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In the works of Making a recreation of the 70mm Print of Highlander


I got better resolution footage of the Dialogue church scene from the rare trailer. And noticed a few seconds of footage I’ve not seen I’m my edit. It is during the Factory fight scene with Kurgan and Connor.

And now the cut length is


And I added voice audio of an AI tts Christopher Lambert voice for his lines. Some are spot on, but some don’t sound quite right sadly.

So now I need someone to voice Rachel & Brenda. And sfx for the scenes.

In the works of Making a recreation of the 70mm Print of Highlander


The 40th Anniversary Complete Cut

Runtume 1:59:58
Aspect Ratio 1.85:1
Resolution 1280x720
Framerate 30fps
Language English
Format AVI

Footage added/cut

Additional 4 minutes added

Added Scenes do not have sound, except two

The other scenes without sound have Music over them from the film except for one scene.

-Scenes Added-

-Extended Wrestling Match Footage (Music Princess Of The Universe: an Early Master Version was added to it)

-The Scene where the Cop Bedsoe, Spills Coffee on himself from The US Theatrical Cut was added back in

-A Shot from the Original 35mm Teaser trailer of Kurgan saying “It was destined that the board would be cleared for the real players.” During the scene where Connor and the Kurgan are in the church was added in

-Connor and Rachel’s Extended Talk was added in (no music or sound)

-Extended Factory Roof Fight scene Added (with the Factory Roof Fight Music in its complete form added over)

-Alternate sfx shot of The Kurgan’s headless body was added in

-The Line “I want to go Home.” After Connor receives the prize from the US Theatrical Cut was added back in

-The Extended Ending was added back in (with the Prize Music track playing over it)

The two scenes that would need voice actors for is Rachel and Connors Farewell and The Extended Ending.

Here is the dialog for those scenes.

Connor and Rachel’s Goodbye


One way or the other, it’s time.


There’s no one in my life but you.


You still have a lot of life to live.


I’m afraid.


A beautiful woman like you need never be alone or afraid.


What about Brenda?


He’s given me an hour.


I understand.


Goodbye, dearest Rachel. My daughter. My good friend.

__Extended Ending __


Ramirez was wrong. Just one year of love is better than an eternity alone.


Right. Now it’s time for the ceremony.


What’s that?


Plum brandy. 1976.




It was all I could find. Listen 1o76 was a very good year.
America celebrated its 200th year of independence from England. One flew over the cuckoo nest won five academy awards. And Pittsburgh beat Dallas in the Super Bowl.


Is that right?


Yes. 21 to 17.


You’re quite a woman Brenda Wyatt I love you with all my heart.


And I love you. My Connor MacLeod.

Also if someone could maybe direct me where I could maybe post this Cut, as I know i can’t post it here for reasons, please pm me.

In the works of Making a recreation of the 70mm Print of Highlander

when you say the deleted Sean connery voice over from h2 do you mean the “full measure of life” or the part “your future will be glorious”

I can cut out the picnic ending scene. But I don’t know if it may effect it since it’s supposed to be a recraction of the 70mm print that disappeared.

Maybe If we are lucky for the 40th Anniversery we May get the 70mm version. If they May have it somewhere in their storage, I hope that they misplaced it and will find it. If not hopefully they’ll add those scenes back in with the audio as well.

In the works of Making a recreation of the 70mm Print of Highlander

Hello, I am interested the work of making the 70mm Version of Highlander that screened back in 2011 with the additional footage. I was wondering if someone would likemto help me with this currently I am putting the cut together, I need help with the audio for the scenes since they are only in the real version that got lost after the screening, and the quality of it to 70mm. I have a scan of the script and need some people to voice act for scenes and a sound mixer for this project. I should have the wip cut ready by tomorrow. Dm if interested.

The international Cut/Directors Cut runs 116mins

My cut recreation runs 120mins

Bad Moon - The NC17 version

Hi guys does anybody have a copy of the bad moon blu ray release? I am looking to get a certain special feature from it. It is the orignal uncut opening runs about 6-7 minutes. It’s sorced from a vhs workprint. I was wanting to make a edit to make The nc17 version. If someone be willing to rip that off your blu ray Disc and send it to me I would greatly appreciate it.


Bad Moon - The NC17 Version

Hi guys, does anyone own a blu ray copy of bad moon? There is a special feature that shows the first 6 minutes of the orignal first cut of bad moon. It used to be online on joblos website but it was taken down probably for the content captained in it. I would greatly appreciate if someone could rip me that scene, so I can work on making a nc17 version of the film.


Anyone Interested in doing an Extended cut of Raiders of the Lost Ark?

So the scenes that I would use for the edit (wh÷n I made my edit) was 9 scenes from the On set documentary

1: Sapito falls into the pit - this scene has a cut shot where it cuts to spliberg and I simply cut it out, it looked a little junky but with some fixing you could probably fix it,

2: After Class Studies - this scene is complete, just needs some cleaning up.

3: Marion’s Kiss - This scene should be placed before indy walks up to Marion, takes a turn and leaves.

4: Cairo Swordsman Fight - now this is somewhat hard to place if you intend to keep the funniest moment in the film. But I’m sure there’s a way to figure it out.

5: Sallah in a state of panic - this shot would be place after indy sees the location of the well of souls in the map room, which the next shot shows sallah going into a tent to make a rope.

6: The Crypt - there’s a brief scene where indy grabs Marion to clam her down and show her the exit out

7: Indy Kocks out an Arab - this scene you would have to cut out the exiting of the well of souls in the film to this alternate version, and I’m sure you guys know in the movie, when they are running down to the flying wing, there was an Arab laying at the exit of the well.

8: On the Periscope - now this was the hardest scene to place but I think I found a way to, you simply have to have it layer over the map shot of when there going to the island and have it faded to look like it’s part of the transition.

9: Belloq Prepares for the ritual - now for the last, this shot is immediately after you see the island at night, and would need some cleaning up as well.

The only other scene I didn`t include was the extend drinking contest scene, it had a voice over by Spielberg and felt it would slow it down. And some of the other scenes that I listed here do have voice over, so those would have to be replaced by something. The cut should run about 1:58:27

Highlander III: The Sorcerer Original US Theatrical Cut or Eu theatrical version from Canada preservation request

hi to everyone, does Anyone got either the original us Theatrical version or Canada’s full screen eu theatrical version of Highlander iii the sorcerer, I though it should be preserved as was The original theatrical cut of Highlander.

It would be very helpful to add that to the archives.