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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

nl0428 said:

lpd said:

Don’t know if this has been said before but I have a sneaky feeling Rey is the child of Q’ira. Darth Maul created life ala Plaeguies. Don’t say much on the site anymore just thought I’d chime in with my theory after reading some of your thoughts.

I believe that the story arc of Rey’s parents are finished. Rey even told Ben that she knew they were nobody the whole time deep inside her, despite that she didn’t want to believe it. Daisy Ridley even confirmed in an interview with Rolling Stone a couple of months after the release of The Last Jedi that the revelation of her parents in VIII is what she was told from the beginning when she signed on to the trilogy. I personally like the direction of her parents being irrelevant, but I’m sorry to you and anyone holding on that she was related to a familiar character from the past.

Just don’t know to be honest, its been shown since star wars 77 and especially over the last two movies that its really being changed and evolving on the move. ie:It really didn’t have an arc. Each movie is being written on the fly. I really think that’s why that scene was thrown on the end of Solo.
But what do I know?

Happy Star Wars Day

Well. I was off work today so started this light hearted discussion and now I’m off to bed. In the end I watched the silver screen edition and the two grindhouse edition’s of the O.T. just finished TFA all on my projector and I’m all Star Wars’d out. My eyes are tired my head hurts but I love these movies. Good night peeps.

Happy Star Wars Day

May the 4th be with you all. Anyone doing anything to celebrate? Think I’m going to bore my family with a mixed bag of movies n cartoons later.
Oh and have some beers.


Mod Edit: For some info and balance… there are also some (7/8?) discussion threads to be found that celebrate the 25th May in the ‘Star Wars Anniversaries’ section of An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion.

How could I have had a VHS without &quot;A New Hope&quot; in the crawl as a kid?

The first time I saw the “Episode IV A New Hope” crawl was on the tv, and I remember my dad and I being totally confused and wondering where we could find and watch the other three movies.
The saying be careful what you wish for has never felt so poignant.
But back to topic, there where bootlegs about you must have had one, geez youyr family must have had a few bob to have a vcr back then.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

DuracellEnergizer said:

NeverarGreat said:

SilverWook said:

There are real graves and tombstones on the island, so they may used something that was already there.

Han said Luke went in search of the first Jedi temple. I’m pretty sure he found it.

On that note, it was very strange seeing a stone crucifix in one of the shots leading up to the reveal of Luke. I get that they wanted to portray the island as accurately as possible, but that was one thing that screamed ‘Earth History’ to me.

And people wouldn’t listen to me when I said the humans of the SW Galaxy were the descendants of Earthlings.

No. We are the descendants. This was a long time ago.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Rey… After 4 viewings I’m pretty sure that Rey is Han and Leia’s daughter. The way Han looks at her, the way he feels bad (or guilty?) when she says she “never thought there was this much green in the whole galaxy”, the way Leia hugs her instead of Chewie, the way Kylo Ren reacts to news of a girl helping BB-8 escape (“what girl?!”)… My theory is that Ben Solo had a younger sister and when he went bad they hid Rey to stop it from happening to her too.

This would make Kylo Ren and Rey equals. They are both the grandchildren of Darth Vader. Maybe the fact that one is good and one is bad is what’s meant by ‘balance to the force’.

Yeah had the same thought myself on my third viewing funny enough. The way han looks sort of guilty at that moment, although could be the guilt of an uncle an auntie who didn’t step in when the shit hit the fan.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Bingowings said:

lpd said:

Bingowings said:

Glasgow or Edinburgh?

Oh shit, too far for me to go, Liverpool?

Thanks for the offer but if I were to drop everything and travel to Liverpool to see a film (which I have already seen albeit in a different format) with a friend I have yet to meet. I would be very out of pocket and probably diced and deep fried by him indoors 😄

Ah well, you cant say I never offered. I wanted to see it in the Imax the first week but for me an the family we were looking at shelling out nearly £80!
Saying that I’ve nearly paid out that much with subsequent viewings.
On a side note I read somewhere that the Sheffield Imax has an actual 70mm print ie: not digital. Anyone seen it?

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Yoda Is Your Father said:

Anchorhead said:

RU.08 said:

When using CGI it’s best practise not to zoom it to fill the frame, but with Snoke JJ just puts it right in the frame to pull us out of the suspension of disbelief.

Unless I missed something, we never see Snoke. We just see a holographic projection Kylo is speaking with.

Goodpoint. He might look different in a photo-realistic environment.

Yeah, I’ve got a feeling he’s going to be tiny. And how Leia spoke of him he was probably or still part of the new republic. Maybe a bit of Palpatine miss direction/ cloak and dagger thing going on.
I presume Luke is going to fill us in on some of the details. I have a feeling were going to see flashbacks of a proper form or maybe a Vulcan mind meld type thing for Rey. If GL had made episode 7 back in the day we wouldnt need them but I think the audience of today will expect them.
I wont mind, I wanna see!

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

I’ve always seen troopers as canon fodder and that’s how I saw them portrayed. Massive in numbers but small in talent. It seams only the flight crew, fighter pilots and command crew have extensive training.
I’ve seen the movie twice up to now and still say its an excellent sequel to ROTJ.
And yes its got loads of WTF moments but so have the OT. Thats part of its charm, they are fantasy movies and should be viewed as such. You cant apply full logic to them or they would be very boring and not Star Wars. The film was well made and well executed, it really shows that the prequels were not. What a shame.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Really enjoyed it.
Went on my own to a mostly deserted cinema Thursday morning.
Left my cynical head at the door and just watched the movie. Watched it in 3D which to me looked good, bit of ghosting but put that down to the cinema’s set up.
Great depth and depth separation. One massive out of the screen moment as star destroyer struck me in the face! Music and sound felt Star Warsy! (yes I love adding the letter Y).
After the fuck up of the prequels this felt like a Star Wars movie. The humour felt right, to agree with Laurence Kasdan, it had the “goofiness” of the originals (not the silliness of the prequels).
Yes the plot was was flawed and felt rehashy but arent they all?
Casting was great, Harrison ford was an aged Han Solo, Adam Driver stole the show.
I recognised little sound effects from the originals, the wipes felt quite authentic (these little things made me well up!). To see Han bite the big one hit me, I knew it was coming but the way it happened, for me was good.
Technically yes it looked modern but its going to, we live now, not back then. Even through the 3D glasses the colour timing felt right.
All in all an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.
Its a good time to be a Star Wars nut!
Going again at the weekend with the family and really looking forward to it.
P.S. I was so choked up As the crawl began I forgot to read it! Ive seen the crawls so many times it just didnt register! Im such a big girls blouse!