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What about you? The moment when you "divorced" from the Lucas policy about SW?
I said goodbye to anything new regarding Star Wars in 1983. Return Of The Jedi was so bad, that I knew back then that the first two films were all I would ever care to see. Of all that has been done since, I've only seen Phantom Menace. I decided to give him one more chance. That's seven dollars I wish I had back.

No big deal really. I can watch the original version of the first film whenever I want and I listen to the original soundtrack several times a year. That's all I need, so I'm happy. Fact is, I haven't seen Empire Strikes Back in about 6 years.

Star Wars circa 1977 is all I'm really interested in.
Did George actually have an "original vision?"

Originally posted by: fans own the trilogy
Well if you did any digging yourself you could easily find information that contradicts his statement of having it all planned out before hand.

Shimraa is only interested in contradicting the people who post on this board.
Contradiction gives Shimraa a feeling of control - the ability to cause agitation and generate debate.
All boards, regardless of their subject matter, have a few people like Shimraa. People who take an opposing stance solely for the purpose of keeping things stirred up. It's empowering for them. Someone who really likes all 6 films the way they are now, has no real reason to be on this board. However, if Shimraa were to go on the other boards where there were people who felt the same way, he\she would be lost in the crowd. Here, Shimraa gets to stand out, to have an identity, to have control.

Did George actually have an "original vision?"
Just one movie, just it's story. Read his early drafts. They aren't part of some grand saga. Nor do they lend themselves to becoming one. Which is clearly obvious in how the movies aren't even close to consistent from one to the next. The plot holes (what little plot there is) out him as a liar.
Around 1980, he made the switch from filmmaker to businessman.
Empire of Dreams on A&E last night

Originally posted by: Max Reebo Rocks
..it's crazy to think that much of the model work and other SFX discussed in that documentary is now obselete thanks to the Special Editions...I know this has been discussed ad nauseum but it never ceases to amaze me that more people aren't pissed off about Lucas steadfastly refusing to release the OOT on DVD.

Maybe alot of people have given in to thinking there's no way to see the original film so they've just accepted that it'll soon be gone forever . Until recently, I had. The only difference was that I refused to watch the altered versions(never have, never will). I was content to keep my LD copies of the original until I could find a way to convert it - watch my VHS of the original once every few years so the tape wouldn't wear out or get damaged - and to listen to the soundtrack every few months.

It wasn't until I started to try to find someone to convert the LD to DVD for me, that I stumbled onto this site.

Just an idea I thought of a coordinated effort to inform SW forum members of the OOT preservation efforts

Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father I have so far bought the O-OT legally on VHS 3 times...therefore I consider my LD rips to be backup copies

LFL isn't really interested in what you consider your LD rips to be.
They'll be interested in stopping us from getting the movies we want.


Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
I have no worries about the legalities or morals of our cause and drawing attention to it is what we need to do, not hide away worried about getting sued (which we won't be).

Better be careful. You may end up making "a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever".

A revised opinion of George Lucas

Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
In 1999 I painted a portrait of a friend ....6 years after the painting was originally completed, I started to put together an updated portfolio ...I wanted to include what I considered to be one of my best pieces, but I didn't want to include the faults, so I took a high res photograph of the portrait, loaded it into photoshop and got to work rescaling the messed up perspective...

You're misrepresenting yourself to prospective clients.

A revised opinion of George Lucas

Originally posted by: greencapt

Originally posted by: Caster

So before you go insult/bash Lucas again, remember.... He's offering you Diet Coke..... Do you accept the Diet Coke and thank him, or do you whine about the fact that it's diet?

You say "No thank you George, but I'd prefer a regular Coke. A Coke Classic I think they call it. Its a good thing that I have the option...

A revised opinion of George Lucas

Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
... it's not just a matter of disrespect towards the fans who'se devotion to StarWars helped him to get the possibility to do what he's able to do today, it's also a matter of disrespect towards all the participants in the StarWars project, which was a collaborative effort. George Lucas seems to think that he's a master at everything film......he has forgotten that he's not the only person to be credited for his immense success.....Nowadays it's just more about him and toy sale figures

George and, Hayden interview

Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Yeah. How does George get so damned lucky? My guess is that, if a tough interview does come along, Rick McCallum comes around later, kills the interviewer, hides the body, takes the tape, and destroys it, so no one will know the interview ever took place.

Actually, they'd just take the tape, convert it to a digital image, and in place of the interviewer, they'd CGI Jar Jar singing "somewhere over the rainbow....".