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Taking a stand against toxic fandom (and other )

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Well said Dre and Anchorhead.



‘Kelly Marie Tran: I Won’t Be Marginalized by Online Harassment’… (in her own words)



What did she mean when she said “my real name is Loan”?

Her real name is Loan. I think Kelly Marie is a stage name.

Is <em>Revenge of the Sith</em> the Best or Worst Prequel?

I’m not too sure. ROTS might have the most surface-level entertainment value, but I feel TPM is the most well-made movie of the three. For starters, it’s not a bad looking movie (all the stuff set in space still looks fantastic), and I appreciate its visual continuity with the OT. It also has a superb John Williams score, and its sound design is pretty great as well. Overall, it’s defintely not a very good movie, but it’s got a lot going for it.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I don’t think it’s gonna happen. They’d surely have released news this big along with the recent cast announcement.

Lucasfilm clearly stated that this is the “final installment of the Skywalker saga”. Singular, not plural. I don’t think they’re all of a sudden going to change this into a two-film ordeal partway through development, especially after the bad rep they’ve acquired after the productions of Rogue One and Solo. They’re gonna take this as smooth as possible and strive towards making a coherent, satisfying conclusion.

Just my two cents.

Rank The Indiana Jones Films

Five month old bump.

Here are my rankings for the Indy movies:

  1. Raiders of the Lost Ark (5 out of 5) The quintessential adventure movie. Its masterful balance of action, drama, and heart make it a near-perfect film in my mind.

  2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (4.5 out of 5) While arguably a rehash of the original film, Last Crusade boasts plenty of good humor and action, as well as the dynamic duo of Ford and Connery. The pair’s chemistry is a joy to watch on screen.

  3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (4 out of 5). The darkest and most exhilarating of the Indy series. Perhaps too macabre and over-the-top for its own good, but it’s a fun ride.

  4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (3 out of 5) The black sheep of the Indy series. While it’s often dragged down by weightless CGI spectacle and implausible plot points, the cast’s charm and the movie’s heart (mostly) redeems this middling installment.

Ranking the Star Wars films

What bothers me most about the Coruscant diner scenes in AOTC is that they’re completely superficial and unnecessary, and only serve to pad out the movie’s runtime. When Zam Wessel dies, subtitle her alien language so she says something about Kamino; now you can cut out Detective Obi-Wan screwing around, cutting out about 20 minutes.

A lot of AOTC is like that, just runtime-padding nonsense. Along with the aforementioned cuts, you can trim much of the Naboo scenes, shaving off about 30 minutes or so, cut out most of the battle of Geonosis, saving 10. Boom, you’ve just cut down a 2 and a half hour movie down to one that’s only an hour and a half long. And you can trim it even further than that, with the overarching story remaining coherent and reasonable.

Taking a stand against toxic fandom (and other )

pleasehello said:

The original story that compelled me to kick this thread off was the treatment of Kelly Marie Tran , and lets not hurl insults at people such as “duh” and "panties in a bunch " aye ? seems unbecoming of a moderator imho.

Here’s a broad-brush-hot-take: “Panties in a bunch” is a pretty accurate description of the Star Wars fandom.

To be fair, I’d say about 75-80% of the Star Wars fandom is pretty reasonable and accepting of differing opinions. It’s the remaining 20% or so that does nothing but complain.

<em>Solo: A Star Wars Story</em> — Official Review and Opinions Thread — <strong>SPOILERS</strong>

My thoughts on Solo:


· Really good cast. I think Ehrenreich did a great job at capturing the essence of Han, and I enjoyed Glover’s interpretation of Lando, even if at times it felt a bit like a pastiche of Williams’ iteration of the character. I’m typically not the biggest fan of Clarke or Harrelson, but I thought they did well in their respective roles.
· Great score! Powell really nailed it at delivering a fun score that feels both unique and instantly at home with the Star Wars soundscape.
· A mostly successful hit joke ratio, even if a few of L3’s one liners felt a little unripe.


· Sadly, it’s just not a very good looking movie. The cinematography is jarring and unpleasant to look at, and the production design is uninspired and rather bland. Everything was just so grimy and dark, I felt myself straining at times to make out what was happening on screen. Really disappointing, especially after how visually gorgeous TFA, R1, and TLJ were.
· The climax felt rushed.
· The Maul cameo was groan-inducing and entirely unnecessary.

Overall, I thought it was… alright? Probably better than Rogue One in my book, and much better than any of the prequels, though that’s not saying much. It’s a mostly enjoyable, if somewhat safe and forgettable heist flick. I give it three and a half golden dice out of five, maybe three.