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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 27


I don’t think that’d work. It’d be a very unusual jumping ahead in time with no scene in between. Keeping the sunset shot as a buffer might make it work but I don’t think so.

Also I think that in general it works better if the viewer has the same question as Finn: “Where’s Rey?” He asks that and we cut to Rey and only then see her decision to return. IMO that just flows better than having the (almost) complete Rey scene before Finn asks his question.


DigMod said:

I just did a color match and blend with another day shot and then tried to simulate what the sun looks like when it’s burning your retinas out. This shot is now a vertical descent rather than a horizontal approach.

Interesting idea, but it’s not quite working for me. If the sun is supposed to be burning the eyes out it should be pure white, in your clip it’s sort of greenish gray. And the shot still feels horizontal. It might be from knowing the original shot, but there’s nothing indicating anything other than a horizontal angle.


DigMod said:

It’s implied. A majority of us walk sideways on the earth but we don’t know it 😃

Haha, that’s one way to look at it. 😉 The shot could be vertical, but a large sun with that kind of “atmospheric refraction” (air ripple effect) and the shape of the clouds indicate a sun close to the horizon.


I worked a bit on the deleted scene. The watermark removal is somewhat time consuming but the results are good. The hardest part was when Leia’s face passed behind it. The hair removal will be a bit trickier to pull off but I think it will work.

As I watched some behind the scenes earlier I noticed that Carrie had the braid-thing on set, so I guess ILM must’ve removed it for the scenes that are in the film but didn’t bother with this deleted scene.

Even for press photos, look at the poor Photoshopping on this one:


Here’s a proposed implementation of NeverarGreat’s SKB explosion. He has isolated and recreated sound effects, and I’ve segued between this and the film’s soundtrack while adding music from the CD. His work was in stereo, so it has been duplicated into all channels save for the LFE track, leveled by ear against the relative balance of music and sound effects in the film’s soundtrack. When transitioning back to the film at the end, we first crossfade into an upmixed stereo version, then back into 5.1 in order to provide as smooth a transition as possible.

I do not have a 5.1 setup on which to monitor this, but listen to it track by track to compare it to the film itself in the hopes of getting it close to right. Please let me know if you hear any glaring problems.


My stance on revising fan edits.


Sir Ridley said:

Other possibilities that might (or might not) be worth considering to keep the “fast cut”:

• BB8 reacting first (without TIE sounds), making Rey look up. However I’m not sure it makes sense with the direction Rey is looking in. I think Finn and Rey are on opposite sides of the castle so they wouldn’t be looking at the same thing anyway.

My 2 cents, could you mirror flip the Rey scene so she’s looking the other way?

My fan edit ideas


marduk666 said:

Sir Ridley said:

Other possibilities that might (or might not) be worth considering to keep the “fast cut”:

• BB8 reacting first (without TIE sounds), making Rey look up. However I’m not sure it makes sense with the direction Rey is looking in. I think Finn and Rey are on opposite sides of the castle so they wouldn’t be looking at the same thing anyway.

My 2 cents, could you mirror flip the Rey scene so she’s looking the other way?

Sure, but that wouldn’t change where she is geographically. However now that I look at the layout of the castle I believe they are actually looking in the same direction so it’s not a problem.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a proposed implementation of NeverarGreat’s SKB explosion.

When Rey goes “Finn! Finn!” the absence - for a few seconds - of the wind sound is noticeable. The rest of the clip is good, didn’t notice anything wrong about it.


chyron8472 said:

Will someone please put this on the Spleen?

When it is finished, yes it will be on myspleen

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


Jackpumpkinhead said:

chyron8472 said:

Will someone please put this on the Spleen?

When it is finished, yes it will be on myspleen

Okay, wait. It’s not finished? But it’s on .info with links and stuff.
I mean, I get that what’s available might be 1.0 or whatever and continuing efforts are being made. But Hal’s prequel edits are on v4.2 now or something and I’m not exactly sure when “finished” could have been considered in that case.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Hal, would it be possible for you to put a Fox fanfare at the beginning? I still feel weird without it.

…Maybe it’s just that the Lucasfilm title card is so short. Makes me wonder if putting the Disney title card in would work.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


I won’t be modifying the film’s opening logos aside from adding a silent disclaimer about fan edits. I prefer to leave the opening logos alone. I wouldn’t remove the fanfare from the older movies either. Sadly, from here on out, it’s gone because 20th Century Fox just isn’t the distributor.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Here’s an updated clip of the SKB explosion. NeverarGreat has done more to pan the sound effects across the channels, to sound less centralized. He’s addressed the brief dip in the wind sound effect right as the music changes, as MalaStrana noted. As before, the audio during Rey and Leia’s hug very gradually fades from a stereo upmix back into the 5.1 soundtrack. Similarly, I’ve now very gradually crossfaded the audio in the two scenes prior to the Falcon scene from 5.1 to stereo, in preparation for the essentially-stereo SKB explosion sequence. It’d be a little mucky for a professional job, but it does help me ears better accommodate the new audio.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s an updated clip of the SKB explosion. NeverarGreat has done more to pan the sound effects across the channels, to sound less centralized. He’s addressed the brief dip in the wind sound effect right as the music changes, as MalaStrana noted. As before, the audio during Rey and Leia’s hug very gradually fades from a stereo upmix back into the 5.1 soundtrack. Similarly, I’ve now very gradually crossfaded the audio in the two scenes prior to the Falcon scene from 5.1 to stereo, in preparation for the essentially-stereo SKB explosion sequence. It’d be a little mucky for a professional job, but it does help me ears better accommodate the new audio.

I’ve only listened to this in stereo, where it mostly sounds good, but it would be better to have a more proper 5.1 mix with dialogue only in the center channel (any voice echoes/reverb would be in the surround though). As you have it now vocals become too loud when they are in every channel so please use 5.1 sound for those scenes.

If there is only stereo sound available (as in the deleted scenes for example) you can use audio editing software to extract the centered audio information from the stereo sound which makes for a pretty good center channel, and a stereo file with extracted center can then be used for front and back channels. If there is a separate music track then you would use mostly music for the back channels and music plus other sounds in the front.


I’m afraid the gradual fade back into proper surround at the ending of the sequence will be inevitable; it sounds much more seamless this way than not doing so. However, I will not do this for the Snoke scene right beforehand, for the reasons you outline. I will, however, have the Left and Right channels (front and rear sets) gradually become less polarized instead, to have a similar effect without letting cats and dogs live together by having dialogue in all the channels.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I downloaded the original version of the ‘gentle restructure’ edit, and found it a big improvement on the film, though I would have made more cuts myself.

I’m a little confused about the goal/direction of the second version. Can someone summarize what is going on with version 2?
