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Max Fleischer's Superman cartoons

Nope. Both the shorts and the George Reeves movie are SD bonuses on the 4k release. Also, the new standalone bluray release with the shorts is plaged with problems, including those from the 2006 dvd that still hasn’t been corrected. So… I’m down to help with a good scan of film elements of those COMPLETE shorts if someone can find them in good quality.

Fantasia Special Edition 35mm Restoration 1.0 (released)

Hello all. I hope you’re doing well. Any fresh news on this project ? I’ve been able to see the last result and all I can say WOW!!! Terrific work on this. I’m looking forward for any future work/improvements on this one. The only things I think that still need some works are the parts that are still looking rough on the image (dammages and splices are quite presents at the beginning of the movie) and of course the Fantasound sound track that still needs some patches and adjustmants here and there.

Otherwise, terrific work and huge improvement over the Thunderbean release indeed (which, to be fair was only scanned without any work/manipulations at all).

Thank you for sharing this with us all. Let’s hope they’ll be 2.0 version coming soon.

Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

TonyWDA said:

monks19 said:

Any fresh news on this project ?

Since the last update, I managed to get another mono IB Tech print for the project. It includes reels 1 and 4 (missing in the first mono IB Tech print) and is exceptionally clean. Also, the SP color print from 1969, which I’ve mentioned before, has been scanned as a just-in-case resource for any missing or badly damaged frames from the Technicolor prints. I’m just about covered on the visual front of this project, thank God, but there have been some fascinating developments in the sound department— particularly concerning the interstitials. For now, that’s all I can say.

monks19 said:

I’ve been able to see the last result and all I can say WOW!!! Terrific work on this. I’m looking forward for any future work/improvements on this one. The only things I think that still need some works are the parts that are still looking rough on the image (dammages and splices are quite presents at the beginning of the movie) and of course the Fantasound sound track that needs some patches and adjustmants here and there.

I think you’re referring to this release, which I had nothing to do with. The project page you’re on right now is about an entirely separate Fantasia project, the end goal of which is to present as much of the original film as possible in 4K/HDR, multi-channel surround audio, and include a much cleaner optical mono mix as well. As usual, it’s slow goings over here, but the project is still progressing nevertheless.

Ah ok, wrong project indeed. Sorry about that (and thanks for the right link). Although, I would really love to see yours as well once finished. When and where do you plan to release it, Btw ?

Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

Hello all. I hope you’re doing well. Any fresh news on this project ? I’ve been able to see the last result and all I can say WOW!!! Terrific work on this. I’m looking forward for any future work/improvements on this one. The only things I think that still need some works are the parts that are still looking rough on the image (dammages and splices are quite presents at the beginning of the movie) and of course the Fantasound sound track that needs some patches and adjustmants here and there.

Otherwise, terrific work and huge improvement over the Thunderbean release indeed (which, to be fair was only scanned without any work/manipulations at all).

Aladdin 35mm (Released)

Hi. Was a new remix of the censored ouverture song done recently (with the censored lines back in) ? I’m asking because the difference between the audio on the movie (either from the LD, Blu-ray, etc) and the original soundtrack cd is very jarring (as explained earlier). Anyone attempted to do a better bob at that ?

Thanks to confirm if there’s an update.

Fantasia - Special Edition laserdisc (Released)

Class316 said:

monks19 said:

Ah, ok. Figures. When you mention the DVD, are you talking about the british/region 2 one ? There was a rumor that this one retained some of the Deems Taylor’s speaches (which meens, it must have been made with a master from the LD, if true). Also, about the mags, I think there are some surviving and Poita did found one a some point. if we’re lucky, maybe someone else may have this.

The rumors are false. There is no Deems on anything newer than laserdisc.

He’s talking about the missing audio on the Pastoral Symphony. About 5 second from the DVD was used to patch it up. Read the write up for full info: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/fantasia-special-edition-laserdisc-released/id/65087/page/2#1407146

Ah, ok. Thanks

Fantasia - Special Edition laserdisc (Released)

Starbond9 said:

monks19 said:

Hello all. Just saw the “restaured and uncensored” version you did of the movie. Good job. Although, I have two things to poind out that stick out a little bit and could be corrected in the future:

1- The HD scan of the censored parts. Any chance to clean it it up a little bit ? It’s marred with both vertical lines and spots that could probably cleaned up alittle bit. Also, the images look a bit darker than the ones coming from the LD/Early DVD (I don’t think Blu-ray image was used on this, right ?)

