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Cobra Kai

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The vintage (and not so vintage) OOT T-shirt thread

oojason said:

That Ewoks t-shirt looks well boss 😃


For the ‘76 Cast & Crew’ t-shirt…


(I’ve bought from them before (all the way from the US to the UK - good quality t-shirts, large range of colours and sizes, and styles - v-neck, tri-blend, ringer, heavyweight etc, decent prices and occasional sales / offers. Also offer mugs, stickers, hoodies etc too 😃)


This one of the old early-mid 70’s alt logo is pretty decent too…


Oh man, thanks for posting this! I’ve always loved that Mcquarrie design and wished they would make a t-shirt like that again.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

pleasehello said:

I just listened to it as well.

It’s fine, but it’s pretty anemic when it comes to new thematic material with a couple of exceptions (both of which Sir Ridley mentioned). I know this isn’t a complete soundtrack, but as-is it has the least to offer of all three sequel trilogy soundtracks. It either spends a lot of time playing with different colors or weaving quickly in and out of motifs we’re already familiar with. I know John Williams is very old now and I honestly wonder how much involvement he really had in scoring this movie. Much of this soundtrack sounds like it might have been delegated to one of his proteges.

Also keep in mind, most of Williams’ scores that he’s composed over the course of his career were written AFTER the final cuts of the movies were finished. That is no longer the case as modern big budget movies are now cut and re-cut right up until the release, so composers no longer have such luxury. As a result the final scores end up being cut up and patched together by the music editor to match the final edit.
This is one reason why thematic scores in general are mostly a thing of the past; modern scores no longer tell a “story” because the new editing process now removes the music from the overall story structure. Thus modern scores are now simply relegated to being appropriate moments for individual scenes.

So yes, Williams is very old now, but it’s also not really fair to compare his modern scores with his old classics where he was completely free to work his magic.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

DominicCobb said:

Was I the only one who felt like this one was way off? Early on I was thinking the tone and style was kind of goofy and low rent in a way that reminded me of the animated shows, so I figured it must be Filoni (sure enough was), no offense to him or those shows. I didn’t think Sedaris did a particularly good job and just kind of felt out of place, and was mixed on baby Bobby Cannavale. I also thought they were about a step away from taking the Tatooine winks a little too far, and the tusken outfits seemed straight out of a comic convention. Anyway, point being, it was my least favorite so far.

ChainsawAsh said:

Was very happy to see Tatooine/Mos Eisley treated to match the OOT and not the SE. No evidence of the expanded, busy spaceport we’ve seen since 1997 - that was 100% the sparse backwater of 1977.

Well I hate to say it but I think it’s supposed to seem like a ghost town in a way that contrasts what we saw before. I mean just look at the cantina.

Filoni is just not a director. I wish they would get some solid storytellers lined up for future episodes, because the series has potential. Actually Rian Johnson would be one of the first guys I would call, even though I didn’t like TLJ. He would be perfect. Also Deborah Chow did a good job with episode 3, and that’s the only one I’ve really enjoyed so far, although part two wasn’t too bad.

The 2 Ewok Films - '<strong>Caravan Of Courage</strong>' (aka 'The Ewok Adventure'), &amp; '<strong>Battle For Endor</strong>'

Force-Abel said:

Has anyone one here introduced these two films to their children?

It would be interesting to see how these two mid-80’s movies hold up to children watching them today…

Yep, my kids ages 5, 7, & 9 loved both of them a lot, But they are probably different from most kids these days as they haven’t seen many modern movies. We watch a lot of old classics, westerns, older live-action Disney movies, and 80’s classics.

4K restoration on Star Wars

@Dr Dre - it’s a little sad to see those shots, knowing its the crap SE’s that I’ll never watch again. Not saying the new transfers are perfect, but if those were the OOT’s I’d finally be content.
Unfortunately I’ve now begun to have a little hope again that they could still release them when the supposed 4k discs come out next year. Just setting myself up for further disappointment I guess…

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

Broom Kid said:

The acquisition of Fox has nothing to do with whether originals can or should be released. I understand why that’s become part of the narrative over the years, but it’s never at any point been a hindrance or a roadblock to the original versions being released. Fox still owned distribution rights the last time it happened, for example.

The question of “playing nice” with another company has never really been a question because Fox had never NOT played nice.

