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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

omnimuffin said:

kingofmonsters said:

I love D. It’s a perfect ending. But seriously, A looks great.

Anyone thought of removing the Kylo and Rey kiss? Is it possible? It just doesn’t seem right. More like Disney’s insistence on catering to both sides of the fanbase. Kylo is not a redeemable character. His arc was always going to end in death. And Rey was at his throat for most of the movie. So why kiss now? It just does not work.

I’m also rather confused about Poe and Finn’s rivalry. The seemed to have great chemistry in the the last two movies. A great friendship in the making. And now they are bickering at each other over petty things? I don’t buy it. Someone please convince me otherwise.

I think that the idea that best friends can’t bicker is hilarious. I bicker constantly with some of my closest friends.

I have no issue with bickering friends, but the way the movie showed that was a bit too hostile. Why rag on Poe for being a spice runner when Finn was a clone trooper? It just all seemed out of leftfield. They even had a fallout midway through the movie. It just didn’t feel deserved.

stevepaynter said:

kingofmonsters said:

Anyone thought of removing the Kylo and Rey kiss? Is it possible? It just doesn’t seem right. More like Disney’s insistence on catering to both sides of the fanbase. Kylo is not a redeemable character. His arc was always going to end in death. And Rey was at his throat for most of the movie. So why kiss now? It just does not work.

I’m also rather confused about Poe and Finn’s rivalry. The seemed to have great chemistry in the the last two movies. A great friendship in the making. And now they are bickering at each other over petty things? I don’t buy it. Someone please convince me otherwise.

This edit may be for you as it addresses a lot of your complaints


Just be aware you need to watch TLJ - Anti Cringe Cut prior for this edit to work.

I appreciate the link! I took a look through it, but there is a lot that I disagree with. I respect the editor’s effort and decisions though and I see what they were aiming for. I know a few people that would probably enjoy that edit.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I love D. It’s a perfect ending. But seriously, A looks great.

Anyone thought of removing the Kylo and Rey kiss? Is it possible? It just doesn’t seem right. More like Disney’s insistence on catering to both sides of the fanbase. Kylo is not a redeemable character. His arc was always going to end in death. And Rey was at his throat for most of the movie. So why kiss now? It just does not work.

I’m also rather confused about Poe and Finn’s rivalry. The seemed to have great chemistry in the the last two movies. A great friendship in the making. And now they are bickering at each other over petty things? I don’t buy it. Someone please convince me otherwise.

Info Wanted: List of most current preservation versions (Despecialized, 4k77, 4k83)

I have the initial mkv releases of 4K77 and 4K83 (no DNR). What would be the best way to get the no DNR color graded versions by Sanjuro? Would contacting Sanjuro work?

Thank goodness my Despecialized versions are up to date. Took forever to get those.

Edit: Contacting Sanjuro worked. Thanks so much!

Transformers Primeval (AoE/tLK) (Released)

The proposed changes sound good so far. Personally, I watch the Transformers movies for the robot action, so if you can keep as much as that while cutting down on the fluff, it would be a huge improvement. Granted, these films are sort of guilty pleasures for me, but dangit they’re enjoyable!

There are also a whole bunch of continuity errors among other things in the films. Here’s a list of them for T4: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:Age_of_Extinction(film)#Continuity_errors. Not sure if it’s worth attempting to address anything in here, but it may provide some useful information.

My suggestion is simply to cut down on the humans goofing around and wasting time. I personally think 2 and 3 are decent enough on there own, but I’d like to see how you’d combine them. Films 4 and 5… yeah, there’s a lot of fluff that can be cut out. Transformium? Really? All we need is a simple plot to keep things moving forward.

Also, about Optimus leaving Earth. In film 4, Quintessa (his creator) sent Lockdown after Optimus to bring him to Quintessa. Optimus wanted to find out why Quintessa wanted his presence, so he left Earth at the end of film 4. In the beginning of film 5, he just gets blamed for the loss of Cybertron and then subsequently brainwashed by Quintessa. Not very compelling, but it serves the plot.

