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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 48


You know that 3D experience video Rogue recon…

Is that Scarif?

I think the planets are

Eadu - that’s in the shot with Jyn running krennics ship flying over the beach. Eadu has rings.

The Blue misty mountain planet is called Malpaz or Malpas I think. (From catalyst novel)

Jedha & Yavin are fairly concrete as is Scarif. So that is 5 planets at the moment.

The death star is also a bit like another planet too.


dahmage said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

dahmage said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ray_afraid said:

ZkinandBonez said:

ray_afraid said:

ZkinandBonez said:

It firing on Scarif would be pretty weird. But then again that’s the sort of crazy thing that the Empire might do.

I thought when they destroy Alderaan in SW that it was the first time the superlaser was used.

Well, the RO trailer does show the DS firing on Jedha. However the super laser is most likely not fully operational at this point, hence it doesn’t blow up the entire planet and instead just causes a lot of destruction. I guess they did this in RO so that the DS can still be a big threat to the main characters without undermining ANH. Alderaan was simply the first test of the “fully operational” DS and its planet destroying capabilities. In RO it seem to only be capable of blowing up a city-sized area.


Why “ugh”? Like SilverWook said, it makes sense for them to test the unfinished laser. Also since the plot of RO seem to revolve around Kyber crystals from Jedha and Galen’s expertise on them, it makes sense that they would have a weaker laser during this film.

Also ANH characters constantly bragging about the “fully armed and operatinal” DS does mean that it should be unfinished in RO. It’d be silly if it just hovered over some planet all the time doing nothing.

this has mostly been my take as well. that shot from the trailer almost certainly is the death star in some low power mode / not working mode. and if it isn’t the death star, i would be slightly annoyed that there is some other amazing weapon we never heard of…

Expeditionary Battle Planetoid?

Death Star prototype?


Unidentified test unit Death Star?

i don’t know any EU stuff, but wouldn’t it be really confusing to have any of those introduced in a movie that is all about the death star?

Well it’s definitely the DS firing on Jedha in the trailer.

And it seems like they borrowed the idea of a low power test shot from Legends; https://youtu.be/O64vg5xEhkw?t=24

However it seems very unlikely that it’ll actually destroy Jedha (or any other planet), but rather that it will simply burn a pretty big hole into it. Essentially it will destroy just enough to be a big threat in the plot of this movie without contradicting or detracting from the plot of ANH.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

Well, it could be that we only see the DS over Jedha. Since it’s already in ANH there’s no need for it to appear throughout the entire movie, especially since Scarif is where they steal the plans.
I guess it could show up at the very end though, but it sees weird that the DS would be needed at Scarif. It firing on Scarif would be pretty weird. But then again that’s the sort of crazy thing that the Empire might do.

I have a feeling that the plot will revolve around three missions; sabotaging some Kyber crystal mining on Jedha (or at least getting some info). The DS shows up to stop them and cover it’s tracks. Then they go to try to save Galen from Eadu. Perhaps they get some info from him there. And finally with this info they go to steal the plans on Scarif. That’s my guess anyway.

As for the early marketing teaser, well, that could simply be marketing. They would have had good reason to avoid spoilers at that time. I also think it was made even before they started shooting, so it could have been based on some early ideas. Also the teaser did show a jungle, and Scarif is in all the trailers shown has having many oceans/lakes with small jungle areas as opposed to the thick jungle shown in the teaser.

Ok so the Planet in the Flash Back is called LAH’MU

And you are right zkinandbonez EADU is the blue misty mountain planet. (Could it be a mistake and it is actually Eriadu? That is Moff Tarkins home world heavily polluted industrial planet)

I also think that SCARIF is also where the dish is fitted so the Death star will move after it get’s fitted on to Jedha.

Check this map


Ronster said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, it could be that we only see the DS over Jedha. Since it’s already in ANH there’s no need for it to appear throughout the entire movie, especially since Scarif is where they steal the plans.
I guess it could show up at the very end though, but it sees weird that the DS would be needed at Scarif. It firing on Scarif would be pretty weird. But then again that’s the sort of crazy thing that the Empire might do.

I have a feeling that the plot will revolve around three missions; sabotaging some Kyber crystal mining on Jedha (or at least getting some info). The DS shows up to stop them and cover it’s tracks. Then they go to try to save Galen from Eadu. Perhaps they get some info from him there. And finally with this info they go to steal the plans on Scarif. That’s my guess anyway.

