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Star Wars Episode IX (was) to be directed by Colin Trevorrow - DUEL OF THE FATES RIP — Page 3


The Book of Henry is the equivalent of eating a cake baked with salt instead of sugar, or listening to a Beatles song where the lyrics are in Esperanto—you understand the idea of what Trevorrow was going for, but the end result is an appalling, irradiated mess, a Frankenstein’s monster version of a feel-good classic. It might be quickly forgotten as a well-meaning flop, but The Book of Henry deserves to linger—it’s like an unsettling dream you can’t quite remember, a familiar story where all the pieces just seemed out of place.

The Book of Henry honestly sounds like one of the worst movie ever made.


Alderaan said:

The Book of Henry is the equivalent of eating a cake baked with salt instead of sugar, or listening to a Beatles song where the lyrics are in Esperanto—you understand the idea of what Trevorrow was going for, but the end result is an appalling, irradiated mess, a Frankenstein’s monster version of a feel-good classic. It might be quickly forgotten as a well-meaning flop, but The Book of Henry deserves to linger—it’s like an unsettling dream you can’t quite remember, a familiar story where all the pieces just seemed out of place.

The Book of Henry honestly sounds like one of the worst movie ever made.

But it’s not a Disney movie!


A lot of people hated Star Trek Into Darkness and Episode VII still turned out okay. Super 8 also didn’t get the warmest reception.

The difference here is that Abrams’ first two movies reinvigorated existing franchises, whereas it feels like Lucasfilm only focused on the box office and not the actual reviews of Jurassic World when recruiting Trevorrow.


TV’s Frink said:

Alderaan said:

The Book of Henry is the equivalent of eating a cake baked with salt instead of sugar, or listening to a Beatles song where the lyrics are in Esperanto—you understand the idea of what Trevorrow was going for, but the end result is an appalling, irradiated mess, a Frankenstein’s monster version of a feel-good classic. It might be quickly forgotten as a well-meaning flop, but The Book of Henry deserves to linger—it’s like an unsettling dream you can’t quite remember, a familiar story where all the pieces just seemed out of place.

The Book of Henry honestly sounds like one of the worst movie ever made.

But it’s not a Disney movie!

He means with the exception of The Force Awakens, obviously.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

TV’s Frink said:

Alderaan said:

The Book of Henry is the equivalent of eating a cake baked with salt instead of sugar, or listening to a Beatles song where the lyrics are in Esperanto—you understand the idea of what Trevorrow was going for, but the end result is an appalling, irradiated mess, a Frankenstein’s monster version of a feel-good classic. It might be quickly forgotten as a well-meaning flop, but The Book of Henry deserves to linger—it’s like an unsettling dream you can’t quite remember, a familiar story where all the pieces just seemed out of place.

The Book of Henry honestly sounds like one of the worst movie ever made.

But it’s not a Disney movie!

He means with the exception of The Force Awakens, obviously.

And Rogue One?

Honestly I can’t keep track of Aldermalascum’s positions.


The funny thing is you’ve made about 10,000 posts criticizing Donald Trump for being a baby in the OT section of the forum. Yet here you are acting like a child again. I made a post about a movie unrelated to Disney or Star Wars except the director is attached I guess, but it causes you to carry personal grievances from other threads and pollute new ones wherever you go.

You may think this annoys me, but I actually get off on seeing you throw tantrums and embarras yourself Fink. It’s highly amusing to see a 40something year old man act like a child. Or act like Donald Trump for that matter. Over and over again.


Alderaan said:

The funny thing is you’ve made about 10,000 posts criticizing Donald Trump for being a baby in the OT section of the forum. Yet here you are acting like a child again. I made a post about a movie unrelated to Disney or Star Wars except the director is attached I guess, but it causes you to carry personal grievances from other threads and pollute new ones wherever you go.

You may think this annoys me, but I actually get off on seeing you throw tantrums and embarras yourself Fink. It’s highly amusing to see a 40something year old man act like a child. Or act like Donald Trump for that matter. Over and over again.

