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What do you like about the EU Pre-Disney?

JadedSkywalker said:

The 1990s pre prequel era is the era i remember the most fondly.


I wish I could visit the universe where Lucas abandoned plans on making the PT and gave the EU writers free rein to expand the SW Universe as they saw fit. A SW Universe with no Darths, no virgin births, no Mini-Jango, no Jake Skywalker, etc.

(<em>Outdated</em>) Darth Vader isn't calm in the original trilogy; he has always been very emotional

StarkillerAG said:

Or, as I pointed out, it’s almost as if a lot of the things that “don’t make sense” in ROTJ actually make complete sense if you look at the subtext, and a lot of ROTJ haters just don’t want to engage with the movie with that level of depth.

Exactly. Don’t want to waste anymore time polishing a turd.

Opinions Change

As a kid, TESB & ROTJ oscillated between being my favourite entry of the OT, with SW '77 my least favourite. Today TESB is firmly my favourite, my regard for SW '77 is much higher, and I hate ROTJ.

I liked TPM & AOTC as they were coming out, but even back then I knew something was off, though I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Once I saw ROTS, it all became clear to me. Today I absolutely loathe the prequels to the innermost core of my being. The good elements the PT fanboys all fawn over do nothing to improve them; they only serve as painful hints of what these films could’ve been under a competent filmmaker.

I didn’t like TFA from the get-go, but I desperately wanted to believe the ST would serve as the SW renaissance I had been yearning for for so long, so I gave it a pass, hoping TLJ would make up for its shortcomings. I watched the first forty-odd minutes of TLJ; I was bored, I was disheartened, I shut it off. I haven’t touched TROS in the slightest, and I won’t.

I loved R1 the first time I watched it, but my opinion has fallen with each subsequent viewing since. It’s still the best SW film since 1980.

Never watched Solo. I’ve considered it, as Emilia Clarke makes me horny, but my libido isn’t that strong (and it’s pretty goddamn strong).

I have little-to-no interest in The Mandalorian and any other spinoffs. Certainly not enough to pay to watch them.

My opinion on the Legends EU remains the same now as it did half a decade ago: 50-60% of it is garbage, but that remaining 40-50% I either adore or enjoy.

NuEU is insipid pap.

The Ultimate Star Wars Saga

Space Medievalist said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’ve spent the last couple months pondering this “Ultimate Star Wars Saga” of mine, trying to figure out how I’d go about it. Do I want it to be a trilogy of trilogies, a series with an indeterminate number of seasons, or a single film? How faithful do I want to remain to Lucas’ PT, or Legends, or my own previous rewrites? How many elements do I want to take from earlier SW film drafts? Do I want it to be a conservative rewrite, an extensive rewrite, or a little of both? Do I even really want to rewrite the entire saga? Maybe I really just want to pare it down to the PT, or the OT.

After considerable thought, I’ve reached some final conclusions. The Ultimate Star Wars Saga would consist of twelve episodes, forming four trilogies spanning four generations of the Skywalker family. The first trilogy, the “Pre-Clone Wars Trilogy”, would be a rewrite of my previous PT rewrite, tailored to make Obi-Wan & Anakin peers, Anakin & Vader completely separate characters, etc. The second trilogy would be a PT rewrite proper, aligning more closely with Lucas’ films. The third trilogy would be an OT rewrite. The fourth trilogy would be the ST rewrite, incorporating elements from Disney’s films, the Dark Empire trilogy, Dark Forces II, and possibly also the Thrawn trilogy.

Fickle sumbitch that I am, I don’t think I’ll be going this route after all, as interesting a route it may be.

I keep reflecting on my incompleted PT rewrite. It was something of a hot mess, but I like the story I was crafting; I’d rather streamline/expand it into a TCW-esque series than work with Lucas’ table scraps.

Some concepts I have in mind for this prequel series:

  • Darth Vader & Anakin Skywalker are separate characters. Darth is the biological son of Shmi Warka & Chlorian Vader, adopted son/apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi & Siri Tachi. Anakin is a non-Force-sensitive farmer married to Amidala Skywalker; their daughter is Nashira Skywalker, Darth’s lover.
  • Tatooine was a prosperous frontier world until the Clone Wars.
  • The Clone Wars were instigated by Mandalorian clone warriors, descendants of Mandalorians who fled to the Rishi Maze during the Mandalorian Wars and conquered the native Kaminoans.
  • Yoda & Qui-Gon Jinn are among the “Lost Twenty”, heterodox Jedi who left the order due to disillusionment with the Order. Yoda went into self-imposed exile on Dagobah while Qui-Gon established the Potentium.
  • Asajj Ventress is Qui-Gon’s foremost apprentice and second-in-command.
  • Jedi wield blue lightsabers, Potentiates violet lightsabers. Only Darth has a unique lightsaber colour (yellow).
  • Darth loses his right arm/legs in his penultimate duel with Obi-Wan, but otherwise remains unharmed. Further injuries/bionic enhancements will accumulate over the course of the Jedi Purge.
  • Adopting the alias “Owen Lars”, Obi-Wan takes baby Luke into hiding with him on Tatooine, where he eventually meets/marries Beru Whitesun.