As for the early marketing teaser, well, that could simply be marketing. They would have had good reason to avoid spoilers at that time. I also think it was made even before they started shooting, so it could have been based on some early ideas. Also the teaser did show a jungle, and Scarif is in all the trailers shown has having many oceans/lakes with small jungle areas as opposed to the thick jungle shown in the teaser.

Ok so the Planet in the Flash Back is called LAH’MU

And you are right zkinandbonez EADU is the blue misty mountain planet. (Could it be a mistake and it is actually Eriadu? That is Moff Tarkins home world heavily polluted industrial planet)

I also think that SCARIF is also where the dish is fitted so the Death star will move after it get’s fitted on to Jedha.

Check this map

Yes,it does seem like Scarif will be the place where the DS got constructed, or at least partially constructed, after it left Geonosis. However it seem unlikely that it would return to Scarif after going to Jedha, as Scarif is definitely at the end of the film.

In that map however it doesn’t indicate that the DS went to Jedha at all however. Which is weird

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Yeah, aside from a shot of Luke’s X Wing in the Dagobah swamp, I don’t think we ever saw that in the OT. We saw the lights on Yoda’s face when it took off though.

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Where were you in '77?


Yeah I really like that shot too… It could be a new Planet but Eadu or Lah’mu are not mentioned on this guide map for Rogue one which zkinandbonez rightly points out is weird.

All the rest are there and Boldly made a point of such as Scarif and Jedha and Yavin and it makes a point of marking out the route of the death star also.

I have a feeling Lah’mu and Eadu are fake names one of them (Eadu) being Eriadu Grand Moff Tarkin’s home world.

Lah’mu was named after a place they shot in the Maldives. But this planet was set in Iceland.


SilverWook said:

Yeah, aside from a shot of Luke’s X Wing in the Dagobah swamp, I don’t think we ever saw that in the OT. We saw the lights on Yoda’s face when it took off though.

I imagine that would have been very hard to pull off with miniatures and old blue-screen effects. At least convincingly anyhow.

Ronster said:

I have a feeling Lah’mu and Eadu are fake names one of them (Eadu) being Eriadu gran moff Tarkin’s home world.

Fake names?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I want to see the shot where Luke fly’s into Dagobah cloudy atmosphere for the first time Special Editioned like that now!

Yeah code names.

Just a guess but What if the dish is constructed and fitted on Eriadu? And that Eadu name is just put there to throw us off the scent. This is where Galen is held captive also remember. Grand Moff Tarkins Industrial home world.

In the Rogue One Recon Video The Death Star has no dish… And it’s orbiting Scarif.

Were going to play a game

Hmmm Saw

Eriadu is on that map Eadu is not.

Dantooine they’re on Dantooine… Could be Lah’mu (or Lah’mu is for real doubt it though)



adywan said:

Finally, a clear shot of Rogue One’s Darth Vader. So it seems that he will swap between having his inner tunic under the chest plate to over it throughout the movie. And the lenses don’t look red here either, like they did in the trailers.

Is there photographic evidence of the alternative?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


If he does I hope they get his makeup right this time.

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Where Are Death Troopers, U-Wings, and TIE Strikers in the Original Trilogy?

I though this was a pretty interesting speculation video on how the Lucasfilm story group is going to justify all the new ships and troopers not having been seen in the OT.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Ronster said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, it could be that we only see the DS over Jedha. Since it’s already in ANH there’s no need for it to appear throughout the entire movie, especially since Scarif is where they steal the plans.
I guess it could show up at the very end though, but it sees weird that the DS would be needed at Scarif. It firing on Scarif would be pretty weird. But then again that’s the sort of crazy thing that the Empire might do.

I have a feeling that the plot will revolve around three missions; sabotaging some Kyber crystal mining on Jedha (or at least getting some info). The DS shows up to stop them and cover it’s tracks. Then they go to try to save Galen from Eadu. Perhaps they get some info from him there. And finally with this info they go to steal the plans on Scarif. That’s my guess anyway.

As for the early marketing teaser, well, that could simply be marketing. They would have had good reason to avoid spoilers at that time. I also think it was made even before they started shooting, so it could have been based on some early ideas. Also the teaser did show a jungle, and Scarif is in all the trailers shown has having many oceans/lakes with small jungle areas as opposed to the thick jungle shown in the teaser.

Ok so the Planet in the Flash Back is called LAH’MU

And you are right zkinandbonez EADU is the blue misty mountain planet. (Could it be a mistake and it is actually Eriadu? That is Moff Tarkins home world heavily polluted industrial planet)

I also think that SCARIF is also where the dish is fitted so the Death star will move after it get’s fitted on to Jedha.