You OK my friend?


I’m just fine. I enjoy watching Fink make posting great again.


yhwx said:

Alderaan said:

The funny thing is you’ve made about 10,000 posts criticizing Donald Trump for being a baby in the OT section of the forum. Yet here you are acting like a child again. I made a post about a movie unrelated to Disney or Star Wars except the director is attached I guess, but it causes you to carry personal grievances from other threads and pollute new ones wherever you go.

You may think this annoys me, but I actually get off on seeing you throw tantrums and embarras yourself Fink. It’s highly amusing to see a 40something year old man act like a child. Or act like Donald Trump for that matter. Over and over again.

You OK my friend?

I was wondering this exact thing. He may have passed out and hit his head on the keyboard for all the sense this made.


As always, get a room.

It’s going to take a lot more than a bunch of critics showing off their flowery writing skills before I believe Episode IX to be in trouble.

I’ve seen some scathing reviews of movies made by that Lucas fellow before he made Star Wars.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Safety Not Guaranteed was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, so I’ve been on edge about this from day one. That review excerpt that Alderaan posted for Book of Henry honestly made me morbidly curious, though.


I think critics get paid by the word sometimes. The more a movie gets savaged by critics, the more my intrigue level goes up.
Even if this got glowing reviews, it’s opening up against Cars 3.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


joefavs said:

Safety Not Guaranteed was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, so I’ve been on edge about this from day one. That review excerpt that Alderaan posted for Book of Henry honestly made me morbidly curious, though.

Yeah, quite a few people liked it but I just couldn’t stand the interminable romance or the ending.

The third film in a trilogy is always the hardest to get right, so why Disney seems intent on shooting themselves in the kidney before they even start is beyond me.

After he finishes Ready Player One, Spielberg should just do Episode IX before going into Indiana Jones 5. Or since that franchise is already toast, just skip that and go right into Robopocalypse.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


As a coda to this Book of Henry thing, here’s an excerpt from an interview he gave about the film:

I think what this movie is, it’s the movies I would be making if no one had asked me to go and do these giant versions of things that we loved growing up. Which I also love doing. But it was important to me to make something that at least shares with people my identity as a filmmaker, what I believe in and where I stand. And the kind of movies that I would continue to make if they were to fire me tomorrow and say I can never do a big budget movie again. I would make movies like this.

It sounds like you would be happy doing that, too.

Absolutely. I’m not suggesting they fire me. In case they’re listening.

I hope they’re listening.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

joefavs said:

Safety Not Guaranteed was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, so I’ve been on edge about this from day one. That review excerpt that Alderaan posted for Book of Henry honestly made me morbidly curious, though.

Yeah, quite a few people liked it but I just couldn’t stand the interminable romance or the ending.

The third film in a trilogy is always the hardest to get right, so why Disney seems intent on shooting themselves in the kidney before they even start is beyond me.

After he finishes Ready Player One, Spielberg should just do Episode IX before going into Indiana Jones 5. Or since that franchise is already toast, just skip that and go right into Robopocalypse.

It would be an oh so fitting way of closing off the saga (for now, anyway) since Spielberg would have directed RotJ.

That said, I don’t think they’d switch directors now. Book of Henry is Super 8 if Abrams already knew he was about to make a Star Wars movie and someone else was directing Into Darkness. The reviews and the box office seem rather inconsequential, and there aren’t any bad behind the scenes stories with this director like, say, Trank on Fant4stic.

What was weird to me was how the announcement of Trevorrow for IX seemed to come without any fanfare whatsoever, like it was just perfunctory. “Oh, the guy who made that Jurassic Park movie that just made a bajillion dollars for some reason? okay.”

When they announced Abrams for VII - even though they went with the most obvious possible choice - it was still a big deal, and I was ecstatic when they announced Johnson for VIII.

