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Anakin Starkiller

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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

On the other hand, you would have to cut a not-insignificant amount of runtime to cut all of Sidious’ scenes. He has quite a few with Nute Gunray in TPM, but only one in AOTC (but his one scene is important because it reveals Dooku’s Sith name, which helps add clarity to the cloning mystery) and one in ROTS with Grievous.

My solution to this has always been to simply replace Sidious with Tyrannus in most of TPM, only leaving his conversation with Maul, whom Tyrannus does not refer to as his apprentice when introducing him to the Neimoidian. Until recently that would’ve been a huge hassle but now with AI swapping the voice and face of a hooded figure should be a walk in the park. That said, this does pose the question as to why Dooku would need to hide his identity. Perhaps it’s because he hasn’t yet left the Jedi (he leaves the Order around the time of TPM in both Legends and Canon and I think they allude to it in AotC).

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I just found notes I scribbled years ago on switching around the order of scenes in TRoS to integrate the original idea of Palpatine being on Coruscant. The star destroyer is recontextualized as Coruscant interiors while Pasaana is recontextualized as Coruscant’s natural surface deep underground, eventually leading to the Sith Temple beneath the Jedi Temple (Lucas idea they were trying to integrate here) where Palpatine waits. Wild idea and no clue if it’s doable but there you have it.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I saw someone in a comment section on YouTube mention how Hayden Christensen’s voice has aged into Matt Lanter’s Clone Wars voice and while that isn’t entirely true, there is merit to the idea that his voice has aged somewhat. Therefore, I wonder if it might be worthwhile to do an AI redub of Anakin’s voice in RotS with present day Christensen’s voice while leaving AotC untouched to make him seem like he’s aged more between films, suggesting the Clone Wars were much longer than 3 years.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Replacing Palpatine with Snoke is not only technically impossible with the footage we have but also ruins Kylo’s agency. When he kills Snoke in TLJ that’s a big moment for him. To have Snoke come back in the next movie and for Kylo to actually listen to anything he has to say feels like active regression.

Snoke being Vitiate is fine if that works for you but nobody in the general audience knows who that is so the movie ceases to be understanble without playing a video game first. Granted, you could explain who Vitiate is for it to work without existing knowledge, it’d be clunky and still wouldn’t accomplish anything. You’re basically placing pointless fanservice directly into the plot.

We have a small time jump of some years, and the last thing we see is the two of them standing before a class of students in the New Jedi Temple on Naboo, telling them about the adventures of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, and teaching them the importance of redemption.

Where exactly do you plan on pulling footage from for this?

The other stuff is both perfectly doable and relatively sensible so no problems there. I think the whole Anakin destroying Snoke thing is gonna feel a bit random in the moment, but I can see why if the Prophecy is important for you that’s arguably essential. Everything else is simply a matter of preference and doesn’t detract from the story.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Reforging the mask holds the same meaning as repairing the Skywalker saber. It’s about rebuilding oneself after having one’s worldview shattered.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

True, but with what footage we have available we’d still have to use Rey getting close to killing Palpatine for his essence transfer. Maybe in the hologram scene Palpatine could say that he’s sensed Kylo Ren’s death, which would explain why he’s suddenly okay with the essence transfer plan instead of hoping Ben follows Rey to Exegol. And then when Ben suddenly shows up he’s like: “Oh, I thought you were supposed to be dead. Too bad your coming together is gonna be your undoing.”

What I was saying was to drop the essence transfer entirely but keep Palpatine taunting Rey to kill him, with some additional context to indicate that killing him would make her some sort of dark empress. Not the most clearly thought out idea, I’ll admit.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I think the idea of revolving the whole plot around the Dyad makes way too much sense. Suddenly Palpatine has a clear plan that doesn’t involve Rey killing him and his spirit passing into her, Kylo has something to reveal to Rey in the hangar that isn’t her being a Palpatine, and presenting the Dyad as inherently part of the Dark Side (even if that turns out to be untrue) sets up a decent dilemma on whether or not Rey should kill Palpy to take his throne if it means turning to the Dark Side.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

NeverarGreat said:

Another question that arises from this is how does this affect Ochi’s ship? Is this the same ship that carried her parents away from Jakku, and if so then how is it on Pasanna and not wrecked in the Jakku desert?