I do think the Skywalker Saga box set is maybe the best chance we’ve had SINCE 2006 for a legitimate home theater release of the originals, though, and if ever there was a time I’d suggest that it’s okay to maybe sort of get your hopes up, it’s now. But I also don’t think whatever the original versions on those disks will be, will have anything to do with Mike Verta’s fan-restoration.

If they have any interest in releasing the OOT, then it’s not totally improbable that they would use Legacy in some capacity. The quality is certainly of a high enough caliber for an official release from what we have seen. Plus Mike has already had contact with Fox/Disney after he was “approached” last summer after his presentation. See this post: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/StarWarsLegacycom-The-Official-Thread/id/1418/page/106#1214875

But again… it all comes down to the question of whether or not Disney even has any interest in releasing the OOT in the first place. I have zero confidence in the company at this point so I will never get my hopes up again.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Aargh… Not only is Disney not going to restore the originals (at least not in the foreseeable future), now they are putting Fox movies in the “vault.”
Since they acquired Fox, they are no longer allowing older movies to be shown in theaters. As someone who loves seeing old classics at my local theater every month, this is really frustrating.


New-ish Disney+ Artwork

Mocata said:

Really? I thought it was just since TFA, which like I said in the other Disney+ thread (and when TFA art first appeared) just looks like Evil Dead II to me. A weird bug but I can’t shake it.

In 1977 they just used a lighter weight version of the font (ITC Serif Gothic) for the credits at the bottom of the posters as well as for the “a long time ago…” tagline. The font was heavily used in the 70’s so it may look dated to some. It was also used on the first few Star Trek movie posters and in the opening credits and logo for Halloween.

<strong>Disney+</strong> streaming platform : <strong>Star Wars content</strong> &amp; various other info

Not really interested enough yet in The Mandalorian or any of the other SW content to subscribe, but as soon as they get a bunch of the old Disney, live-action classics up, I’ll subscribe for sure. I’ve got 3 kids and they absolutely love movies like Swiss Family, Treasure Island, 20,000 Leagues, etc…

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

pleasehello said:

nl0428 said:

ZkinandBonez said:

pleasehello said:

Guess who’s back!

Since they’re apparently going to visit the wreck of the DS2, I’m guessing Palpatine might appear as either a Force Ghost, or more likely, as some kind of Force Vision. Might be similar to the Thrawn trilogy where the death of the Emperor left behind an imprint in the Force.

Or Lucasfilm could just be messing with us in the trailer. Wouldn’t technically be the first time.

Both Death Stars blew up. There was concept art for The Force Awakens of the second Death Star underwater, but they scrapped it. It seems like they could potentially be returning to those ideas, but it also seems a bit odd because the Death Star blew up in space.

Well, it blew up orbiting Endor. So it’s not out of the realm of possibility that fragments fell to the moon’s surface. Which would also suggest that the forest setting that was shown in a couple of the promo photos might indeed be the forests of Endor.

Ewoks confirmed!

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DominicCobb said:

The ST doesn’t “retcon” the OT or make it wrong or whatever (ruin it, I guess?). The OT is still the OT and will always be the self contained story that it is and nothing that comes after can change that. But you admit Luke ended his hero’s journey there, so what is the ST supposed to do then? Just preserve Luke in a glass case of “perfect mythic hero”?

The ST does exactly what a sequel should do. In many ways this is very similar to the way Empire re-contextualizes the original Star Wars.

If the story must continue with all new characters, then Luke’s character should’ve just followed the natural progression that the OT set up and taken over the archetypal role as the wise mentor. That is exactly what they originally tried to do as Abrams and Michael Arndt have stated. According to Arndt though, they couldn’t figure out how to do this and not have Luke steal the show from the new “hero”:

“It just felt like every time Luke entered the movie, he just took it over. Suddenly you didn’t care about your main character anymore because, ‘Oh fuck, Luke Skywalker’s here. I want to see what he’s going to do’.” – Michael Arndt

I understand what he’s saying, but on a fundamental level I disagree with that. I don’t see any reason why Luke couldn’t have taken a “backseat” to Rey, during the course of the story. After all, they basically did the exact same thing with an equally popular character in Han Solo.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

SilverWook said:

The original fairy tales are also a lot darker than the sanitized versions most people are familiar with today.

Most myths too of course, complete happy endings in those were a little elusive.

Not to mention, of course, Star Wars has never been just a fairy tale. That’s just one aspect of it. And it was never supposed to be just another myth. It was supposed to be the creation of a new modern myth. Deconstruction has been built into the franchise since the beginning.

