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Haven’t posted here in a while. Good to see some progress on this Ady! The Blue squadron shots look awesome. Cant wait to see them integrated and matched to the footage. The jaba clip looks great also. I recommend leaving the tortured droid in the edit. There “seems” to be alot going on in the droid room in jabbas palace to justify it being there, You have the one droid being pulled apart, Perhaps you could add more droids in the room to justify the chaos. Maybe the scream could come from some other droid, since gonk droids don’t scream. Wish there was a way for you to add more Gamorrean Guards in Jabbas Palace, especially During the skiff/ Sail Barge fight.

How close are you to staring the live action shots for the Endore forrest battle?


Thats an interesting question. Ady has stated before that his revisited edits would not follow the EU. What was in the movies was canon. Reguarding Boba Fett, in my opinion, his death in ROTJ ( the way it was done )was not justified, and I still feel the very same way every time I see it. I think Ady will be making a change that will make sense. Your guess is as good as mine as to how Ady is going to do it.


Didn’t expect to see the ROTJ:R thread up so soon. Was expecting more info on the next releases of ESB:R.

So anyway, Ady you are going to add more storm troopers and scout troopers to the Endor battle? More speeder bikes in the battle would be welcome also.

Also, are you sure the B-wing pilots had the ear muff helmets? I don’t ever remember seeing a B-wing pilot in ROTJ. Saw the ships, but never a cockpit shot of a pilot in a B-wing. The only shots of the pilots wearing the ear muff helmets were flying A-wings. However; interestingly, the Y-wing pilots were wearing the funny egg shaped helmets instead of the X-wing helmets we saw them wear in ANH.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

snooker said:

Welp, I guess that answers one of my questions.

It might still be a “countdown”, we can’t rule that out yet, however it has been very inconsistent.

I honestly hope that it’s the “ultimate saga trailer” or whatever, can’t wait to be hyped for the next 20 years of my life!

Yes, of coarse, it still might still be a countdown. I recommend keeping both options up. I’m leaning towards complete saga trailer first, then ESB:R release soon after. I guess time will tell.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ady, I get the impression that you did successfully film a Wampa insert, judging from the emoji wink in your update post. Maybe I’m just reading into it to much, but for the ones ( including my self ) that have been here since the beginning, we know you can be quite the prankster. If you did indeed scrap the idea then no worries, it wont effect the movie at all in my opinion.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

It’s good to see you back on the forums Ady. Anyway, the new clip was top notch. The new Cg falcon and Tie shots were great. Is the Animator going to contribute to the next edit?

Can’t say much about the wampa sculpt as it’s still in it’s beginning stages. Is this eventually going to be a complete suit or is is just going to be the head only for the inserts?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Been A while since i posted here, and I see why, unfortunately. I’m not surprised in the least that ady decided to do this. The lack of updates and any interaction on this thread was good indication that ady was loosing interest here.

Hope you get your personal issues sorted out ady.

Hackers (1995) - DTS 5.1 Restoration (* unfinished project - lots of info *)

Yeah it’s crazy that it didn’t have AC-3 on laserdisc. I scratch my head at some of the titles they did release in AC-3 on laser disc that didn’t deserve it. Perhaps MGM didn’t bother to supply shout factory with the 5.1 master. All shout factory had to do was up-mix the stereo PCM to 5.1. It’s been done on tons of other movies that were only made in dolby stereo.

Looking forward to the finished product.

Hackers (1995) - DTS 5.1 Restoration (* unfinished project - lots of info *)

schn4rk said:

SilverWook said:

Neither LD has Dolby Digital it seems. You can see the back of the U.S laserdisc here.


The movie poster only shows DTS, (and DTS stereo) so it might be one of those releases that had no Dolby Digital theatrical mix at all. Non DTS theaters would have played it in DTS Stereo, which was Dolby surround compatible.

I guess LDDB is wrong about the US laserdisc. In any case, you’re right - there was no Dolby Digital theatrical mix, only DTS.