Godzilla, King of the Monsters - The Monster Cut (Released)

Sounds perfect. The humans, once again, were just distractions in this film. At least the first film was somewhat compelling. We wanted to see kaiju fights, not people being shocked or running around! Have you considered possibly brightening up certain scenes? The end fight, while more visible than the first movie, is a tad on the dark side. Or maybe it was the theatre I went to. Either way, I’d love to give your edit a watch!

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

One of the reasons why I love movies so much is how they can be understood and interpreted in many ways. I agree with Hal 9000’s inclusion of the creepy staring from Anakin. It fits because love in the prequel trilogy isn’t really love. The original trilogy had real love in it between the characters, even Darth Vader somewhat redeems himself over familial love.

In these prequels, I think Anakin is obsessed with Padme rather than in love with her. It fits his character’s downfall to the dark side and how he tries so hard to justify what he does (he wants the power to “protect” her or something to that degree).

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

I grew up with the prequel trilogy so they have a special place in my heart despite their flaws and odd CG. It’s been a year or two since I’ve seen the films in full; I did a marathon of Hal’s edits. I’ve always thought the films looked a bit too clean and video game-y, so when I first saw your previews of the “filmized” version of the movies, I was beyond excited.

Not only does it dampen the effect of the low quality CG, but it gives the film a more natural look in my opinion. You’re doing an amazing job! Even if you don’t consider the project a perfect realization of what you want to achieve, I think it’s a great step forward in that direction.

Also, if you need help choosing parts for a new PC, I may be able to help. I’m a bit of a computer geek so maybe I have some useful tips?

Star Wars: The Coaxium Heist (COMPLETED)

Oooh this looks like the edit I’ve been waiting for. While I enjoyed Solo, it was brought down by padding and the unnecessary nods to the other films. Just felt too tongue-in-cheek?

There is one thing that bothered me and I’m not sure if it’s possible to fix. I’ve always imagined the Kessel Run as a Han’s legendary feat. The fact that he got help from a bunch of other people kinda lessens the value of it. Probably just a nitpick, it was still a fun sequence to watch.

Anyways, I’m diggin’ the list of changes. Are you planning to do any color correcting by any chance? I’m not sure if it was the theatre I saw the film in, but it was so dark and monotone. The film just felt devoid of any interesting color.

The Last Jedi: Badly edited or just bad? My fixes...

Hrmm, I personally believe it was a great film. I’m not quite sure why it gets so much hate. It’s flawed sure, but not terribly so. It seems like main issue is that The Last Jedi isn’t a traditional Star Wars film.

It was a slower, darker take on the franchise with subtle themes sprinkled in. Most of all, it didn’t heed fan expectations. Snoke as the big bad guy? Nope, killed off. Rey’s parents? Who cares! Epic lightsaber fight? It was a trick! I actually enjoyed these small twists.

So the movie ain’t a traditional Star Wars flick, but is it a bad Star Wars flick? Obviously a lot of people think so. I disagree, though that doesn’t go without saying it wasn’t a risky film. The overall tone and style of the film might have been better suited for a spin-off film rather than a core film.

Still, I am curious to see the other perspectives on this film. I think Luke handing back the lightsaber works, though the cut back to Rey felt a tad quick. I like the idea however.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Revisited] (Released)

I’ve been reading through all of your Harry Potter threads and I really like all the tweaks and alterations throughout. I’ve always felt that the films sometimes felt oddly edited and disjointed. The series is still fresh in my mind considering I’ve binged all the films recently so it’d be interesting to see how these changes affect the experience. I’d like a link please.

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

I remember reading about this edit from the reddit thread. I’m glad to come across an edit that doesn’t cut the film down so much. The various trims and tweaks help tighten up the story and keep it from dragging too much.

Personally, I would have preferred at least a cut down version of the Fathier escape; however, I understand why it was removed. It feels as if Finn and Rose’s side story is too brief. I know Canto Bight is not highly regarded, but I enjoyed seeing a new part of the Star Wars universe even if it was brief.

Still, this is probably my favorite edit of TLJ so far. Well done!