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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

LordZerome1080 said:

tbird97 said:

pittrek said:

If I understood the TOS situation correctly, or in other words if the people in the comment sections under those videos were correct, the Blu-rays are not source from the ORIGINAL negatives, as the promotional material suggests, but from new internegs created in early 80’s for syndication. That’s why they include unified opening credits (originally each of the first 13 episodes had slightly different opening credits) and fixed some of the effects scenes, like the planet shots in The Naked Time.

This is funny. I’ve seen many Star Trek posts get hijacked and go into a discussion of Star Wars, but rarely the other way around!

I was curious about the Star Trek original series as well. I did some digging and found that there are some audio on the blu-ray set which is not entirely. I was kind of surprised some enterprising (no pun intended) fan had not taken the audio from the laserdiscs and set it to the blu-ray picture or something.
I don’t know exact episodes, but I know some of the opening credits there is dispute about which music played. There is a found effect of a phaser rifle being thrown in “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and one of Spock’s lines in “The Trouble with Tribbles.” There may be others as well, maybe some musical cues were messed with and they added some ship engine noise for the DVD release. Anywhere, I have the set and enjoy it, but there are purists who would love to have the original “night of broadcast” audio and that doesn’t truly seem what was provided. I will end my Trek discussion on this Star Wars thread so as not to run afoul of the moderators. Feel free to PM me to continue the discussion if you feel the urge.

I most certainly will.

Beware LordZerome1080’s urges…

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

If anything, it is fun to use their official footage and throw it back in their faces that all of their problems are fixable. I won’t say that Empire couldn’t use some attention to get rid of all the SD footage right away, but it is waiting on certain improved elements anyway. Might as well continue the effort as is, as this is a project we know the community gets heavily involved in and we have a lot of say in what happens, we will have this GOUT synced as a guarantee, with all of the wonderful community produced audio and subtitle options that come with that. It is great that film scans have progressed as well as you say they have, but there’s nothing wrong with having options. I love Harmy’s work, and I want to see more of it, and I’ll watch the other stuff, too.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

BrightestDayFan2814 said:

Don’t You Remember Star Wars Trilogy Partly Despecialized Edition


My explaining which v1.0 releases I understand to have been official Harmy encodes and what file format RotJ AVCHD may or may not have been released in has absolutely nothing to do with a question of the existence of Partly Despecialized Edition…

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

oojason said:

BrightestDayFan2814 said:

Harmy said:

It seems he’s just a kid and English may not be his first language. I’m sure he meant well but he kept commenting on every single one of the pictures in my ESB comparison albums saying variations of:
“This Shot Needs To Replace With 35mm Print Scan (Team-1) or Poita’s 35mm 4k scan For The Empire Strikes Back Despecialized v2.5”

and he kept at it even after I replied a few times with:

“I know you’re probably trying to be helpful here but all you’re doing is spamming my email (I get a notification every time someone comments) because I know very well which shots need to be replaced using 35mm sources - all of them. There’s no reason to use old standard definition sources in the new versions any more and all shots need to be redone, since the next versions will be 1080p.”

So, I ended up blocking him from commenting.

Ok, Ok, Fine, I Will Stop

Could you explain you posting this as a reply to what Harmy wrote? I don’t get it.

Are you implying anything he said around it made sense to you?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

BrightestDayFan2814 said:

Harmy said:

It seems he’s just a kid and English may not be his first language. I’m sure he meant well but he kept commenting on every single one of the pictures in my ESB comparison albums saying variations of:
“This Shot Needs To Replace With 35mm Print Scan (Team-1) or Poita’s 35mm 4k scan For The Empire Strikes Back Despecialized v2.5”

and he kept at it even after I replied a few times with:

“I know you’re probably trying to be helpful here but all you’re doing is spamming my email (I get a notification every time someone comments) because I know very well which shots need to be replaced using 35mm sources - all of them. There’s no reason to use old standard definition sources in the new versions any more and all shots need to be redone, since the next versions will be 1080p.”

So, I ended up blocking him from commenting.

Ok, Ok, Fine, I Will Stop

Dammit… Harmy has a stalker. Welcome to celeb life!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

solkap said:

However, according to him, the SW 1.0 DVD5 has no seeders. And he can’t seem to find anything about any 1.0 MKVs at all. So my questions are as follows:

  1. Does anyone here still have a copy of the SW 1.0 DVD5, who would also be willing to seed that myspleen torrent?

solkap said:

But if it was never posted in that form by Harmy, I won’t worry about it. I’m not interested “preserving” something that was never really there in the first place.

Of note, while DVD5 versions have been approved of by Harmy, and in some cases I believe given access to higher quality video elements to compress from, they were generally not produced by Harmy himself. So DVD5s and the like you might be able to consider as a stretch goal, with the core goal of getting all Harmy produced files being much more attainable.

Also of note, while all of V1.0 was released as AVCHD, I think Jedi was not in an .iso container, which might be the difference about it you guys are trying to remember.

Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness

TV’s Frink said:

Bump. Any thoughts on the above?

I was actually about to finally watch and comment without the bump, haha. When you say choppy, how do you mean?