Progress update: I have successfully converted the DTS files to seperate mono WAVs for each channel. Slow and steady…!

I’m really surprised that hackers was not one of the early titles released on Laser Disk with AC-3 ( aka. Dolby Digital ). The decoding hardware arrived in stores fall of 1995 while the software arrived early in that same year with Clear and Present Danger, True Lies, Forrest Gump, StarTrek: Generations, and Stargate. All of those being 1994 releases. Hackers was released in theaters fall of 1995, so in my opinion it was in a perfect position to get the AC-3 treatment for Laser Disc. Studios were really picky in those days.

Also, movies are not mixed in Dolby Digital, DTS, or SDDS. The studios contract the digital sound companies to make recordings of the studio masters. In the early days, studios only contracted one and some times two digital sound companies to make recordings, wich was why Hackers, was just a DTS only Movie. In the later years most all 35mm movie prints featured all three digital sound formats- Dolby Digital, DTS, and SDDS.

The DTS cinema format is pretty simple and straightforward. It is a 4:1 waveform compression codec very similar to what radio stations use in their
music servers. The audio is encoded in 16-bit 44.1kHz form with 5.0
channels encoded at a data rate of 820kb/s. The LFE signal is actually
recorded in the surrounds and filtered to the “.1” output via a crossover
filter. Since commercial cinema surround arrays are usually very limited in
low frequency response, this method works okay and makes the audio
compression of the format more efficient.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Didn’t know about this project until a few days ago, so I downloaded the .MKV file and muxed it for playback on bluray and I was very impressed. The grain I read about wasn’t nearly as bad I thought it would be, and only some shots had it the most. Image detail and color were really great. I really missed the original colors. Sound was great. Maybe on future releases you could encode the stereo surround in DTS Master audio.
Anyway, fantastic job TN1!

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

ZkinandBonez said:
It’s probably because his style reminds a lot of people of the PT films and the SE, and for those with certain purist tendencies he wasn’t part of the “original poster artists.”
Well, he sort of was, but there’s obviously artists like Tom Jung, Kastel and the Hildebrants that made the most famous OT posters.
Of course Struzan have been making SW posters since 1978, and he made the Revenge of the Jedi poster as well, but his work on the SE and PT posters have become some of the most famous (at least withing the SW franchise).
I guess those who’s old enough to have seen the OT when it was new never really saw his posters at the cinemas, and therefore they just don’t associate his work with the films. His SE and PT poster however was the official artwork and you could’t go anywhere without seeing it.

Struzan didn’t officially pin his signature style until 1984, and although the “D” style poster, or better known as the circus style poster which was done for the 1978 re-release of Star wars is Lucas’s favorite, it was not done by Drew alone. It was a collaborative effort between Drew a two other people. Had drew pinned his signature style earlier, Lucas would have probably had him do the official one sheet for all of the original star wars films. Drew also did a one sheet for Raiders of the Lost Ark, but it was only used in the foreign markets. Lucas hired Richard Amsel to do the U.S. one sheet.

The only poster I ever saw for star wars in 1977 was the one done by Tom Jung, and I remember theaters back then had it displayed a couple of months before it opened in 1977. All of the other versions B-C were commissioned for the foreign and UK markets. It was the same thing for Empire and Jedi except drew did the U.S. teaser for Revenge of the Jedi, but it never made it to theaters and Lucas had all but 6800 destroyed after he changed the name from Revenge to Return of the Jedi, and those 6800 were sold to statwars fan club members in just a couple of days time.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Anchorhead said:

Sevb32 said:

I know this forum has a lot of “militant purists” where nothing outside the original unaltered films (With ROTJ not quite accepted either) will probably ever be accepted unless you guys are given approval over everything from the screenplay, filming techniques, etc. Some are so dogmatic they think their opinion is absolute science to what a “good” SW movie is…They could let you in on the creative process and approval and give you everything you want, truth told, no MATTER what they do…

Are you addressing someone in particular or just criticizing this community as a whole?
Hint: It’s a trick question

He’s criticizing this community as a whole.