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Return Of The Jedi never released documentary

Update on this source in prior message
Anyway, If you look closely during https://youtu.be/RWw8-s_a0vM?t=412 at first I thought it was Rock wart running out on the floor but then realized it was sand being kicked up. Than I noticed the skinny yellow leg and I believe this to be Yuzzum. Which wouldn’t make sense since I think he was seen stuck to a wall in another documentary so how would he be moving his legs? And the last frame has something poke out the door but than the camera cut. And judging by this photo https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o5XEn-fTyN0/UXBRLEts0GI/AAAAAAAAJsA/NPqezzGMd9c/s1600/jtr25yuzzum.jpg he seems to be really small but the shot has him looking maybe twice the size judging where the brown thing pockes out…

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

kg1977 said:

Williarob said:

Actually Viva Pro did most of the heavy lifting.

The full Diamant Film Restoration suite starts at a little over $20k. Dustbuster+ is the cheaper, stripped down version which can be had for just under $7k.

Ouch…pricey…Looked like Viva was more of a editor from the website. I assume there are retoration plugins within not shown that beat out anything from premier and AE which isn’t much as far as full frame scratch and dust removal. If that is the case , Adobe has some catching up to do as you examples looked clean and fantastic!

For free alternatives look into the ai market. I tried out this tool https://youtu.be/xkCtFafVlys but I didn’t have a sufficient amount of RAM to support videos larger than 1024x1024. It was a bit tricky to get running but gpt helped out. This one hasn’t come out yet but is the most promising so far with enhancement. https://supir.xpixel.group/ Probably work frame by frame (possible moving artifacts when all combined) till a video version comes out which is probably soon.

Return of The Ewok and the 40th Anniversary

I was reading a few articles on the return of the ewok, hoping to see if any new news had come out but no. But an old article mentions: “While it would have made excellent promotional material at the time, it would be an even brighter gem now that the film it was shot around is about to celebrate its 40th anniversary. It’s unlikely, but Davis hasn’t given up hope just yet.” And It’s a terrific idea! It’s such a shame that ROJ seems to be the most disregarded by Disney. And since the 40th anniversary is coming up tomorrow and Disney hasnt announced anything, it’s not likely that they’re going to release any new restored version of Return Of The Ewok.
Like there’s even an unreleased ROJ documentary featuring Richard Marquand in the interview which is only in the hands of one collector which hasn’t been publicly and fully released. I mean seriously, what is Disney doing?
Basically what I think too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB_0G56Mcu4

Return Of The Jedi never released documentary

Still haven’t heard back. Guess he just never saw the two emails or is just ignoring them? not sure, but a shame we will never the full quality of this documentary
08/02/2023 Edit, still haven’t heard back from either email…
-05/21/2024 Update, still nothing. Got Tom to respond (who showed off the video in the video) and he says: “it was Howard’s footage but from a while back, he may have forgotten. It’s not our footage to share and we only had permission to share at SWC. Just courtesy and integrity there. (and no, this doesn’t involve Disney)”
So Howard forgot about it and now it’s in this collectors files but he doesnt want it shared and its not because of disney regulations. So in my conclusion: Hes keeping it to himself for some reason and this is pretty annyoing. This is STAR WARS History and should be archived and uploaded publicly if already shown to a viewing. I’d go on, but whatever.

Enhancement of a deleted EMP scene

Alright, a bit of a update: I have been on and off on this project. Removing scratches periodically, getting burned out, and returning a few months later. But Im just about to be finished restoring this entire scene. I’ve gone and manually had to remove most of the scratches, the horizontal ones are pretty tough and are most noticeable since they leave a glitch afterwards but ill try and fix all of it once I finish school and start summer which is like in a month. So here’s a snippet of what I’ve got. The rendered preview doesn’t fully render the entire scene so I’ve only been able to screen capture a few seconds before it starts to lag and here’s that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m2r-G5Ufsw

BTS Star Wars Ebook question

schorman13 said:

Bobson Dugnutt said:

Every video file is also tagged with “SD for Apple Devices”, so it seems unlikely that there are any HD versions out there, unless anyone wants to test the Google Play versions, but I will not be sadly.


There definitely were HD versions available when these were released. If you look at the store pages for the different Making of Books, you’ll notice that the SW and TESB books were “updated” to version 2.0 in December 2018. I don’t know what was changed at that point, but I only seem able to download the newer updates that only have SD video.

You may also notice that ROTJ is still v1.0, and has HD videos included still.

I wonder if it’s possible to access the v1.0 or v1.0.1 versions of SW or TESB from the iTunes store.

Could you send me a link to the page that’s got the ROTj 1.0 version?

BTS Star Wars Ebook question

Bobson Dugnutt said:

Ronster said:
Put your mac screen in a NDI


then stream your epub book videos to a screen capture like OBS on another computer?

It’s honestly not really worth it for an extra 0.3mb/s. you’d end up losing any improvements over the screencapping anyway.

can you send in some screenshots of the roj deleted rancor scene if you have that version? I want to see if its any better quality than the ones on youtube.

Does anyone have links to HD Return of the Ewok?

Im going through searching for any high-quality rote clips and keep coming across old forums from 2005 where the links no longer exist and the user who posted them is banned. I’ve searched through youtube looking for any good videos but all are 480p highly compressed. I have contacted one of the two original restorers who has yet to respond and I’m not sure where to contact SKot Kirkwood.
I want to try and make another version that’s slightly better quality.

Return Of The Jedi never released documentary

update 02/16/2023 still no response. He’s also asked other people about it but it seems like Brandon is the only one and doesn’t check emails very often. If it takes another month I think I’ll send Brandon an email myself in case he missed Howards email, if I can find it… This started in October, crazy…