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Star Wars: Rise of Lord Vader WORKPRINT NOW AVAILABLE

I´ve been doing an edit exactly like this for the last 6 months or so. A prequel edit inspired by Topher Grace that´s meant to be viewed only in the Machete order. It´s almost done and I´m not using any of TPM.

I want my edit to be in line with the OT, one of the things being that Obi Wan was trained by Yoda and that Obi Wan took it upon himself to train Anakin. TPM pretty much negates these facts so that´s why I ain´t using anything from it.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

That could be cool to establish everything but the footage for such prologue doesn't exist. The best you could get is the Old Republic Cinematic trailers and those are Anmimated. It's good CG but it's still noticeable. It would be boring if you just have a voice talking and explaining everything with stars in the background. But if good footage exists to create a good prologue then that would be cool.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

I want to throw an idea out there that I don't know if has been suggested before even though i'ts not very "Star Warsy", it could be cool.

So what I was thinking was to have in ROTS Palpatine coming to Mustafar to find Anakin burned but not saying, "And he is still alive". Just have him kneel right next to his supposed corpse, and that is the last we see of him. Then we show Padme's dying speech to Obi wan and we hear crying baby on the background but not see them. Then we see Padme's funeral, later Yoda speaking to Obi Wan about Qui Gon, and then Yoda going to Dagobah (up to the editor). Then the film closes the same it does originally with Obi Wan leaving Luke with uncle Owen and aunt Beru and that leaves intrigue to the audience that Padme delivered the baby and that that's Anakin's son, but most importantly they think that there was only one baby the whole time.

Now this is where it gets "unstar warsy". After the reveal of Darth Vader on Empire Strikes back audience gets surprised and wonder how did Anakin survived and became Darth Vader. So what I had in mind is to start ROTJ even before the crawl, to have sort of a Prologue/Flashback in the style of Lord of the Rings where in the third movie the prologue is gollum's transformation. This Prologue would be sort of a montage of all the things that where kept from us in ROTS. We show Anakin getting in costume and Padme giving birth to twins but still not naming them because Leia has not yet been reveal as Luke's sister by that time. And end the montage with Vader's "Yes master" and fade to black or show Vader and the Emperor on the star destroyer and have them both look at the early Death Star. When the montage ends we see A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away and Rotj starts.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

Captain Antilles said:

krloz said:

An idea I had:


New music to make the jedi more mystical and it also makes a great connection with the OT.

I think this works out very nicely. You're right--it adds both a sense of the mysticism to the Jedi and an OT feel to the scene as a whole. Did you have to time it to match up the Jedi lowering their hoods with the sound of the harp, or did it just work out that way? Either way, it's brilliant.

On a related note, I'm not sure how you're planning to cut this scene in your final edit, but I'll say that I missed the shot of the Republic cruiser landing in the hangar bay, probably because it was one of the few ships in the prequels that looked like it would fit nicely into the OT (I believe it was fashioned after the Tantive IV design). Anyway, just a thought. Otherwise, this is great.

I timed the harp to be at the exact time when they lower their hoods so they could be reveal the same way Ben Kenobi was revealed in ANH.

I think the pace does better without the ship's landing scene, it slows down the sequence but I do agree that the ship is one of the most closest looking to an OT one. Especially because I believe this is a minature and not CG. But I don't like the shot of the droids looking at them because there are this droids in the background that are also fighters, and they use their wings to walk. I think it's to much. I'm still not sure but if I can get these droids out of the background I might put the sequence back in but for now it'll be this way.

I'm glad you liked it, thank you.

The Phantom Menace: Radical Re-Edit

I have your edit and I consider it to be the best but rough. From there I got inspired to move the space battle to the escape of Naboo. Very good score changes and brilliant editing.

By the way I know you did this a long time ago but by any chance do you remember how did you drowned or eliminated the music on the center channel. I'll understand if you don't remember. Thank you!