Check this map

I have so many questions about this map.

Is it canon that Geonosis is the nearest neighboring planet to Tatooine? Was Tatooine able to avoid being involved (for the most part) being involved in either of these massive galactic wars because of The Hutts? Why was there not a greater imperial presence on Tatooine BEFORE whatever is about to happen on Scarif? Furthermore, why would smugglers like Han Solo make stops on a planet that is nearly on the doorstep of a major Imperial installation?

I know Luke’s feeling of isolation was largely because of his lot in life but retconn’ing Geonosis (the first major battle of the Clone Wars) and Scarif (a major military installation for the Empire) to being the 3 closest planets in the Star Wars universe makes Obi Wan’s decision to hide Luke there seem even more unfortunate.

I guess I also did not realize just how close Hoth was to Bespin (although that makes sense since hyperdrive was out). It appears to be closer than the 2nd Death Star was to Endor moon.

Jeddha’s proximity to Jakku is interesting, too.

Sorry, this is wandering off from my original points which were closer to Rogue One.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, just remember that “close” is quite relative when dealing with a map that covers an entire galaxy.

Yeah, I get that. It is just further shrinks the Star Wars galaxy. I understand the need to have Scarif near Tatooine in order for the events of ANH to kick off.

I’m beginning to wonder if Disney has in mind an update Special Edition that fixes the 90’s special effects added and increases the amount of starfighters/Imperial fighters scattered throughout ANH. Especially with how much Disney is trying to tie-in all their other materials (Clone Wars/Rebels/etc.)

Will be interesting to see how they clean it all up at the end of Rogue One.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Swazzy said:

Anyone still holding out for an Emperor cameo? I’m aware McDiarmid publicly denied involvement with the movie, but I wonder if he’ll still make a surprise appearance in the end.

Tobar said:

If he does I hope they get his makeup right this time.

This. Also, no references to him as “Darth Sidious” or “Sidious”.


Hardcore Legend said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, just remember that “close” is quite relative when dealing with a map that covers an entire galaxy.

Yeah, I get that. It is just further shrinks the Star Wars galaxy. I understand the need to have Scarif near Tatooine in order for the events of ANH to kick off.

In AOTC, Obi-Wan’s long range transmitter is damaged and so he can’t contact Coruscant directly. Instead he reaches out to Anakin on Naboo to retransmit his message for him. Except, Anakin isn’t on Naboo but Tatooine. This places both systems within range of Geonosis.

Forum Moderator

Hardcore Legend said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, just remember that “close” is quite relative when dealing with a map that covers an entire galaxy.

Yeah, I get that. It is just further shrinks the Star Wars galaxy. I understand the need to have Scarif near Tatooine in order for the events of ANH to kick off.

Well, it isn’t exactly a very detailed map. There’s definitely a lot of planets in between the ones that’s listed. I imagine that the SW galaxy, much like our own, has billions of planets in it. And only a very, very small amount of those are populated, and of course the future of the EU will undoubtedly introduce many new worlds, so many simply remain ‘unnamed’. So it’s not exactly like Tatooine and Geonosis are just sitting there is space next to each other. And even if that was the case, the space between them would still be too vast for anyone on each planet to really care about the other, unless they specifically had a reason to travel there. But, again, the map above only lists the most relevant planets to casual SW fans (most of them are movie locations, with a few species- or TV-relevant worlds). I mean just look at this map from Legends canon.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


In Rogue one when we cut to an image of another planet or world for the first time it will have a text name or title card to help the viewer and establish where we are. That makes me think although there are 5 we know about it could mean a couple more to boot. Obviously it is to help avoid confusion.

I seriously would have went the Dune route rather than this route with opening narration and a very delicate time…So on. It needs opening narration badly a cushion. Not a explanation while watching it. It might work but if it seems too late now for a narration to save it’s style somewhat. it seems pretty obvious if you remove the opening text you need another cushion. But we now will get at least 5 interdispersed mini cushions.


Tobar said:

Hardcore Legend said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, just remember that “close” is quite relative when dealing with a map that covers an entire galaxy.

Yeah, I get that. It is just further shrinks the Star Wars galaxy. I understand the need to have Scarif near Tatooine in order for the events of ANH to kick off.

In AOTC, Obi-Wan’s long range transmitter is damaged and so he can’t contact Coruscant directly. Instead he reaches out to Anakin on Naboo to retransmit his message for him. Except, Anakin isn’t on Naboo but Tatooine. This places both systems within range of Geonosis.

Yep, thank ol’ George for this. He loves making galaxies the size of solar systems.