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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 61


I just know “Whills” from the 1976 Star Wars novelization. I think the intro was “from the Journal of Whills” or something like that.


Another obscurity that separates the old fans from the newbies. 😉

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Where were you in '77?


stealthboy said:

I just know “Whills” from the 1976 Star Wars novelization. I think the intro was “from the Journal of Whills” or something like that.

Right. I knew that it existed as a thing in some early drafts of the screenplay. I knew that much and was content.


yhwx said:

Those types of Star Wars fans don’t really hang out here.

It is a source of great sorrow to me that the type of SW fan who asks “what is a Whill?” and the type of SW fan who decries the planned obsolescence of the OOT don’t often mix.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Baze and Chirrut from Rogue One were Guardians of the Whills. They weren’t Whills themselves but at least it’s been mentioned in a movie now along with Kyber Crystals. Maybe Snoke is a Whill. I’m sure Luke learned a lot from those books in the cave on that island


rodneyfaile said:

Baze and Chirrut from Rogue One were Guardians of the Whills. They weren’t Whills themselves but at least it’s been mentioned in a movie now along with Kyber Crystals. Maybe Snoke is a Whill. I’m sure Luke learned a lot from those books in the cave on that island

Disney is infusing a lot of fantasy elements in a franchise that desperately needed a break from the sci fi bullshit of the vong and midi chlorians…good


If Star Wars fans want something different, how about Kylo Ren is killed, but through the dark side, Snoke resurrects Kylo, or Snoke enters Kylo’s body and makes him very, very powerful. There needs to be something we have NEVER SEEN BEFORE in a Star Wars movie, not a rehash of Return of the Jedi.

I was thinking of Tron (Disney) the other day, remember when Master Control Program(MCP) gave him life and power after Sark failed to stop Tron. I can see Snoke giving his pupil unlimited power to stop Rey and Luke, resulting in an epic fight, that leaves Luke dead, but Rey to mentor the next generation of grey Jedi.


CarboniteSolo said:

If Star Wars fans want something different, how about Kylo Ren is killed, but through the dark side, Snoke resurrects Kylo, or Snoke enters Kylo’s body and makes him very, very powerful. There needs to be something we have NEVER SEEN BEFORE in a Star Wars movie, not a rehash of Return of the Jedi.

I was thinking of Tron (Disney) the other day, remember when Master Control Program(MCP) gave him life and power after Sark failed to stop Tron. I can see Snoke giving his pupil unlimited power to stop Rey and Luke, resulting in an epic fight, that leaves Luke dead, but Rey to mentor the next generation of grey Jedi.

Perfection…minus the possesive part I truly love the idea of resurrection making a entity stronger…while also less human

It could be recycled for a original character in a inevitable old republic movie


It would make sense that if the saga is about the Skywalkers, that we start with a young chosen one who starts the line and we end with the extinction of his lineage. That doesn’t mean they all have to die, but it would mean the younger generation would. I don’t think they will go that route. I wouldn’t put a fourth trilogy past Disney, but probably not any time soon.


Lord Tobias said:

rodneyfaile said:

Baze and Chirrut from Rogue One were Guardians of the Whills. They weren’t Whills themselves but at least it’s been mentioned in a movie now along with Kyber Crystals. Maybe Snoke is a Whill. I’m sure Luke learned a lot from those books in the cave on that island

Disney is infusing a lot of fantasy elements in a franchise that desperately needed a break from the sci fi bullshit of the vong and midi chlorians…good

I loved that Maz reiterated Yoda’s description of the Force without mentioning midichlorians.


I think the introduction of the Barash Vow may kill the chance of a new order of Grey Force Wielders being introduced in TLJ though lines like “Light, darkness, the balance” and “It’s so much bigger” along with other things in the canon still makes it a decent possibility. If Rian did go this route he needs to answer when Luke would have gotten back into the fold because I will not accept that Luke is forever abandoning his loved ones to their fate. Whatever they go with I hope these new rules Adam was talking about are absolutely game changing.


rodneyfaile said:

Lord Tobias said:

rodneyfaile said:

Baze and Chirrut from Rogue One were Guardians of the Whills. They weren’t Whills themselves but at least it’s been mentioned in a movie now along with Kyber Crystals. Maybe Snoke is a Whill. I’m sure Luke learned a lot from those books in the cave on that island

Disney is infusing a lot of fantasy elements in a franchise that desperately needed a break from the sci fi bullshit of the vong and midi chlorians…good

I loved that Maz reiterated Yoda’s description of the Force without mentioning midichlorians.

Maz is also the same character who glossed over the magical reappearance of a lightsaber that would have disintegrated in a gas giant (Bespin) within seconds of falling into it at the climax of ESB, so her word is hardly worth a Gungan’s foot.


Ryan-SWI said:

rodneyfaile said:

Lord Tobias said:

rodneyfaile said:

Baze and Chirrut from Rogue One were Guardians of the Whills. They weren’t Whills themselves but at least it’s been mentioned in a movie now along with Kyber Crystals. Maybe Snoke is a Whill. I’m sure Luke learned a lot from those books in the cave on that island

Disney is infusing a lot of fantasy elements in a franchise that desperately needed a break from the sci fi bullshit of the vong and midi chlorians…good

I loved that Maz reiterated Yoda’s description of the Force without mentioning midichlorians.

Maz is also the same character who glossed over the magical reappearance of a lightsaber

So far. If they don’t address it in one of the next two movies, I’ll agree with you.

that would have disintegrated in a gas giant (Bespin) within seconds of falling into it at the climax of ESB

You’ve made an unsubstantiated assumption that it fell out of the garbage chute to begin with.


