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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Tack said:

So, a moral problem I've been wondering about: WOULD Luke have gone back to Yoda? Think about it. He clearly feels betrayed by Yoda and Ben at the end of ESB, so the question is, would he have gone back? Or would he simply feel too betrayed to go back?

I'd say Luke is more confused and conflicted than betrayed at the end of Empire. He's not sure that what Vader has told him is the truth. Yoda and Ben obviously know what's up so he would be crazy to not go to them and find the answers, where he will learn that Vader is the only one not lying to him. It's the conversations with Yoda and Ben in ROTJ that leave Luke feeling betrayed. This is a point I think the film should have hit harder on. Luke's mentors have twisted the facts in order to get him to do something he otherwise may have went against. This would be weighing heavily on Lukes mind as he is hiding in the shadows from Vader and a good reason for him to turn against his former allies and make a new father/son team with dear ol' dad.

Making of Return of the Jedi (the book) Thread

Heilemann said:

ray_afraid said:

Tack said:

God, Lucas was already in his control-freak phase during ROTJ wasn't he? I mean, that Black Friday thing was terrible of him!

Heilemann said:

Well you say that without having seen what was thrown out. Besides, coming off of the quagmire of Empire, it's not so strange, and the end result speaks for itself.

What's this all about?

It was about calling attention to the fact that Lucas had every right to be a control freak if that's what he was. It was his movie, which he had poured an ungodly amount of money into, and which every person in the world was waiting for; if that's not a good time to be a control freak, when is?

And as for Black Friday, I merely wanted to point out that you can't rightly call it unfair when you don't know what was rejected. The movie was probably a lot better for it.

That's all.

er.. Let me try this again..

What is this "Black Friday" incident you guys are talking about? And what "end result speaks for itself"?

Video Games - a general discussion thread

Possessed said:

Absolutely! And also there are packs for Majora's Mask as well so if you want to experience it again without playing the same game you can try that.  Also it works with Master Quest!

Thanks for all the info! The HD graphics look great and I love the cell shaded graphics pack too!

I've never gotten around to playing Majoras Mask, so I think I'll start going through that one now. It's one of the few Zelda titles I haven't played other than the DS games.

Things imperialscum hates (and other depressing goings on in his mind) ***FIRST POST UPDATED AGAIN, NOW WITH MOAR LYNX!***

xhonzi said:

This sucks... no one made a thread about stuff I hate.  I hate that!

Does imperialscum hate that I hate that?

(and right on, regarding the onions, mate!)

greenpenguino said:

Hey, where's my "greenie doesn't like stuff" thread too!? I don't like sand! Everybody knows that! It's coarse and rough and it gets EVERYWHERE!


Until you change your usernames to something as gross as ImperialsCum, no threads for you!


Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

KilroyMcFadden said:

If I'm making assumptions about things that happened off screen, it's that Yoda figured out that Jedi Master Lucas was making shit up when he scienced up some bullshit explanation about how the force works.

I'm not trying to defend Georgy or midocolorians or any of that crap. I'm just pointing out how damaged the franchise has become and that future films in the series have to deal with these things being real in that world. Sure, they can (and should) just ignore them, but the galaxy far, far away just isn't as cool as it was in '77. There's so much bogging that world down now.

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

xhonzi said:


Yoda would have taught Luke about it, because that's what he teaches.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  But if the Original Trilogy could tell the tale without mentioning them, then the Sequel Trilogy can too.

Then you can have it both ways.  PT fans (EU fans) don't get contradictions.  OT fans don't get PTisms (EUisms) in their faces.

That's true. I'm not really bothered with it either way. There isn't much chance of me liking part 7 when I'm not into 1-3 or 6. I can't help but be interested though...

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

we just didn't see it happen.

If we don't see it than it didn't happen, as simple as that.

What I'm saying is that the midicolorians are now a part of Star Wars. Part of the teachings of the Jedi. It wasn't that way '77-'83, but now that it is... it is. I'm not saying they are a part of my or anyone's personal cannons, but it is unfortunately an official part of the official Star Wars world. So to say that Luke wouldn't know anything about midicolorians bangs heads with the official story. Yoda would have taught Luke about it, because that's what he teaches.

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

xhonzi said:

imperialscum said:

Technically, Coruscant was there before PT.

Well I don't mind seeing some stuff introduced in the prequels (planets, double-bladed lightsabre etc.) but I don't want to see crap like "midichlorians" or "chosen one" and certainly don't want to see any characters from the prequels (for example using Hayden as Anakin's ghost is the stupidest thing I can think of atm).

No one in the ST timeframe should know any more about midichlorians or anything else that's only in the PT than they did in the OT.  Luke is the last Jedi after RotJ- where is he going to pick up terms like 'padawan' or 'younglings' if they weren't used around him when he went through his training?

I really hate this but... Yoda would have certainly taught Luke about the midichlorians, we just didn't see it happen. I hate that entire idea, but it is part of Star Wars cannon now, so there's no way Yoda didn't teach Luke about the crap in his blood that allows him to use the force... or whatever it is.

This is the biggest problem as far as I can tell.  However, Mr. Baca is sort of a problem no matter how you slice it.  Let's assume that in the new continuity that Han and Leia did in face get married (after he lost her to Space Fabio, kidnapped her, gave her a planet, told her that he was a king, and...  ) and had kids.  They're all settled down, and perhaps grandparents by the time the ST rolls around.

So... Han's roommate from his bachelor years is still hanging around?  Doesn't he have his own wife and kids (grandkids)?  I mean, it's cool that he and Han are awesome smuggling partners when they're young... but Han gets to settle down and Chewie doesn't? 

That and Leia definitely makes Han sell the Falcon after they get married.  She doesn't say anything about it right away, but she keeps pointing out how often it breaks down and how costly the repairs are, and oh! aren't those new family cruisers so nice! and Lando bought a new ship, let's go see it, and... well... it's what happened to me anyways.

I love this.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Continued from another thread...

brimforge said:

ray_afraid said:

brimforge said:

for the "Leia's mother / Padme"-Paradox: it all stands and falls with Luke's question "do you remember your mother?"

if one would cut that out, it just states as to why her foster-mother was sad => because she knew what happened to her mother ...

That's not a bad fix, but as always, I think it's better to change the PT to match the OT. No point in fixing something that ain't broke so it can try to fix something never worked.

I just think that some "problems" are beginning in the OT, see it as you will, but it is in these cases easier to "repair" the thing in the OT and accept the mess in the PT

I agree about many problems starting in Jedi, but I'll never "accept the mess in the PT". I'm all for Revisited making huge changes to ROTJ, but not to make it fit with the PT. Jedi has it's own problems that need fixing and changing, but the inconsistencies in the prequels aren't it's problem.

Honestly I'd be happy with dropping the sibling non-plot and have the Jedi end with Luke going off in search of "the other", though I don't know quite how that could be done. It would end the film with an un-finnished sub-plot, like ESB, but with no sequel to tie things up. However, where the ending of ESB leaves the audience with doubt and worry, it could leave the audience filled with hope and inspiration without tying things up too nicely as it shows that there are still adventures to be had.