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

SpartanJedi said:

Hello krloz, I think what your doing is awesome and I've always thought the prequels were disappointing and could have been so so sooo much better. I have some friendly suggestions that I will post very soon. I actually wrote down a ton of things in a notebook I wouldve changed about 10 years ago. I will find it and post stuff you havent already mentioned. Liked what you did on Amidala's voice and Sidious. There are a ton of things that should be changed but heres a few lines/things that have always bothered me off the top of my head.



To be deleted...


1) Anakin asking padme "Are you an angel?" this might fall under your Jake lloyd edit

which includes the "yipee" and most of what he says I guess should be deleted.

2) Palpatine telling the Neimodians "This is my apprentice "Darth maul" he will find your lost ship" The "Darth Maul" should be dropped as it is unnecessary and cooler if its left out.

3) The pod race cg characters are terrible, I like that your getting read of the 2 headed announcer the " Thats gotta hurt line" is the worst line ever uttered in a star wars movie.

4) At the end of the movie when Darth Maul just stands there and lets himself get cut in half makes no sense... This is a guy who is incredibly fast yet stands there for 3 seconds while obi-wan does 3 flips, lands.... and then swings. Maybe atleast speed it up somehow by cutting it shorter or having him atleast try to move his saber.


5) Agree that entire gungan fight should be deleted.


6) In the scene where Sebulba is trying to intimidate anakin before the pod race I always thought it would of been cool if anakin tried to force choke him because he was so angry. Obviously he is too young to know what hes doing and cant pull it off but Maybe add a slight rumbling of the force in the soundtrack before sebulba walks away a little scared as almost like sebulba felt something and was like "wtf was that?" You know what force rumble sound im talking about right?


I have to find my notes but if you like any of these ideas let me know. Again I think what your doing is Great.

1. So far I still have it because is the introduction of Anakin to Padme, unless I can find any other reason why Padme starts talking to Anakin, it'll have to stay. I don't consider it to be Jake Lloyd's bad acting, I consider it to be Lucas bad writing.

2. I've already replaced it with Lord Maul. This way I can leave the Darth only to Vader.

3. I've taken out all shots with the Cg announcers, and also try to remove as much shots with cartoony Pod pilots as possible. I'm also rotoscoping out a lot of background cartooony Cg characters that are very present especially on Tatoinne. (I'll show some comparison videos or pictures later)

4. I'll try it but not sure if It'll work.

5. Deleted already.

6. That would be though, but I want to see some of the dark side of Anakin. So what I'm planning to do is restore Greedo's fight deleted scene.

I'd love to see the rest of the notes. Please keep the suggestions.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

I'm going to try to dub Jar Jar with my own voice, I need dialogue suggestions for the sequence when he meets with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan for the first time, although I do plan to redub him in the whole movie.

What I had in mind was to have Jar Jar tell them about Naboo City instead of Gungan City, that way I can skip the awful Gungans, and just have them go directly to the queen via Bongo. As for Jar Jar, I don't want him to be so clumsy and annoying as he is, I just want him to be a little bit of a smartass but with some genuinely funny and witty moments. With the smartass part I want him to fill a little of the void that the prequels had without Han Solo, and with the funny part I want him to fill for the absent humor of C-3PO. I want him to have an attitude that he wants to fight but when the time comes, he is a coward. And also making excuse for backing out.

Please give me dialogue suggestions for anywhere in the movie but preferably the scene mentioned above, and also if you have any character suggestions for him, I welcome them. Also if anyone thinks they're up to the challenge of redubing Jar Jar, then PM me and we'll talk.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

fgqb#19nyj said:


I haven't seen too many Menace edits, but I figure I can bring up this idea, anyway.

Before the actual film's release, I watched the Siskel and Ebert review and one of the things he mentioned about the movie is the reintroduction of the lightsaber, which after seeing the movie I came to agree. I never liked how, in a state of panic, the Jedi jumped up from the table and ignited their lightsabers. It seemed so unlike a Jedi to be scared like that, and it also made the lightsabers first appearance in the Prequels less dramatic as it was in the OT.