TV’s Frink said:

Ryan-SWI said:

that would have disintegrated in a gas giant (Bespin) within seconds of falling into it at the climax of ESB

You’ve made an unsubstantiated assumption that it fell out of the garbage chute to begin with.

I don’t get why so many people insist that Luke’s lightsaber must have fallen into Bespin? There are so many possibilities as to what could have happened to it.
It’s not impossible that lost objects could be dumped into the gas giant, but simply hitting a floor at the bottom or being sucked into one those tubes that Luke fell into are equally probable. According to TFA they obviously went with one of the latter (as did Legends I might add). Why is this such a big deal to some people?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


For some people, the answer is clearly “because I hate TFA and want to prove how terrible it is.”


Ryan-SWI said:

Maz is also the same character who glossed over the magical reappearance of a lightsaber that would have disintegrated in a gas giant (Bespin) within seconds of falling into it at the climax of ESB, so her word is hardly worth a Gungan’s foot.

Well she did say it was “a good question, for another time.” Sorry she didn’t get verbose in the middle of a First Order attack. The reappearance wasn’t magical at all. She said she had it for ages and kept it locked away. We don’t know how, when, or where she got it, and it is probably silly to debate the properties of gas giants in a fantasy movie with lightsabers and hyperdrives.


This is more a discussion for the TFA thread where it’s been done to death, so I’ll add that Rey finding Luke’s lightsaber - in the context of TFA - is a convenience on multiple levels.

In the OT, when someone lost a lightsaber in a duel, especially over a bottomless pit, that’s fairly clear cinematic language for ‘gone for good’. The fact that Luke’s saber was found is already a convenience, and that Rey finds it during her first stop off-world is yet another. If the scene was powerful on a thematic level then I’d be more likely to give these conveniences a pass, but it isn’t, and they could easily have had some other artifact or situation to give her the Force vision and then later had her steal the saber from Kylo, who has already been established as being an obsessive collector of Vader artifacts.

Speaking of sabers on a thematic level, the duels in ESB and ROTJ mirror each other. The loss of Anakin’s old saber could be interpreted as a metaphor for the loss of Luke’s idea that his father was a pure and uncorrupted Jedi. Similarly the loss of Vader’s saber could be interpreted as the loss of his identity as Vader. Finding one of the two sabers later on implies an extension of the metaphor, and confuses it. Is Luke’s saber still a symbol of an uncorrupted Jedi? How does this play considering that Rey is very clearly angry and using the Dark Side during her fight with Kylo? Is the saber to Luke a hopeful symbol of idealism, or a painful reminder of his false belief and failure? The film could have given us something to guide our interpretation, but it’s left too ambiguous. Rey is confused and terrified at the vision of the saber, so she doesn’t help us out with interpretations. The clearest interpretation is that it is a sword-in-the-stone moment. Presumably Rey is another divine chosen one, or the daughter of Luke. But if she is the daughter of Luke, that raises even more questions!

I guess my biggest problem with all of this is that I don’t think that JJ had any of these other thematic ideas in mind when he made the scene. I think it’s supposed to be confusing and defy interpretation - not through subtlety or inter-textual clues, but through withholding of essential plot information. And that irritates me.

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It’s as if people on here have a blockage in their brain that refrains them from talking about TLJ in this thread.


I posted a link to new footage, and nobody says a thing about it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I posted a link to new footage, and nobody says a thing about it.

Hey I checked out that link, but I really don’t know what to say about 2.5 milliseconds of new footage. 😋


Star Wars is fantasy first and foremost. People who can’t stop searching for science and logic drive me crazy. I guess the space and advanced technology setting sort of courts that highly literal contingent of people out there, but in my mind that’s simply not how these films are to be viewed.

It’s been 30+ years since ESB so really you could come up with any number of explanations that float your boat, in my opinion the only one that matters is “the way of the force.” Sure you can call that an excuse for a convenience but fuck that, it’s explicit in these films that there’s an all powerful force that controls everything (which doesn’t excuse every convenience, but clearly the saber is very strongly tied to the force and Rey’s fate). It’s like Excalibur basically, which often in Arthur stories gets seemingly lost, only to appear again later.

Which also ties into the thematic significance. I think “uncorrupted Jedi” is a bit too narrow an interpretation. The saber was always primarily about the legacy of the Jedi in general (and Luke’s father specifically). Losing the saber tied into Luke learning the truth behind the lies Obi-Wan told him when he gave it to him. Gone with the saber of course in that moment was the preconception of Anakin as an uncorrupted Jedi, but that doesn’t swallow up the entirety of the thematic meaning behind the object, it just adds to it. It’ll be interesting to see the journey of the saber in TLJ (will it be lost once more?) but it’s hard to say it’s not fitting in TFA. The symbol of the old Jedi order, lost for years because of the power of the dark side (meanwhile Luke himself retreats from his own lost Order), but found elsewhere in the galaxy by those who still hold hope for the return of the Jedi, and given to the new generation who can bring about that return. Honestly feels like the main reason that saber was included was because of the thematic significance.


dahmage said:

SilverWook said:

I posted a link to new footage, and nobody says a thing about it.

Hey I checked out that link, but I really don’t know what to say about 2.5 milliseconds of new footage. 😋

I’m saying lol

I think the Barash Vow is something that should be discussed (even if for but a brief moment) because it could play a significant role in TLJ’s plot. What could be even more significant are the new rules Adam Driver said will be introduced in TLJ. Rehashing old arguments we were having nearly 2 years ago isn’t important in the slightest…I thought most of us would have moved on by now.