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<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I wonder if Boba Fett gets hit in battle and Fennec takes him to the Mods to get his own modification to save his life, just as he saved her life.

“Now, you owe me one.”

Maybe Luke Skywalker is there getting his hand repaired and Han Solo is waiting outside for his friend.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I think in Chapter 5, Boba Fett/Fennec will recruit the Mandalorian, and he brings in reinforcements like Bo-Katan and the rest of the Mandalorians. Cobb Vanth will help Fett, but it will cost him. Boba Fett finally saddles up and rides the Rancor.

I loved today’s chapter, I think there will be one more flashback, ending with him finding the Mandalorian and Cobb Vanth, because it ties into Vanth and the Mandalorian helping him in the upcoming battle.

I’m sure we’ll see Bossk, possibly Cad Bane, and a few other bounty hunters in the all out war in chapter 6, and chapter 7 tying everything up and saying their goodbyes. Plus a nice couple of surprises.

That’s how I think it will go down.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

What I don’t like about certain episodes is the real feeling of danger or death.

I wish Fett or anyone could show a little more weakness, a little more fear. It’s as if he’s not scared of anything, which is ridiculous, if you ask me.

Could you relate to Luke Skywalker in the first two episodes, if he wasn’t afraid of anything?

Show some more fear in Boba Fett.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Exactly Rodney-2187, what if the Mandalorian went around just being a bounty hunter, capturing, evading and collecting his prize. That would get really boring after awhile.

His character grew as the story went along. We don’t know what will happen to Boba Fett, but he now has many strong allies, each with their own strengths, all of them coming together to defeat the bad guys.

All of this is possible because he didn’t just kill everyone he came across, he gave them a choice. These choices bring opportunities for his entourage.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Darth Muffy said:

Ultimately the main issue is theres no actual character development “arc” as we go from the old bad ass Bobba to Rancor hugging compassionate Fett way to quickly.

I look forward to seeing what fanedits can do to better portray Bobbas transition arc though.

They have to tell this story in 7 chapters, instead of 10 or 22, and they’re not 1 hour long chapters either. They are condensing his story drastically, I mean how long was he really with the Tusken raiders, I’m sure it wasn’t a couple of days or a week. As stated before, when that lizard went up his nose and he was in that tree and broke that branch, he came out a new man, different from that of Boba Fett the bounty hunter.

He came out with a new honor code, one that helped the Mandalorian complete his mission.

He’s the same man, he just goes by different values than before.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I agree ZkinandBonez

Fans complain because Rey Skywalker was so strong with the force and didn’t need hardly any training at all, yet Boba Fett is learning as he goes, and everyone is mad at that.

This is new territory for him, he used to capture his prey and get paid for it, this is new to him.

Yes, it’s a slow start, but so was Dances with Wolves or Avatar.

I’ve liked everything so far, except the futuristic biker gang with their colorful bikes and cybernetics , they felt so out of place on Tatooine.

Boba Fett is earning their trust and their loyalty.

The Trandoshans will be next, he’ll be talking to them in the next episode, so that they join him in removing the Pyke Syndicate.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Boba Fett realizes that if he continues to go down the same path as a bounty hunter, he won’t live very long, and/or he’ll be old and alone.

He doesn’t want to end up like his father. That’s why they keep showing him picking up his father’s helmet. He’s trying to go down a different path, but he has to establish himself as a notorious crime boss, and friends that will protect him.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Unless Fennec is working for Omega. She could be going by a different name, maybe Omega is in charge of this new syndicate. The only person who Boba Fett couldn’t kill would be his own sister. If he found out he had a sister, it would be heart wrenching for him.

His father was killed in front of him, he’s all alone in the universe. Maybe that’s why they keep showing his dad fly off Kamino in his Bacta tank dreams, all his family is dead, or presumed dead.

Maybe Omega reveals the truth to him, as well as some surprises he’s not expecting.

It could be a family reunion of sorts

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Chase Adams said:

“I’ve ridden beasts ten times its size”

Anyone else thought of this? 😄

They should have done this scene in live action, starting with him in the Bacta tank after everything that happens in chapter 3.

He could remember looking at the rancor, then flashes back to the holiday special scene here. It could probably happen in chapter 4.

As for the Holiday Special, they should just use his voice for Boba Fett. They already changed it in the original trilogy, might as well do it for this too.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Boba Fett’s ultimate goal is to rid Tatooine of all crime lords and corruption. He will rule over the Dune Sea and protect the Tusken Raiders at all cost. They are his adoptive family and he’ll do anything to protect them.

Loved the episode and all the surprises, glad they keep everything secret. I couldn’t believe when the

Hutts arrived.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Possible Spoilers

I have a feeling that if Han Solo makes an appearance at the end of this, that Boba Fett will help him, or do something heroic to save him and his famous ship. We might even see a little Ben Solo.

The rumors are everywhere right now, so you’ll probably know who I’m talking about.

What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see?

I would love to see a Solo 2, starting to work for Jabba the Hutt and hanging around Mos Eisley just a little bit. We could see him trying to make repairs on the ship. Solo making enemies not only with Greedo, but others too, and of course more Chewbacca.

It would be fun.

Lando is supposed to be getting his own series, I hope to see him go to Bespin and meet Lobot when he arrives. It probably won’t happen until the very end of the series or the final season.

What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see?

A Disney+ series 8-10 episodes 40+ minutes long per episode.

A young Leia (around 12), and Bail Organa (before Jimmy Smits gets any older) Let’s explore Alderaan some, let’s see Leia’s Alderaan training. Clearly she’s had some weapons training (into the garbage chute, Flyboy!)

Can she pilot a ship like Anakin? Does she have those quick reflexes that force users have?

Does Yoda try to contact her? Does Obi-wan try to contact her? A Ewan McGregor cameo or voice over.

Maybe Leia’s dreams are visions of Yoda/Kenobi, or of far away places and she doesn’t understand them.

You could have Leia having nightmares about Vader, but it’s just a dark shadowy figure. She could also see images of her mother, bittersweet moments.

The droids with C-3P0 in a few episodes, but mostly R2-D2.

Mon Mothma could arrive to visit Bail Organa

Let’s have an adventure on Alderaan, let’s get to know the planet before it explodes.

These are just some of the things they could explore, just to have an idea

Would anyone like something like this?
