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Rian Johnson to Head New Star Wars Trilogy — Page 2


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

This probably means no episode X for awhile, at least

Good. I was hoping they’d take a break between IX and X. Saga trilogies should continue to be generational - hard for X-XII to be next generation’s trilogy if they just jump right in a year or two after IX.


I’m just curious what landed him such a prospect as to do his own trilogy. Was The Last Jedi just that well received at Lucasfilms?


OK, so life can be kind of cool sometimes. I have no words for how happy this makes me. This news makes me more excited for Star Wars than I’ve ever been since I was 7.

flametitan said:

I’m just curious what landed him such a prospect as to do his own trilogy. Was The Last Jedi just that well received at Lucasfilms?

I’m thinking the answer lies somewhere between his movies and this:


Also, they need to start injecting something else than nostalgia very soon into their Star Wars, or the brand will go stale. Same reason for why they tolerate MCU movies that are not massive successes on their own.


m_s0 said:
Also, they need to start injecting something else than nostalgia very soon into their Star Wars, or the brand will go stale. Same reason for why they tolerate MCU movies that are not massive successes on their own.

I can get behind the idea that they need some new blood in Star Wars. I’m just surprised they took him on for an entire trilogy, rather than a one off.


flametitan said:

m_s0 said:
Also, they need to start injecting something else than nostalgia very soon into their Star Wars, or the brand will go stale. Same reason for why they tolerate MCU movies that are not massive successes on their own.

I can get behind the idea that they need some new blood in Star Wars. I’m just surprised they took him on for an entire trilogy, rather than a one off.

OK, so let’s get rational about this.

The news is framed as ‘RJ gets a new trilogy’ - that’s cool. Buried in there and not elaborated on too much is the fact that he’s set to direct only the first one, and write all of them. Actually, no, he’ll ‘create’ the other two, but he’s not set to actually write them. When they hired him for VIII he was set to write IX in some capacity, and we all know how that turned out, so the chance that his involvement will matter in any way past the initial outing is fairly inconsequential - unless he gets to direct all three. Which might be one of the reasons for why we didn’t get any dates yet…

Because I’m fairly cynical, I’m guessing that as soon as they hire directors for the other two movies any plans for an RJ’s trilogy will disintegrate, unless they gave him a Kennedy+Kasdan level of control over these three movies. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy interested in such a gig. He’s nuts about making films, not about telling other people how to make their films.

tl;dr: they’re drumming up hype for The Last Jedi with how they framed a relatively mundane piece of news that won’t matter in the end.

There, I think that kills any unreasonable degrees of excitement I might’ve had.


Do you remember the times when we had 2 amazing and 1 good Star Wars movie? Now decades later we have 2 amazing Star Wars and 2 good Star Wars movies.

Are they trying to kill the franchise by oversaturating the market?


I just find it hard to get excited about anything Star Wars related these days, when the actual movies that started it all aren’t even available and are being ignored by the copyright owners.
And after seeing the first two Disney-SW movies I would happily trade all of the “Rogue Ones” and “TFAs” in the world for a proper restoration of the OT.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


I wouldn’t worry about getting the Original Trilogy as it was in 1977, that I’m sure will happen eventually, if the deal with 20th Century Fox goes through.

As far as RT (Rian’s Trilogy) I’m glad we’re getting a new trilogy with no ties to anything or anyone. You’re not going to know what happens or who lives and dies. It will be fresh like Star Wars was in 1977. You didn’t know anything about it, so unlike the Prequels where we knew Obi-wan would live, Anakin would become Vader, Palpatine would become the Emperor and Padme would give birth to twins, you won’t know the outcome of these new characters and story.

I knew Disney didn’t just buy 3 movies Ep.7-9 for 4 billion dollars. They saw a lot more potential for this franchise, and I’m grateful for it. I love Star Wars.

Do you think this is right?

2018 Solo A Star Wars Story
2019 Episode IX
2020 Kenobi A Star Wars Story
2021 Rian’s first film of new trilogy
2022 Boba Fett/Bounty Hunters A Star Wars Story film
2023 Rian’s second film
2024 A Star Wars Story film ?
2025 Rian’s third film NOTE This will be the 17th Star Wars film if this list is true.


