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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

NeverarGreat said:

My biggest issue, other than the fragmented storylines, was that the starship chase and Godspeed Maneuver™ made little tactical sense.

Why couldn’t the First Order simply swarm the capital ship with TIE fighters until it went down? Why are all the ships traveling at a fixed speed? Why hasn’t anyone else used the Godspeed Maneuver™ as a weapon? It seems like a hyperdrive would be one of the most deadly weapons in the galaxy if just any ship could do this.

Oh, and I don’t care if Phasma stays or goes.

This. I would say the ridiculousness of this scene was by far the worst structural problem. 1) ships that size aren’t running on diesel. The idea that they all happen to have like 18 hours of fuel left is weird…space is huge. These ships would need years worth of sublight fuel 2) as you say, if a smaller ship could take out larger with hyperdrive, that is all rebels would ever do. Get large freighters with droids or autopilot…sure would have made killing death stars and super star destroyers easy…

Recommend editing the whole “running out of fuel” and merely have them reach system and race race toward planet…first order starts shooting them immediately. And if leaving the kamakazi moment, maybe tie it (somehow) to the shields being down (in which case hyperspace tactic becomes plausible). But all of that is a lot of editing and maybe impossible

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

DominicCobb said:

Why the fuck are people talking about the Last Jedi in here. Get the fuck out with that shit.

Sorry 😦 Mostly because of continuity concerns with this edit. Perhaps I overstepped the bounds. My apologies. I’m new here and not familiar with the etiquette.

(I deleted any reference related to TLJ that isn’t directly related to continuity in previous posts)

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

NeverarGreat said:

Welcome to the site, and thank you for the review!

When you say that the beginning of The Last Jedi is fine without the XXXX scene, do you mean that the information that the XXXX is clearly established (avoiding spoilers if possible)? That would be a relief, since that’s the only reason the scene went in.

Well, I think it is addressed in the crawl (if I remember correctly. It was loud distracting energetic crowd. So I was having trouble focusing on the words).



Edit by moderator…

lads - no discussion of TLJ scenes anywhere but the ‘TLJ Spoiler’ thread - and the ‘TLJ Fan Edit Ideas; with Spoilers’ thread - thank you.



TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Hal (et all): Great work! Truly. I signed up for account here just to say thank you (1st post). Watched it right before watching The Last Jedi.

As far as TFA edit, I have a few minor suggestions for next version. (those are totally dwarfed by the long list of praise I could give).

  1. The scene during the attack on Starkiller where Hux goes to Snoke and tells them they found rebel base really should be removed. Audience at the point is reeling emotionally from all the Senate being destroyed and Han dying, so there is no need for “adding tension.” I found the scene interrupted the flow of the third act without adding anything at that point. Additionally, it comes after the sun totally disappears into darkness (which is a big visual part in the Ren/Solo scene) and was foreshadowed by Poe “if the sun goes dark, we lose” and the sun went dark…senate destroyed…Han dead…So snoke saying “power up the laser to destroy the rebel base” leaves the question: But the sun is already gone, right?" Additionally, (spoiler free), the beginning of Last Jedi makes perfect sense without that scene.

  2. Maybe removing or cropping some frames could remove Chewie walking past Leah after returning at end? (Some complain about this, doesn’t really bother me. But seemed to me that maybe it wouldn’t be too hard to get rid of chewie there).

  3. Lastly, (totally subjective) I think the moment on Star Killer base when Han is nodding toward Rey climbing wall and Fin is asking why he is doing it…it annoys me every time. Reason for me is: Fins character, as shown, makes NO sense. His backstory is a great one. Abducted at young age. Not given name. Forced to have no identity, always follow any order…etc. Well, a character needs to logically flow from his or her backstory. “Chained by grandma to tree as child, beat often and fed scrap food…turns into sadistic serial killer.” But his character doesn’t flow from is backstory. He should be a bit scared and apprehensive toward his new-found freedom and self-determination…trying to find himself, find his own decision-making and morality, and identity “Who am I when not a number in a uniform?” Instead, he is one of the loudest and most consistent and defined characters – loud, extroverted, and challenging. It makes no sense. And any way to minimize that extroverted, confident, identity helps the character make more sense. But like I said, that is subjective. You already cut a few of them, but that one still stands out as “no way character this his backstory would act like that toward Han in that moment.”

Sorry, way longer than I expected when I started writing. Thanks for reading if you took the time. Please keep up the excellent work! Fans like me really really appreciate it.