Is it that you reuse the same footage over where Obi-wan walks over and puts his hand over his mouth, or that the Vader/Robocop bit gets interrupted?

If either of those, I’d say neither is a big problem.

Actually, having the Gauntlet bit completely by itself makes for an overall less jarring, easier to follow transition to the Gauntlet material than the previous non-ice-cream version did.

Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness

TV’s Frink said:


Brilliant, I really like it, the original commercial was pretty special and this is a great call back. I think it works better than the previous take on the scene, honestly.

BTW, sorry I’ve been away for a few months, hit the ground running with something completely new to me at work. Anyway, I’m back now, so let’s Make Star Wars Funny Again!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

P1h3r1e3d13 said:

Just watched SW 2.7. It’s been a while and I was reminded how awesome it is. Thanks Harmy and towne32!

I watch DeEd a lot, what I don’t generally watch is the SE versions (unbelievable thanks for that ability, as always, Harmy and all), so, in a similar spirit, when I do watch the SE’s it reminds me how awesome the DeEd is… And I’ve finally gotten around to watching the Rifftrax for the OT (forcing me to sit through every bit of the Blu-ray versions), and by God the changes stand out (be it aging CG, or just badly implemented ideas) worse than ever… As angry as I get watching the DeEd when I can’t help but think that the stuff I’m watching had to be fixed to be watchable, at least it is watchable, so that anger in no way compares to what comes over me when I see the SE crapfest play out before me… There are so many show stoppers, and it is like they’re each designed to hit you hard just after you might have settled back down from the previous horror (which actually might be the best comparison, SE changes are like jump scares in a bad horror movie, they’re unexpected, cheap and annoying, all the while reminding you how bad what you are watching is). Hell, some stuff is changed just for the Hell of it, regardless of the intent of a scene, the one I went off on and ranted about to people recently was such a small thing, but when you think about the point of the scene it was huge… I’m talking about the Dug (is it an aged Sebulba? Who knows) that they insert walking around Jabba’s throne room when just about EVERYONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP, THAT’S THE POINT OF THE SCENE… That really got to me this time, it is a great example of things being changed with no regard to story or proper scene establishment… Hell, he stole the scene… who’s thinking about everyone being asleep when there’s this CG thing noisily lumbering through…

(And if you really want to ruin watching the prequels and the SE’s, any time there’s anything CG [creature or filmed people interacting with digital surroundings], try to focus on whether their feet convincingly touch the floor… it is pretty rare they do.)

Overall, it was worth it to watch it all with Rifftrax, and hopefully when I watch OOT there won’t be too many jokes I can’t get out of my head. I will say there was one thing in their jokes that was inadvertently telling about the varying quality of the SE changes… When Han was released from the Carbonite, as all of us here know, the effects in that scene were changed for the SE’s, but to the layman, as the Rifftrax guys would be when compared to us, the new effects can be confused as an old effect and reflect poorly on what they think came from the original, “They spent all that money on that CG song and dance and left THIS effect untouched???”. Not to say the original effect was amazing, but it is unfair to the original work to redo it at all if they weren’t going to dramatically “improve” on it, it just makes things confusing and skews where blame should be placed for how things look in the SEs, often to the detriment of the original versions, which previously had award winning effects.

Anyway, that’s a long way around to saying the DeEd is amazing compared to the official Blu-rays, which I often start to lull myself into thinking I’m too harsh toward and that the movies can’t be as ruined and unwatchable as I often bitch about, only to be proven it is even worse than I have been complaining about. every… single… time.

Episode III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness

TV’s Frink said:

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith is a 2005 film written and directed by GEORGE LUCAS. It is the third and final film in the STAR WARS PREQUEL TRILOGY.

A.O. SCOTT of the NEW YORK TIMES hailed it as even BETTER than A NEW HOPE.

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Ridiculousness is a 2020 fanedit written and directed by TV’S FRINK. It is the third and final film in the STAR WARS RIDICULOUS PREQUEL TRILOGY.

TV’S FRINK of the INTERNET hailed it as EVEN better than REVENGE OF THE SITH.

Therefore by the TRANSITIVE PROPERTY, Revenge of the Ridiculousness is EVEN BETTER than A NEW HOPE…

Interesting take on it, but not yet spoilery enough.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

If I was working on one monitor, the image part would be just as small, if not smaller. I had to make the monitor with the interface and the task-sheet larger, to make the text readable.

Perhaps I’m just not following your setup, I assumed you probably have two (similarly sized?) 4K monitors side by side you work on. I just meant while you’re talking about what is happening more in the left screen, such as visible differences between sources or various levels of filtered content, it would be nice to make that the larger of the two for those moments. Assuming that the sizes of the individual screens in your video was a conscious choice, rather than an inherent workspace recording limitation as you might get if this is a 1080p monitor next to a 4K monitor, or that whatever you used to record or put together these two screens didn’t force you to choose a dominant one for the duration.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

Here’s the promised new video. 😃

Great stuff, though in future videos it would be great if you could make the screen you’re focusing talking about the one that shows up larger, you’d say “you can see here” about various small details on the left screen, but there’s no way we can. Anyway, this video is fine as is, just a request for the future. Thanks for everything, and really glade to see this sort of progress and revitalized attention to the project!