Originally posted by: Han Solo VS Indiana JonesOriginally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Nice. I wish more arists would give Wonder Woman the curly hair, with her being quasi-greek and all.
No argument here.
Don't know if this really belongs here or not, but I hear that Joel Silver has signed on to produce a new film adaptation of
He-Man & The Masters of the Universe, with a plot outline rumored to take He-Man's alter ego, Prince Adam, and make him a soldier instead of a prince. Not sure if that's a good idea or not, but even as a longtime He-Man fan, I can honestly say I don't expect to see a new film version of He-Man. I can't shake the feeling that Hollywood will either screw up along the way, leaving the film in permanent development Hell, or even worse, they'll just give us a really crappy He-Man film.
Has there been any discussion on the rumored Justice League America film that Warner Brothers supposedly greenlit a few months ago, set for a 2010 release?