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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Thanks for posting that screengrab with the graphic, Burbin. It definitely helps understand what you’re seeing.

I think the reason you’re seeing that, for me, there was a lot of haze/mist in the shot that naturally would remove contrast from the objects in the scene, giving what would be black that light bluish tone. To me the shot always had haze completely over the X-wing, but the top of the tie fighter was peaking through the mist. I’d have to check but I think it was like this on the original shot since the two ties have similar profiles.

I’ll have to double check and see, though!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

CaptainFaraday said:

krausfadr said:

Hey jonh! What a pleasant surprise. Does anyone remember that scene in Superhero Movie (spoof of Spider-Man) where a bunch of different animals start humping the hero?

Bahahaha, this is amazing, including the original enchange.

Great to hear from you jonh, hope you’re doing well!!!

Burbin said:

Now that I’ve seen it on a better screen I noticed that the TIE advanced on Exegol looks a bit warm (i.e. it has a brownish hue) compared to Luke’s X-wing and the rest of the scene.

I could make an adjustment here, especially if Hal is going to make a couple tweaks. Just curious, have you tried a couple different screens? I don’t really see any warm brownish hue, but I could make it more cooler/blue just in case.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Atom-88 said:

Hal 9000 said:

Again, I do like this idea and wish it could be fully realized without seams. But by this point my TFA edit is a diet version of Nev’s Starlight, and my TLJ edit is a diet version of poppasketti’s Rekindled, so I wonder what this edit will end up a diet version of??

I don’t see them as Diet Hal, without your hard work we wouldn’t have half of what we have.

Agreed. If anything, the theatricals are Diet Hal, and Nev and I made Hal X-Treme and Hal Code Red.

I should add that I’m not currently working on any version of TROS other than Ascendant. This project is already well beyond the scope of anything I would have cooked up.

Edit: I do have a possible contribution for a Rey Nobody edit that I shared here (probably a year ago at this point! But it’s in my Master Clips folder) where Rey answers “Just Rey” at the end.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

EddieDean said:

That’s the one! That little hint of orange in the forest shot really does it, I think.

Totally! It caught my eye immediately, and really sells the transition towards new terrain for me. Beautifully done, Nev!

(just a note I sent over a new pass of the ties to Nev, since the Biomes in/out has shifted, the ties needed to be adjusted accordingly, so that should be in the final)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

NeverarGreat said:

I could give it a final color pass if this sequence is locked, try to unify it.

If you have time, Nev I think that would be hugely helpful! It might even help to start from scratch with the color of the tie flyover, which you can find here without the grade. There’s two versions of the flyover, and I’m not sure which one was used, but you should be able to frame match them easily.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)


I wouldn’t say you’re wrong about anything in particular!

The shutter speed on the ties is coming from the blur added in AE with the Pixel Motion Blur effect. It’s currently set to 180 degrees, which is the typical shutter speed for most films. If it’s feeling too smooth, it can be dialed down a bit, maybe going with 135 or even 90 degrees. I’ve posted the project files for those who’d like to play with it. I would say I think the biomes shot is probably 180 as well, but everything looks so sharp because there’s not much depth (it’s all so far away), while the ties fly right by the camera.

The focal length is a bit harder to nail down, but was efforting for something around the 35mm range (seems safest without knowing what the shot actually is). I should mention that the biomes shot is motion tracked in AE so the ties are tracking along with the 3D camera (so even if the ties were just hovering they would still move along the shot).

The shot at the end of the film has had some debate between Option A (shorter focal length) and Option E (longer). I honestly think the focal length should be even longer considering the size of the sun, but it started to feel off with the Falcon getting any bigger.
[Edit: the engine glow would be an easy adjustment, I just don’t know when I’d have a chance to go into the project. You could also isolate that hue with a secondary and tweak it.]

The second ties shot has always been a bit of problem for me, but mostly because of the compression artifacts and over-sharpness. It came from a Nat Geo source I believe (which someone posted here probably a year ago!). It may help to add some lava or tweak the trees, and you can find the prores renders (with and without color correction) in my Master Clips folder!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Movies Remastered said:

@poppa, just had a thought. Cant you just use the same flight path in reverse and flip the models 180?

That could work, though it’s not exactly that simple in C4D unfortunately! Might be weird if the shot isn’t reversed, though, which I don’t think you can do because of the smoke.

Also, shouldn’t the ties be flying towards the forest Nev added?

Edit: Yeah Hal! Would love to see how it feels when the audio is mixed and go from there.