Literally one of the first things Disney said upon acquiring Lucasfilm just over five years ago was that the Star Wars universe has “over 25,000 years of history.”

This would only lend more credence to someone’s theory upthread about Rian’s trilogy being about the origins of the Jedi, which is pretty much exactly what I’ve been wanting them to do.


I wouldn’t be surprised if LFL wanted a change of pace from “making it up as we go along” with the ST and are serious about sticking to Rian’s plans for the trilogy. Who knows though.

Either way, pretty ridiculous to call this mundane news.


A third trilogy!? Three is not enough?!?!?!

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


More like the fourth trilogy! But it’s easy (?!) to forgot the prequels…


FrankT said:

A fourth trilogy!? Three is not enough?!?!?!


Edit: Z6PO beat me to it, although I was kinda thinking the opposite of what he said.

We’ll now have gotten three Star Wars trilogies in the course of only 25 years.


episode X should be a more original version of legacy…set 70-150 years after the ST in a galaxy where the galaxy is being split between 2 oppressive superpowers.

the “jedi” theocracy known as the galactic alliance…where jedi use their wealth from kyber crystals(the lifeblood of the galactic economy because of their cheap energy) and stock markets to buy elections and force their theocratic agenda down the citizens throats. these jedi are more or less masters of both light and dark sides of the force and view the sith jedi divide as primitive. believing that their rule brigs about the greater good.

and the fel imperium…which is less anti-alien and oppressive than the empire yet no less questionable.

main character should be a small miner from the mining world of apatros…his daughter is kidnapped by the galactic alliance and he must overcome his neurotic personality to get his daughteer back as he is dragged into the cold war between the fel imperium and the galactic alliance.


They said in the official announcement that this won’t be Episodes X, XI, and XII.


DominicCobb said:

Either way, pretty ridiculous to call this mundane news.

The ‘he’s creating the other two as well’ part really is that. Unless they’ll really bow down to him and let him loose completely unrestricted exactly the way you wouldn’t have done with a studio tentpole, with enough time between the installments to have him personally make the whole thing… that bit is pretty meaningless, especially this far in advance.

I am still absolutely beside myself that he’s doing a new, original Star Wars story.


Your average moviegoer will probably consider the ST J.J. Abrams’ anyway, even though someone else directed the middle chapter (kind of like how most people think Lucas directed the entire OT).

At least Rian gets to actually lay the foundations this time.


m_s0 said:

DominicCobb said:

Either way, pretty ridiculous to call this mundane news.

The ‘he’s creating the other two as well’ part really is that. Unless they’ll really bow down to him and let him loose completely unrestricted exactly the way you wouldn’t have done with a studio tentpole, with enough time between the installments to have him personally make the whole thing… that bit is pretty meaningless, especially this far in advance.

I am still absolutely beside myself that he’s doing a new, original Star Wars story.

I thought you meant mundane in regards to the news as a whole, not just that one bit.

Yeah, I highly doubt he’s directing or even writing the other two. But I think it would be odd for them to announce a spin-off trilogy if he didn’t have a three-part story in mind. Again, they could ultimately ditch his ideas, and whether they do or not who knows, but at this point that doesn’t really matter. It’s envisioned as a Johnson overseen trilogy, whether that remains the case doesn’t change the fact that that’s the idea now.


Episode XIII: So Very Tired

Well… good for him I guess? If this is what he really loves doing. So be it.


Fang Zei said:

Literally one of the first things Disney said upon acquiring Lucasfilm just over five years ago was that the Star Wars universe has “over 25,000 years of history.”

This would only lend more credence to someone’s theory upthread about Rian’s trilogy being about the origins of the Jedi, which is pretty much exactly what I’ve been wanting them to do.

Everything must be explained. Nothing can be left up to the individual’s imagination. And it’s all canon, CANON, CANON.

If this trilogy has anything to do with the origins of the Jedi/Sith, I’m out. I’m sick of this crap.


Fang Zei said:

They said in the official announcement that this won’t be Episodes X, XI, and XII.

Right, but I 100% guarantee you that Episodes X, XI, and XII are coming after Johnson’s trilogy is finished.