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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

MR, the saber is amazing IMO, really well done, looking foward to see how it goes in the whole movie.

Also, about the AI thing, i like the idea of a “thank you” as Ben last words, i think it could be a beautiful moment, also “Rey”, “I’m sorry”, “it’s my fault”, etc to go with the emotional moment, let’s experiment, see how it goes.
But anyway, it’s a robot, not a paid actor, so i believe it would not be trouble to ask for a little more, why don’t we ask for a couple of experimental lines and to the AI guy and then make a bunch of tests to see how it goes?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I think an image its far more powerful than a phrase, first because only us, crazy zealot nerds, would pause The Rise of Skywalker to read to walls of Kijimi (and/or translate it, if in Aurabesh, as God and GL intended), second because is far easier to spot and understand the message in a good image, i love the idea of a bansky style grafitti, really cool stuff there.

And please, no latin alphabet in Star Wars, just no, deep down we all know it’s wrong.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:
Which of these renderings would be most appropriate to be added to the existing Portuguese subtitles? I’ll paste a spattering from them below to give an idea. Pardon my ignorance, but would this be similar to an American reading subtitles in British English? That is, comprehensible although maybe a little funny here and there?

i think axlanian’s version is also right, kind in the spot of funny but comprehensible, but there were some tricky phrases that look more like error than intentionally written that way (no offense axlanian, you did great).

Also, the examples were all right, alternating a bit between colloquial and formal, but no big deal.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

axlanian said:

Yeah, I’m still playing with the Palpatine voice thing. Right now I’m trying to just pitch his actual voice down to get something closer to his voice in Episode III after the Mace Windu confrontation. I feel like there’s something to this idea, but I’ll post a different version this weekend. But in my head, it’s less of a “last temptation” (I’m doing that too though, with Sith whispers on Exegol while Palpatine’s still trying to get her to kill him) and more like the disembodied Sith are all piling on her to try to break her at the most crucial moment.

i think the whispers could work really well, but to me, they shouldn’t appear just in the end, they could be there in Exegol since the first Kylo enters the temple, like the ghostly voices of the past sith lurking in that darkside madness, they could be really suttle in the beggining, appearing here and there, and getting stronger closer to the end, taking a bigger leap when Palps regenerates.
I like the idea of playing around with the theme of death of the sith, the temple being a haunted house, etc. Also, since the voices being recorded would come from the community, it could be used to stitch somethings if needed, like reenforce the idea of Rey being a nobody in the upcomming Rey Nobody Cut, who knows.
Also, i don’t think the echo in Palpatine voice works, it’s just too much.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hey everyone, i’m a little off the forum those last months, things are pretty hard here were i live (Brazil lol), but i’m trying to keep my head on my shoulders.
So, how’s the project going? V2 is close? I saw some nice things here and there, very nice!
I was thinking again on how this project is a big thing, and how this community is a wonderful place, very beautiful what happens here in the forum, not only this page, it brings joy to my heart in these dark times. I’m very grateful for all of this, this is a Fandom at it’s finest.
Anyway, i hope everyone is fine, taking care and doing well 😃

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

guys, guys, hear me out

Why don’t we explode the Tantive IV during the “Sheev Palpatine earrapes the Resistance” sequence?

sounds silly, but it breaks the incongruency of Rey’s lightning exploding ships and Palpatine’s don’t, also, it gives a little more weight and CONSEQUENCE to the movie (holy shit Nien Numb was on that ship and it was the first ship we saw in star wars RIP Tantive IV), it would have been a ballsy move if the movie had it done.

If yall remember, in that bizarre video, “The True Rise of Skywalker”, the editor made the Tantive explode, and it looked pretty good and convincing…

So… please?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Movies Remastered said:

I may have been looking at this for far too many hours but I’m not happy with the timing change on Rey’s close-up. I’ve had to slow parts down to almost 50% just to get the sequence timing right.

I’m open to scrutiny on this one…?


great stuff here folks, so happy everyone agreed with the removal “take sabers to Exegol” line

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I want to add another piece of wood to the fire. The line “you will take booth sabers to Exegol” it’s another exemple of unnecessary and literal lines, the end of the previous sequence is Luke saying “there i’s something my sister would want you to have”, and after we see Leia’s saber, we already know that Rey will keep it, so, the line about taking booth sabers is prescindible.

Also the line doesn’t make sense at all, like, “you will take booth sabers to Exegol”, yeah, but why? Does Luke knows that Ben Solo would need it? Have you read script? What’s that on the floor? Is that the script?

and come all canon stan with me like “but in the book ‘the trials of Tom Bombadill’s Lightsaber’ it’s said the force ghost can…” or something like that, let’s remember the audience shouldn’t have to read a book to know this information, if it’s not in the movie it doesn’t matter

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Wizards of sound and editing, i had an idea…
what about when Palpatine confronts Rey in Exegol, instead of he saying “Weak, like your parents”, he says “Weak, like your masters”?
And Rey response goes by: “My masters (Luke and Leia, booth dead) were strong!”
I think it centers more the plot around the trilogy and the idea of the Skywalker legacy that rey carries, instead of adding to the already convoluted plot of Rey lineage.
I don’t know if it is plausible to do this, but i though it was worthy the provocation.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Cinefy said:

It’s a shame no one has been able to make use of his edit created by Jonh, Luke Meditating in what looks like The World Between Worlds, maybe it fits in a vision.


i’ve always thought this scene is amazing, could be a really good breath at the mid point of the movie, as leia dies and kylo gets stabbed or something

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I always thought the Tantive IV explosion belonged to this movie, c’mon, Rey exploded a ship when se used a bit of Lightning and when Palpatine burst the biggest nut ever after 30 years he just stuns the fleet? Imagine how the stakes would rise if one by one of the fleet are exploding by Palpy’s Lightning while Rey is in the floor trying to regain strenght. But it’s the same old TROS problem of having no consequences. And exploding the Tantive IV, literaly the first ship we ever saw on Star Wars would have been a really bold move, and a respected one IMO.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

so… as i expected, too “fanedity” for my taste, there are some cool things, in the first half the music was pretty well synced with the “rise”, the tantive iv exploding was REALLY cool (Hal, please?), but the rest… CG Yoda and Gollum Anakin broke it to me, i dunno… really well made tho, wonder if the man could help us.
I’ll stick it to Jonh’s