2- The audio reconstruction. The sound is good, but seems very weak at times (almost too low). Also, the different sources do stick out a bit on occasion (differend hissings and lack of it). Any chance to rework it a bit more so the changes become seamless ?

Otherwise, very good job and thanks to everyone involved.

For the audio, there are three sources used:

  • The audio on the laserdisc itself (a dolby surround encoding)
  • The DVD stereo
  • The 1961 vinyl for mono
    As you can imagine, we’re all over the place with eras of sound quality. The 1990 CD that was released with the LD/VHS unfortunately is edited the same as the movie, meaning we have no 1990-era audio to fix the deleted sections. The DVD is the second closest, but it is not mixed in Dolby Surround, meaning the spatial effects thin out and weaken during those ~5 seconds. The mono dub spots are just weak overall, what would be ideal is a magnetic copy of the mono soundtrack. I’m sure someone is in possession of one with the other Fantasia projections going on. This would eliminate both the hissing and scratching artefacts and provide better EQ (the vinyl copy is mixed very low and hardly has any bass). Of course, you could also just process everything to try to get as close to the LD audio as possible, which would be the quickest fix.

Ah, ok. Figures. When you mention the DVD, are you talking about the british/region 2 one ? There was a rumor that this one retained some of the Deems Taylor’s speaches (which meens, it must have been made with a master from the LD, if true). Also, about the mags, I think there are some surviving and Poita did found one a some point. if we’re lucky, maybe someone else may have this.

Fantasia - Special Edition laserdisc (Released)

Hello all. Just saw the “restaured and uncensored” version you did of the movie. Good job. Although, I have two things to poind out that stick out a little bit and could be corrected in the future:

1- The HD scan of the censored parts. Any chance to clean it it up a little bit ? It’s marred with both vertical lines and spots that could probably cleaned up alittle bit. Also, the images look a bit darker than the ones coming from the LD/Early DVD (I don’t think Blu-ray image was used on this, right ?)

2- The audio reconstruction. The sound is good, but seems very weak at times (almost too low). Also, the different sources do stick out a bit on occasion (differend hissings and lack of it). Any chance to rework it a bit more so the changes become seamless ?

Otherwise, very good job and thanks to everyone involved.

Disney goodies! Three Little Pigs, The Castaway, Fantasia Sunflower in HD! (Released)

Class316 said:

monks19 said:

@Class316: Have you been able to find a better audio source for the 3 little pigs ?

I have not revisited this since this post.

As far as a better source, The only thing I think about, I believe there’s a soundtrack CD with the original lyrics. This would be the only thing I can think of as far as a better source.

Do you have the full CD ? If so, can you share it here, please ?

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

nesboy43 said:

Are there any communities or individuals that share Disney LD rips? I made a few rudimentary ones with my DVD recorder so I could add them onto my Plex Server.

There doesn’t seem to be much on the spleen, besides Lion King.

If you have the japanese one with the 3 little pigs uncensored (both image and audio) I’m a sure taker.

Thanks to let us know

Frankenstein (1931) Audio Preservation (Released)

crissrudd4554 said:

Full Audio specs.

File Type: wav
Size: 708 MB
Bit Rate: 1411kbps
Description: 1993 Japanese LD capture (captured by LilBrutto) synced to 2012 BD. 1991 VHS audio used minimally to fix missing spots while “God” line is restored via BD audio.

Hi. Happy new year. I’ll be interested to see your work (so far) on Frankenstein, if possible.

Are you planning to keep working on it (audio) ? If so, what else do you want do you want to work on it ?

I would really like to get the image re-worked (or re-scanned, at this point) on both Frank and Bride.

Walt Disney Classics - 4K (donations sought) (several WIPs)

@RU.08: What about Snow White ? How many copies do you have access to and which issue version it is/are they ? Just remember The 1960 re-issue version (and all the others after this one) do cut and change some things that were there before, including some animated effects and credits). All the prints with the RKO logo should be the original version as seen in it’s original release.

Thansk to answer