I actually liked Safety Not Gauranteed, but part of its charm is that it is such a small movie. When he was hired for Jurassic Park 4, someone pointed out that it must have been some kind of record for the biggest jump in budget sizes between a director’s first and second films.

Johnson feels like the happy medium between Abrams and Trevorrow in that respect, since he started small with Brick but his budgets only gradually increased with his next two films, and he’s done some solid tv work in the meantime.

I’d be curious to know what series of events led to Trevorrow’s hiring. Jurassic World had more than a couple connections to Kennedy (a franchise she’d produced and which her husband is still a producer on) and it feels like a repeat of Abrams getting recommended by Spielberg for Episode VII after turning it down. I wonder if that didn’t happen all over again with IX (them going after Spielberg and him having yet another person to recommend).

I feel like we still don’t quite know the full story behind what led to Abrams. Brad Bird fits into the equation somewhere, and Ben Affleck was actually on the shortlist. I’m also wondering if the Matthew Vaughn rumor was ever true.

It’s Rian Johnson’s story I’m the most curious about. With Abrams and Trevorrow it felt like Kennedy was listening to her colleagues. With Johnson it feels like she was listening to the internet.


The reasoning behind Abrams for TFA is clear. He directed one of the best Mission: Impossible movies and successfully re-booted the Star Trek films for a general audience. I believe his deficiencies as a writer lead him to botch the endings of his shows and movies, but when he’s not writing, his movies are quite good. Super8 is a lovely film up until the end.

Rian Johnson is a great choice of course. Brick is wonderful, Looper is clever and interesting. Enough said.

Trevorrow is much less reliable in this regard, since although his films have been decent in terms of broad audience appeal, he seems incapable of writing certain types of characters. Romance in both of his previous feature films has been an issue for me, and if the reviews for his latest are any indication, he hasn’t improved in the portrayal of female characters in general. If TFA taught us anything about the director’s tendencies, it is that the movie is very much a mirror of the instincts of the director for good or bad. I have no faith in Trevorrow to create a worthy third installment of this trilogy.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Lucasfilm does have the story group though. They haven’t interfered with the writing of the films so far, but then again, they haven’t really had a reason to yet. Also I’m sure Kathleen Kennedy would interfere or at the very least hire more writers if Trevorrow were do do an exceptionally bad job with IX.

I agree that Trevorrow might make IX fairly dull, but I’m not convinced Lucasfilm or Disney will allow it to become bad. RO had multiple writers, not to mention plenty of reshoots, and Kennedy fired Trank, so I’m personally not too worried.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Heh, the OMG I LOVE STARS WARS! GIVE ME MORE STAR WARS! crowd all over the internet seems to be really freaking out over Treverrow now.

I don’t want to really criticize a movie I’ve never seen but the reviews don’t look good.


Imagine the panic if Irvin Kershner had made Never Say Never Again and Robocop 2 before ESB. 😉

Can’t recall if fans dissected his pre-ESB filmography at the time though. There was no IMDB to consult of course.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Alderaan said:

Heh, the OMG I LOVE STARS WARS! GIVE ME MORE STAR WARS! crowd all over the internet seems to be really freaking out over Treverrow now.

I don’t want to really criticize a movie I’ve never seen but the reviews don’t look good.

I was going to ask where they were when he was first hired for IX, but then I looked up JW on rotten tomatoes and … yeah, 72% vs 25% for Book of Henry, ouch.

It still baffles me how JW managed to make so much money. We joke about the Transformers movies being critic-proof, but maybe JW only needed to not be Transformers level bad to get a big turnout. The trailers didn’t even sell it very well, aside from a couple cool-looking shots. Nostalgia apparently did all the work for them.


The first Jurassic Park movie since 2001 was always going to put a lot of butts in seats. If it was bad, people would have seen it out of morbid curiosity. If it was middling, they would have seen it because [insert any reason people see nostalgic sequels]. And of course if it was great, people would have seen it because obviously.

It’s almost like a certain Star Wars movie that came out in the last few years.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Why not hire a woman director? A wonder woman…