Are you still rewriting the OT after?

Yeah. I’m just not going to restrict myself to the trilogy format anymore.

So Lukes father won’t be Anakin in this version?

Nope. Maternal grandfather instead.

The Ultimate Star Wars Saga

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’ve spent the last couple months pondering this “Ultimate Star Wars Saga” of mine, trying to figure out how I’d go about it. Do I want it to be a trilogy of trilogies, a series with an indeterminate number of seasons, or a single film? How faithful do I want to remain to Lucas’ PT, or Legends, or my own previous rewrites? How many elements do I want to take from earlier SW film drafts? Do I want it to be a conservative rewrite, an extensive rewrite, or a little of both? Do I even really want to rewrite the entire saga? Maybe I really just want to pare it down to the PT, or the OT.

After considerable thought, I’ve reached some final conclusions. The Ultimate Star Wars Saga would consist of twelve episodes, forming four trilogies spanning four generations of the Skywalker family. The first trilogy, the “Pre-Clone Wars Trilogy”, would be a rewrite of my previous PT rewrite, tailored to make Obi-Wan & Anakin peers, Anakin & Vader completely separate characters, etc. The second trilogy would be a PT rewrite proper, aligning more closely with Lucas’ films. The third trilogy would be an OT rewrite. The fourth trilogy would be the ST rewrite, incorporating elements from Disney’s films, the Dark Empire trilogy, Dark Forces II, and possibly also the Thrawn trilogy.

Fickle sumbitch that I am, I don’t think I’ll be going this route after all, as interesting a route it may be.

I keep reflecting on my incompleted PT rewrite. It was something of a hot mess, but I like the story I was crafting; I’d rather streamline/expand it into a TCW-esque series than work with Lucas’ table scraps.

Some concepts I have in mind for this prequel series:

  • Darth Vader & Anakin Skywalker are separate characters. Darth is the biological son of Shmi Warka & Chlorian Vader, adopted son/apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi & Siri Tachi. Anakin is a non-Force-sensitive farmer married to Amidala Skywalker; their daughter is Nashira Skywalker, Darth’s lover.
  • Tatooine was a prosperous frontier world until the Clone Wars.
  • The Clone Wars were instigated by Mandalorian clone warriors, descendants of Mandalorians who fled to the Rishi Maze during the Mandalorian Wars and conquered the native Kaminoans.
  • Yoda & Qui-Gon Jinn are among the “Lost Twenty”, heterodox Jedi who left the order due to disillusionment with the Order. Yoda went into self-imposed exile on Dagobah while Qui-Gon established the Potentium.
  • Asajj Ventress is Qui-Gon’s foremost apprentice and second-in-command.
  • Jedi wield blue lightsabers, Potentiates violet lightsabers. Only Darth has a unique lightsaber colour (yellow).
  • Darth loses his right arm/legs in his penultimate duel with Obi-Wan, but otherwise remains unharmed. Further injuries/bionic enhancements will accumulate over the course of the Jedi Purge.
  • Adopting the alias “Owen Lars”, Obi-Wan takes baby Luke into hiding with him on Tatooine, where he eventually meets/marries Beru Whitesun.
(<em>Outdated</em>) Darth Vader isn't calm in the original trilogy; he has always been very emotional

JadedSkywalker said:

Vader is such a superior swordsman, he is playing with Luke. He was holding back the whole time until Luke lands a lucky blow and then Vader ends it by chopping off Luke’s hand.

The real question is what happened to Vader in Return of the Jedi its like be forgot how to fight. He does not fight like a great swordsman there, he looks like a frail old man. Luke is the superior swordsman almost the entire fight. Or at best they are matched and Lukes fury gives him the edge.

It’s almost as if ROTJ is an incompetently made piece of farcical

Going away? Post so here!

JackNapier said:

act on instinct said:

SilverWook said:


Word of the day, don’t let the creeps rule the roost with their rabid raving rabble rousing.

Love everything else you wrote as well SilverWook, though I suspect some might not be satisfied, not sure what anyone would have expected but I’m sure a few will feel you didn’t to enough to condemn yourselves as mods in the name of addressing their accountability claims. Hope this doesn’t drag out too long in the process.

“It’s not over yet.”

The power of human stupidity never ceases to amaze. Just wait someone is gonna claim Ojason is Daniel Craig.

Stay phrosty.

What do you like about the EU Pre-Disney?

NeverarGreat said:

JackNapier said:

NeverarGreat said:

I like the idea of Jedi having families and children like normal people, especially since it makes their extermination by Vader a thousand times more tragic.

I actually never knew that this was a thing.

I only read of it in Children of the Jedi, an otherwise underwhelming book.

It’s also in the Tales of the Jedi comics.

And since I brought it up, add TOTJ to my list. It’s far from perfect, but the series did a far better job fleshing out the Jedi & Sith than the PT+ ever did.