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Is the idea of Criterion putting the OT out on BR or 4K such a far-fetched concept now?

JadedSkywalker said:

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

tbh what i want is a 4k remaster of THX 1138 in the criterion collection

Which cut? if its anything like the situation with American Graffiti Lucas is going to remove all the grain that was there in the techniscope negative because he hates film now. Also the director’s cut may have been done at 1080P or 2k, no one seems to know.

it does seem THX 1138 was done at 2K resolution meaning they would have to either use one of the pre-2004 versions (very unlikely), recreate the 2004 cut or create a new cut, i’m trying to be as realistic as possible within the confines of what i said

4K77 Artwork

calculon559 said:
They weren’t made specifically for the 4Kxx series, but I did make these a year or two ago.
If I can find the old .psd files I should be able to mod them if you so desire

i would indeed like a 14mm version (i know it’s been a long time don’t worry if the files were deleted it’s not a big deal) note that the running time at the back is the special edition running time as opposed to theatrical running time



The problem with most new 35/16mm copies are that you have to pay to watch them. This one will be available freely to anybody who can access Youtube. It also will not take as long, because there’s no hassle of scanning the original prints. This copy will also cost nothing to create. You can get 5 minute scenes on YouTube for free and then just replace the changed shots with an original print. I’m almost finished with the scene on the Tantive IV.

PS. HD=720p

what do you mean by you have to pay to watch 35/16mm copies, i’m assuming you mean a scan of the print not an actual print if not, watching on youtube is a VERY different experience then watching a film print

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI - Grindhouse 35mm LPP (Released)

garfnodie said:

Please forgive my ignorance, but not being a film and theater aficionado, I don’t understand what a grindhouse version of Star Wars means. According to Wikipedia, grindhouse are horror, splatter and exploitation films. I also don’t know what the LLP version is, and googling it didn’t reveal any suitable answers other than Limited Liability Partnership. Also, what is a silverscreen version?

IIRC “grindhouse” versions of star wars are when the film print isn’t cleaned up THAT much

Star Wars: 2020 4K Disney Blu-ray Edition Remastered and corrected

BetaMedia said:

That guy with no name said:

the 2020 Blu-ray IS in 4k. Also, it’s available everywhere, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you own it.
this should be in the “star Wars Preservations” section not here.

It is on 4K HDR10+. Not 4K UltraHD like Disney+.

(And the Blu-ray is very rare to be found as a video file.)

the 4k uhd blu-ray is considered to be better quality then the dolby vision disney+ stream

Will Disney eventually release every version of all Star Wars movies?

Chillye said:

I hope that they do! That would be great if Disney would do that, considering that a lot of the Star Wars prints, (such as the lost 70mm print of The Empire Strikes Back, the IMAX print of Attack of the Clones, and the 1997 version of the Special Edition) have not been publicly released on any home media. But we all know that George Lucas will not let Disney release the original versions, so my guess it that it is unlikely that they will.

in what way is ESB 70mm “lost”

D+80 - Empire Strikes Back - 4K Theatrical Reconstruction (Released)

omas4071 said:

pat man said:

Moiisty said:

so is this better than 4k80 or close?

4k80 is not even done yet. No idea when it’ll be released, they are taking there time and making sure everything is in order.
4K80 will be true to the Original edits of the film. D+80 uses either the Disney+ (v1.x) and UHD (v2.x)(v2.1 is the newest). D+80 is a reconstruction of the original theater version. It mainly uses the 4k 2019 masters as a source, but with the Special Editions changes replaced with 35mm film scans.

Hello everyone,

I have watched version 2.1 of this amazing edit about four times and I honestly did not notice any changes that were missed personally. The only change that was not changed back to the original theatrical version was the logo on the correct side of the imperial officer in the end, which was different from the original 1980 version.

Other than that, everything else seems to be pretty much the original theatrical version to me.

or the cropped falcon cockpit shots

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON'T want an unaltered theatrical release of the OT

darklordoftech said:

“There’s multiple original versions”/“it’s debatable which versions are actually the originals”.

Aside fron sound mix variations and the addition of “Episode IV: A New Hope”, I’m not aware of any pre-1997 variations.

and also the elusive 70mm version of ESB