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Episode V: The Ridiculousness Strikes Back

SilverWook said:

When Luke is in the cave on Dagobah, do cutaways to the idol temple from Raiders to make it appear he’s walking around in there. Maybe even use the music from Raiders?

Also, Vader’s mask explodes to reveal Jar Jar’s face.

If the cave is gonna be from Indy, I’d rather it be Beloch in the mask, with his insane laughter mixed into the soundtrack.

The "Name that Movie/TV Show I Can't Name" Thread

Desree said:

SilverWook said:

Desree said:

Okay, this has been bugging me for a while. A Hong Kong film about a ‘renegade’ Hong Kong cop, on the trail of either a drug lord or a gang lord. He’s about to catch him when the bad guy goes over the border to China. This requires the cop to go over and abide by the rules of the mainland. He is partnered with a Chinese cop who does things ‘by the book’. All I remember is a scene of the cop sleeping over night in the station, on one of those uncomfortable looking benches, and it was made in the 90’s.

Sounds like Supercop with Jackie Chan. The original HK title is Police Story 3.

No. Although, watching the trailer has reminded me (er… don’t know how) that the lead wore a leather jacket, I think he also had a goatee. Also, the movie was played as part of a Hong Kong movie season which featured the Police Story movies. I believe Supercop had it’s British T.V. debut during the same season.

After much searching, I found it! It was Rock n’ roll Cop, by Kirk Wong. Unfortunately, I can only find a laserdisc transfer of it, and the quality is shocking bad. Shame, 'cause it’s a good movie.

Last Album Listened To

ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

Tyrphanax said:

REM is incredible.

These are all the REM albums I own, other than Monster (which I forgot to post).

Monster is their best album! Most REM fans I meet harshly disagree, but for me it’s the best by a long distance.

Yes! Well, I wouldn’t say it’s their best, for me personally that’s Automatic. But Monster is hideously underrated, especially by their fans.