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Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
Okay, back from Colorado and have tons for you guys including:

1) RPJ music video, high quality VHS dub from Much Music 80s Marathon circa 2001. Includes the original cameo performance audio. In addition, I have Paul Rudoff's version from the Vh1 A to Z marathon, but the video's not so great and the last ten seconds of the video are missing.

2) Professional taping of the Ghostbusters Spooktacular Universal Florida show dubbed from USF gift shop video.

3) Beetlejuice and Ghostbusters street show, amateur video capture

4) Original Sunday Night at the Movies presentation of the Ghostbusters feature film. Includes all of the alternate takes and dialogue.

5) Your much and greatly coveted original Sony press tape for the 1999 release of the DVD. TRT 6:09.

What I'll do is dub everything onto one disc (only taking excerpts from the Sunday Night at the Movies feature) and burn you both(?) a disc and print out an index of what's on it. That cool?
Star Wars DVD Covers
Coov- so I just found your older leather JotW covers buried on my hard drive (with no offense to the covers of course) and noticed that you decided to change the titles of the films on the front cover from the graphical poster style title image to a traditional typed font. Any reasoning behind that? Part of the draw I must say to the originals was the retro feeling "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" logos blending in so well to their original trilogy counterparts.
Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
Julian- assuming you're the same person on the HQ boards that was looking for the promo tape from Sony for the 99 DVD, I'm flying home to CO this weekend and will grab my stash of rarities and dub a few DVDs for you. I should have the following:

1) Ghostbusters Spooktacular - Various Videos from the USF Attraction including excerpts from gift shop video

2) RPJ Music Video (with the original John Candy/Jeffrey Tambor/etc. dialogue - not the MTV2 version). Consequently, did you know that the cameos were the reason they couldn't clear the rights on the music video for the proper release? That's why it's harder to come by.

3) 1999 Sony Publicity demo reel for the original 99 DVD release

4) ALL content from the Criterion CAV Laserdisc, second generation (sadly) dubbed onto VHS from the original disc

There might be a couple other tapes there collecting dust that I've completely forgotten about, I'll keep you posted (and post over on the HQ boards too, in case you're frequenting there as well).