Yes, but it still strictly adheres to the hero’s journey, since Lucas was a great admirer of Joseph Campbell. Lucas created a modern myth, but that has now been broken to extend the story. The decisive victory was turned into a short lived one, and the hero of the story fell from his pedestal, foregoing all his beliefs.

Couldn’t agree more, and that has been one of my main criticisms with the direction they have taken with the ST. Star Wars at its very core is modern mythology told with classic archetypal narratives and characters. Luke already overcame his inner struggles in Empire and Jedi, and the OT made the final, definitive statement on Luke’s character when he said “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” Nothing more needs to be said on the matter after that, and any continuing stories should have just left his character alone and focus more attention on Rey.
Of course, I don’t solely blame RJ since he was just having to continue where TFA left off. Abrams and company kind of wrote themselves into a corner after they couldn’t figure out how to portray Luke as the mentor, so just decided to stick him on an Island and let the next director figure it out.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Shopping Maul said:

One of my main issues with TLJ is Rey’s character. She doesn’t actually go through any training, nor does the movie focus on her personal journey / inner struggles. Most of her time she spends just trying to get through to Luke and Kylo. Thus we are left at the end with a pretty bland protagonist heading in to the THIRD MOVIE, which is a shame because it feels like such a wasted opportunity for what could have been a really cool character.

Abrams didn’t do much better with her in TFA, but the first 10 minutes or so where she is introduced on Jakku - I thought that was a great introduction for the character. In fact, for me that’s really the only section in any of the Disney SW movies that feels like “Star Wars.” It features really solid, visual storytelling and we learn a lot about Rey in just a few short minutes. (John Williams’ theme here adds a lot as well).

Don’t get me wrong - I like that TLJ tried to return the Force to its roots as just an energy field used by space-Yogis. But it’s too late because Rey exhibits exactly the kind of exaggerated powers implied by ROTJ and the prequels - inherited abilities that belong to a chosen few even in the complete absence of Jedi intervention. The best defence for her Mary Sue-ness in TFA was post-ROTJ logic - you don’t have to live in space-Tibet and meditate for 6 months to hone these powers because you can automatically have a genetic predisposition.

Which is why everyone thought she was a ‘Kenobi’ or a ‘Skywalker’ or even a ‘Palpatine’. It’s annoying (to a fan like me who hates this notion of inherited Jedi-ness) but it follows logically from what’s been established.

But Rey gets to have her cake and eat it too, because she’s a nobody. She’s an everyman/woman like Luke was in ANH with the Force as a ‘mere’ energy field, but she has prequel-level powers. This in turn trivialises the Force because, if it’s no longer genetic, then it simply must be infinitely more accessible than the first films implied.

Conclusion? TLJ is silly, but ROTJ screwed things up in the first place!

There’s nothing in ROTJ that implies “exaggerated” abilities without having to train. The problems started in TFA. She didn’t have to be that powerful, but I think they just didn’t have time to get the script ready, and the end result feels like a rough draft.

Lawrence Kasdan said when they took over writing duties from Michael Arndt, that they basically “started from scratch.” That was in November of 2013, just a few short months before filming. They also said they had trouble figuring out Luke’s role in the movie as Rey’s mentor, as he was originally supposed to be, so they just decided to stick him on an island and be the mcguffin.

As a result of that decision, Rian then had to figure out the whole Luke-Hermit angle. So instead of the movie focusing on Rey’s character, she becomes more of a side character, helping to bring Luke back to the force.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TavorX said:
What I DO have an issue with is that Rey has very little conflict character wise. Her fast Jedi leveling-up would be fine if she had stronger inner conflict.

One of my main issues with TLJ is Rey’s character. She doesn’t actually go through any training, nor does the movie focus on her personal journey / inner struggles. Most of her time she spends just trying to get through to Luke and Kylo. Thus we are left at the end with a pretty bland protagonist heading in to the THIRD MOVIE, which is a shame because it feels like such a wasted opportunity for what could have been a really cool character.

Abrams didn’t do much better with her in TFA, but the first 10 minutes or so where she is introduced on Jakku - I thought that was a great introduction for the character. In fact, for me that’s really the only section in any of the Disney SW movies that feels like “Star Wars.” It features really solid, visual storytelling and we learn a lot about Rey in just a few short minutes. (John Williams’ theme here adds a lot as well).