Here's what I would do, if I had the skill and wit, that is.

After the Neimoidians contact Sidious about what to do, I would place the protocol droid serving drinks scene at this point, and while the Jedi are just sitting there with their drinks, I would then place the dioxus gas coming through the vent scene, so we know how the Trade Federation plan to kill them. The next time we should see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, is when the battle droids open the door to the gas filled reception room. This should be, in my opinion, the first time we get to see their ancient weapons come to life in the Prequels. I feel it would be a lot better than what Lucas decided on.

Well, good luck with your edit.


Great! I'm going to try it. Actually I initially tried to keep the scene but rotoscoping out the lightsabers and only show them with the hilts but it didn't work. Anyway, thank you for suggestions.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

Another idea I had was to either have the queen ask for the Gungan's help and be turned down by Boss Nass which would require dubbing him, and I'm currently not dubbing anyone because I don't have a good microphone nor a good actor.

Wow, imagine how cool it would have been if George Lucas had the Gungan's turned down the queen and then make a surprise arrival to help the Naboo. If only...

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

aalenfae said:

Just take out Padme's lines about previously being queen from AotC, and then you're fine. 
I think. 

That would work, but it will still not make too much sense why in the part when they are getting to the viceroy, Padme is leading everyone if she's supposed to be a simple servant. And also why is a servant choosen to be a senator in Episode II.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

I'm having a bit of a problem here. So I've moved the space battle to the part when the characters try to escape Naboo, I'm also eliminating the Gungan vs. droids battle because it's not needed. This way the ending is simplified to two endings instead of four.

Now here is the problem, Padme reveals that she is the queen while asking help to the Gungans, and since in this version they don't ask Gungans for help because there is no battle, I can't find a way to establish that Padme is the queen.

I don't want to leave any plotholes so please bring suggestions.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

aalenfae said:

I love her changed voice! 
It really made her feel "young and naive" as Sidious says, but her dialogue is intelligent-sounding despite her childish voice, which really almost strengthens the character.
Great work! 

Thank you very much! That was the point of it, I don't want her to be so much the damsel in distress, I want her to be able to stand on her own, which is really shown when she gives the speech at the senate.

By the way, I love what you're doing with your ROTS edit.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

strangeland said:

hmm having him lost the race as early as possible, how about after the opening crawl starting on Darth Maul landing and releasing the probes.That scene always struck me as a decent, heres-the-bad-guy-opening-scene, like in a new hope.

But he wouldn't have anything to look for in Tatoinne at that time because the Jedi haven't arrived there yet.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

Vladius said:

Have you considered starting the movie during the escape, or on Coruscant or Tatooine, as some people have suggested? The current way the movie works, with long sequences of Naboo at the beginning and the end, is a little bit tiring. This way you can also combine some of the action.

I considered to start with Anakin on Tatoinne on a pod race and then loosing to Sebulba like he says he did later on the movie because I want to establish him as a character as early as possible because we don't see him until like 40 minutes into the movie. To do that I would have to take scenes from the original podrace and it is difficult to decide what goes on the first podrace and what goes on the original podrace. Also I believe it would take away from the second podrace because we've already seen a pod race before at the beginnig of the movie.

I might try to start on Naboo directly to the invasion and thenhave the Jedi go directly to the rescue.

Star Wars Episode I Ultimate Edit (* unfinished project *)

nightstalkerpoet said:

Cutting out the Gungans completely is actually quite easy. Just remove every scene they are in. They are only mentioned in one other scene that they don't appear in - when Jar Jar and Padme talk. That scene can also be cut as it is no longer necessary. Jar Jar is simply left on Coruscant before the climax :D

Not actually because when the Jedi meet Jar Jar for the first time he tells them that he would take them to Gungan City and then it becomes inevitable to meet the Gungans. The only way to make it possible is by redubing Jar Jar to say Naboo City instead if Gungan City and that is the difficult thing.