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Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

imsorrydave2448 said:

zombi51 said:

hello, are you also interested in working on other 35mm films by Stuart Gordon?

For example From Beyond 1986 ?

Are you asking if I want to do a scan together? Or if I will do more scans of his movies? I can rent a few of his movies. But I’ve got so many things listed that I want to do. From Beyond and Robot Jox would be fun to do one day though.

It was simply a curiosity.

If you also liked other films by Stuart Gordon.

IDEA- Possibility of access to 35mm films of Italian hardcore films from the 1980s? 18+

apr292000 said:

Did you ever meet the collector ? Curious to know if any of these are in a preservable state

n any case, I am happy that there are at least one person who has shown interest.

Do you think if I can find some films by Luca Damiano(Franco lo cascio) and Alessandro Occhiobello there would be interest in preservation?

IDEA- Possibility of access to 35mm films of Italian hardcore films from the 1980s? 18+

apr292000 said:

Did you ever meet the collector ? Curious to know if any of these are in a preservable state

hello, unfortunately no. I’ve only had a couple of message exchanges. I wasn’t even able to see the material in person. not even to see pictures of what condition the material was in. I couldn’t get an idea what condition of color and condition the films were in.

Idea for preservations of Italian 35mm versions of Star Wars

hello everyone,

I discovered by pure chance that this Star Wars collector owns the original 35mm film trilogy of all three films.


Would anyone be able to contact him possibly to see if they could get the three films scanned on a European scanner for example in Germany or Poland so as to preserve for the forum and future generations the original Italian versions of Star Wars.

Mine is just an idea, but I think it is valuable for the culture to preserve other versions of Star Wars as well always if possible.

Thank you all for any advice, and for reading.


Best Regards

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

AwesomeJ said:

TristAndShout64 said:

Hey, sorry for the radio silence and props to all the recent donors who I haven’t thanked. I’m happy to say that we’ve now passed $1300 and are continuing to climb! I’ll be giving a more detailed update as soon as possible, but in the meantime feel free to continue donating as we could still use money for the cost of a hard drive.

Additionally, when I have the chance I would like to address some recent events within the community that have shaken things up a bit, and discuss how they will impact this project. For now, I would like to share that while the project still won’t be strictly donors only, there will now be some restrictions on who will be receiving the prints once the project is finished (at least for the time being).

Either way, I’m grateful for the continued support and I shall give more details soon enough. To infinity and beyond!


What has happened in the community?

I think it refers to this episode


IDEA- Possibility of access to 35mm films of Italian hardcore films from the 1980s? 18+


Possibility of access to 35mm films of Italian hardcore films from the 1980s? Would anyone be interested in scanning and preservation?

By sheer luck I met a film collector who has adult material.

These are mainly Italian films from the 1980s for 18+.

Would anyone be interested in preservation and scanning?

obviously I have not seen the condition of the material I have yet to meet the collector to get an idea.

Would any enthusiasts be interested in scanning the material?