Just change Pasaana to Jakku. They look the same already so you’d just need to swap out a line or two. They barely ever refer to the planet by name so it should be trivial. It’d also bring the trilogy full circle.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I am so sick of my brother treating my lack of work ethic like it’s a choice. The only choice I’m making is between letting myself not have a mental breakdown and staring at a blank page for an hour until I do. I’m not saying I shouldn’t work or that there’s no room for improvement it’s incredibly insulting to act like all I have to do is snap my fingers and suddenly I can work harder. My brain doesn’t work that way.

And it’s not just him. My parents treat me as a retarded pity case for it.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I couldn’t sleep again so I had to sleep in and miss my train. Of course once I’m ready to go it’s 5 'til the bus leaves and it takes 20 minutes to get there and there’s no other bus for 40 minutes after that so the end result of this is that I’m gonna miss 2/3 of my classes on literally the last day of class. I can’t even just skip and stay home because I didn’t plan ahead enough to have my photos of downtown done for the essay I need to write so I have go anyway. Oh and the bridge is closed except for one lane so my commute there might end up longer than my single class.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Welp, I just gotta banned from my university’s Game Dev Discord. They claim I was given multiple warnings but won’t actually post me them and never kept a visible tally for me so I have no clue what they’re talking about. Afaic this came out of nowhere.

Guys help me, I can’t take it anymore. I’m so sick of always getting banned from everywhere without trying. How do you avoid getting banned from Discord servers by accident?

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I felt perfectly tired and ready to recoup some of my sleep (I felt severely under-rested today) or at least not be any more tired by going to bed just in time for a good 8 hours and of course the minute I get in bed I can’t sleep and now I’m wide awake. I think it’s because I got stressed over something momentarily when I initially laid in bed and that woke my brain up. It’s incredibly frustrating cuz I was tired and going to bed perfectly on schedule and now it’s all off. Guess I won’t be making my train tomorrow.

Speaking of which, let’s talk about that stupid train. I hate it so much. The schedule is such garbage that, were I following my train schedule instead of sleeping in, tomorrow I would be arriving at 9:15 and leaving at 3:10…only to attend a 45 minute weekly conference from 11:45 to 12:30. It’s hell. Well, actually it’s fine because I find value in the time spent downtown instead of cooped in my home, but the point is it should be a choice. The freight train companies who force the commuter line to follow such an erratic and frankly insane schedule should be taken out back in their freight yards and shot like the dogs they are.

As soon as the temperature drops below 5 degrees the train goes “let’s blow hot air at you continuously, that definitely won’t be thoroughly unpleasant”. They finally turned on the heating for the season so now I’m stuck with it all winter.

Whoever decided the tunnel leading to the the terminus should have speakers that alternate two songs on repeat endlessly should have a nap on the tracks. They aren’t even good songs. One’s a generic sports chant and the other’s a shitty early 10s style EDM remix of We Will Rock You. Actually, I think they play the normal version too so that’s three songs. Yippee.

And nothing puts fear into my heart quite like the ticket inspectors. They show up maybe once a month or so, usually the one day you fuck something and don’t have a valid pass on you. Happened to me a lot at first, but now I’ve got my act together so I can usually avoid it, but it’s still terrifying, as the fines increase every time and I haven’t heard of them dropping in recognition of years of presenting valid passes to compensate for initial mishaps.

God I hate this stupid fucking train. Thank god the REM’s coming.

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

G&G-Fan said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Has anyone considered addressing Palpatine by name in the OT? It would spoil the twist of the PT for first time viewers, assuming they watch the movies in production order as they should, but it would help tie the films together more cohesively in a subtle way.

It’s not a twist for anyone who’s seen the OT.

It’s perfectly plausible that someone wouldn’t pick up on the fact that Darth Sidious / The Emperor from RotJ is the same person as Senator / Chancellor Palpatine, especially if they’re watching it as children which is the target demographic. I certainly never figured until the reveal when I was 5.