie, does that name mean anything to

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Bingowings said:

shanerjedi said:

rcb said:

by tatooine-ish, do you mean more of what it looked like in the PT or in ady's Episodoe IV revisited when R2's in the canyons?

Like Star Wars: Revisited. Tatooine in the PT looks too much like Geonosis and vice-versa.

That's why in the Radical Prequel Redux thread I suggested merging them.

Giving Anakin a reason to come home and try to save his mother and the slaves he dreamed of releasing as a boy.

Tatooine the nowhere place was already blown by ROTJ and TPM.

Look where all the major wars keep happening on this planet (political faultlines) Tatooine being just outside the Republic and a bit of a dump would be the ideal place for the Seperatists to stage an attack on the Republic.

Having armies of battle droids marching about would live long enough in the memories of Mos Eisley residents to have droids banned from Cantinas.

The Jawas would make a mint clearing the battlefield, the Sandpeople would be mighty miffed with all their sacred lands being polluted by offworlders shooting the place up and the Empire would later install a corrupt gangster/warlord like Jabba to keep the shadey elements under control.

Shifting the colours from red to yellow wouldn't be too hard.

Talk for another place but it might be made to work.

 Me personally i would take out the fact that anakins mom is a slave, well i would take any hint that either were slaves because the jedi didnt want to liberate the slaves from their masters. As confused matthew as pointed out many times, i do like the idea that Geonosis and Tatooine being merged together as a battle field is good.

If I was writing the script for epi. 2 i would of had Anakins mom wandering to pick the mushrooms that grow of the vaporators and she accidently stumbles across seperatists/battle droids. This wouldnt have to be seen, just Clegg Lars could still mention about her being taken but not by Sandpeople. He doesnt know where she has gone. Anakin could find her in a cave, as if she had been left there to die. This would make the whole scene with padme less stupid that she would fall for a mass murderer, he just angry at himself for not getting there in time to save her. Not really for this thread though lmao. I dont think jabba under the employ of the empire would work though to be honest. Jabba could hand in Luke to Vader if you were to go down that path, he knows he is a jedi knight, called skywalker. Would make the whole sarlacc scene a waste of jabbas time if he knew he could be paid for luke and clans lives.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

is there something in the water? why the hell is there so many people arguing on all the topics, i for one might not be a old member but im certainly not new and i am totally sick of readin these posts with one person saying a simple comment like great halloween costumes and getting knocked for it, without this morale im sure adywan wouldnt of been as commited as he is, not that im speakin on behalf of him. Darth Venal i thought ur post was rude and also you may work in the industry but im sick of seeing posts where you belittle other people and big yourself up.

It is one thing to be critical but then there is just rude. Dont get me wrong some people deserve it (fishmanlee) with there constant pushing of ideas and ridiculous suggestions like sticking a monster from monsters inc to replace mark hamill as luke skywalker (not real troll idea but was just a random thought i made up and probably would honestly think about). Some people have good ideas, some people have bad but these are usually discussed and eventually that idea is either used or scrapped. Now we have come down to who has the bigger manhood, its childish behavior that is bringin down my level of excitement of being an active member of this once and glorious site. Its like we have one side we have the oldies and fairly old members and we have the new rude, arrogant and mean people. Its like having a party but then troublesome youths coming in, throws the cake across the room and start a brawl. I say either this stops or serious action must be taken. I dont want this forum be split in two, i hope this forum has a bright future because at the moment it looks very dim.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Octorox said:

Sorry, I'll shut up now. I believe you are in the industry and I'm a lowly first year film student so I probably don't know what I'm talking about...but yeah I would say in a Star Wars film you wouldn't want long breaks from the narrative.

 Doesnt matter if your in the industry or not, how many bad films can you remember watching that were made by people in the industry, yes people in the industry understand better what people like to see but doesnt make them better than you my friend. After all George Lucas was in your position once and i believe his first student film was thx1138 and people picked up on that.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

fishmanlee said:

DuTwan said:

fishmanlee said:

something i did awhile back that was intended as a joke video but has boba escaping from the sail barge battle (if one were to go that direction): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYIfUD-u04

 OMG. I really dont mean that in a nice way either, that wasnt even a constructive scene, i totally dont mind seeing you reuse scenes to show what Boba can do, but in that scene one minute he is one side then flies over shots and luke, then wraps him up, hits the deck, then back up, then hits the deck, gets up, gets hit by Han, flies across the other side, hits the deck, stays there for like 3 minutes, gets up, goes to fire at look again. Then he flies off to his Slave 1 gets on it then sail barge explodes! Three questions i must ask you, what the hell is Boba fett playing at? Why would the slave 1 be randomly near by and how old are you?.

I dont mean to be offensive but its more like constuctive critisism, if you have an idea, how you demonstate that idea is just as important as the idea (not always but most). In other words, if you have an idea i would improve the way you present that idea because I could see what you was going for but I could not take it seriously. Again sorry if i sound like im putting you down.

 do you know how old that video is? that was the fifth video i made, and my second edit i made before i knew what i know now, plus it was originally intended as a joke (alternate ending) video

 well i didnt really find it funny to be perfectly honest. Im not questioning your editing skills per se. It was the structure of how you did is the mistake. If you had thought it was bad yourself since it was only ur 5th video why repost and why not post and new structured properly edited video?

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

fishmanlee said:

something i did awhile back that was intended as a joke video but has boba escaping from the sail barge battle (if one were to go that direction): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYIfUD-u04

 OMG. I really dont mean that in a nice way either, that wasnt even a constructive scene, i totally dont mind seeing you reuse scenes to show what Boba can do, but in that scene one minute he is one side then flies over shots and luke, then wraps him up, hits the deck, then back up, then hits the deck, gets up, gets hit by Han, flies across the other side, hits the deck, stays there for like 3 minutes, gets up, goes to fire at look again. Then he flies off to his Slave 1 gets on it then sail barge explodes! Three questions i must ask you, what the hell is Boba fett playing at? Why would the slave 1 be randomly near by and how old are you?.

I dont mean to be offensive but its more like constuctive critisism, if you have an idea, how you demonstate that idea is just as important as the idea (not always but most). In other words, if you have an idea i would improve the way you present that idea because I could see what you was going for but I could not take it seriously. Again sorry if i sound like im putting you down.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Ghost said:

The only way Luke on a speeder bike would make sense is if he and Obi-Wan have their conversation in Ben's hut.  Then from there have him ride a speeder bike across Tatooine.  With a lot of editing, that could be an ok possibilty.


But I would rather have a pretty CG scene of Luke flying in and across Tatooine.  Like Obi-Wan and Grevious did on Utapau in ROTS.  That would be much easier to do and alot more realistic.


 This would only make sense if luke was gonna be on dagobah at the beginning. If he is not why wouldnt it make sense? i love the idea of luke turnin up on a speeder bike.